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Wow! if it is enforceable, this is a major plus for the transsexual community as a whole in the United States. My question will be, will this ruling only affect those who are on Obama Care insurance or will it become inclusive to all health care policies for everyone across the nation? I have not been an Obama supporter but I will change much of my protest of his policies if he can make this stick. I know that the religious right will fight this tooth and nail. I just hope in the end they get their teeth knocked out.


actually might be easier than you think

Teresa L.'s picture

Because until the early 80's, i believe it was the Reagan Administration made the decision, but was requested under the Carter administration, ordered a study on SRS and its effectiveness. the think tank used, gave the job to Janice Raymond, a known Virulent TERF, even then. she did, as the recent op-ed story in the wall street journal i think it was, used a bunch of flawed small studies to show it had no realistic effect on the health of trans persons, so that the government CHANGED policy, so that Medicare would no longer cover it, as it was deemed to be "experimental". yes before then it was covered by most insurance, because Medicare did, and it was seen as the "gold" standard for health care coverage. Just recently, a court case was won which now will allow coverage under medicare, but on a case by case basis on need. the court agreed that the original decision was based on flawed reports and studies.

I also have not been a big supporter. i am diabetic, and trans. if i were to pay the 250+ a month for the cheapest insurance on the exchanges, it would have covered, about 100 every three months of expenses at the MOST for my current conditions, so it would cost me and extra 650 every three months just in CASE i got sick, etc because not ONE form of insurance here covers trans related care, every single one categorically EXCLUDES it. if it covered it, i would have signed up for a 375 plan, low co pays, and only $500 deductible, back then. i pay $40 a month for HRT, $100-200 for therapy, then add in dr visits, and blood work, it would have been a little more, but affordable to me. i make enough that i get a whopping $5 a month subsidy, but where i live its enough to pay bills, medical, and have a little left over, i am not "poor", or homeless, or i could get Medicaid already. and yes i have had a large bill i am paying on because i had no real insurance at the time, making payments.

so if he can get it changed to standard coverage in Medicare, it will become "standard" for coverage so long as the regulators stay on the ball, or at least offered as a rider coverage, something. we will see if his words equate into actions. because honestly all i have heard are words, i have not seen any actions on our behalf. the lawsuit was filed by a citizen, not the administration. politicians are great for promising things, but until they deliver, i am skeptical, and proven wise to be so.

Teresa L.

Teresa L.


Teresa L.'s picture

i got a message telling me someone didnt know the meaning of TERF.

it stands for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists. they feel trans woman are just men who have mutilated themselves in order to infiltrate and take over form inside the feminist movement.

Teresa L.


She said that GCS/GRS is "the rape of a woman that a man couldn't colonise with his penis"

Laws first, enforcement is more difficult.

For many trans folk, life is an unmitigated disaster because of the rejection of loved ones, employers, and everyone else. I will say that there has been a lot of improvement in the last 10 years. The goals of trans people are as varied as those of the general population, and I am extremely narrow minded on what makes a woman. Learning to moderate that view and to be fair with others is hard.

Socially and medically people have been very kind. Still volunteering at non-profits can be problematic. And I never actually know if those who reject me are doing so because I am trans or Muslim. Undoubtedly some just think I am nutty.