Atalanta at Whateley: School Days Chapters 22

I'm posting this earlier while I have some time. Atalanta starts her class assessments and meets Dr. Bellows for the first time. She also meets a group of bullies and ends up with more face time in security. And she make the acquaintance of Mr. Hawthorne! I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Chapter 22

After showering, primping before the mirror, and dressing in the school sanctioned uniform I skipped down the landing to find Mrs. Horton waiting. She handed me a slip of paper, “Your schedule,” she stated.

“Thank you,” I said smiling at her retreating figure.

After eating breakfast the rest of the morning was taken up with placement tests from 9 to 12 at one hour intervals; an hour for lunch and another test from 1 to 2 before an hour with Dr. Bellows beginning at 2.

At precisely 2pm I knocked on Dr. Bellows office. He invited me in and to sit.

“What no couch,” I quipped.

“Old fashioned,” he declared with a wave of his hands. “Comfortable?”

Nodding I waited patiently for the doctor to begin.

“Atalanta what are your impressions from your first few days at Whateley?”

Succinctly I replied, “Competent, concerned staff. Good food. Nice room. Good people at Poe. Some bullies. Nice country.” I might as well be reading a list of ingredients from a box of cereal.

Dr Bellows frowned, “Let’s take them one by one. But first, what you tell me is and remains confidential. Tell me why you think our staff is as you described them competent and concerned, and not say concerned, caring or compassionate.”

I carefully choose my words, “My observations lead me to believe that the school has developed a system that works well for the conditions here. Adhering to that system makes their job easier. Recognizing that makes them competent. They are also concerned any breaches in that system makes their job harder and less competent.”

“You make it sound cold and calculating,” he commented mildly.

“Calculating certainly but I'd use formal not cold. As far as the other “C's” I didn't say they weren't that.”

Bellows cleared his throat as he made a few notes, “You mentioned good food.”

“It’s well prepared and there is plenty of it with a wide variety, and companionship for dinner helps.”

“Ah,” he smiled, “care to elaborate.”

“It’s mostly the people from Poe, and the Kimbas in particular. We joke around and kid one another. It makes eating more than just eating. I think we will help each other if needed. But I seem to be acquiring more acquaintances in security than in the student body.”

Dr. Bellows wanted to know how I felt about changing sexes.

“I assume you are interested in how I coped initially.”

“Yes but also any issues that might have come up since.”

I told him how my mother, Aunt Judy and Lindsey had given me a weekly female goal, to complete each week. At the end of that week we'd meet for dinner and I had to demonstrate that I had completed my assigned task.

“I guess you could say Mom didn't give me time to dwell on it. So I didn't. In exchange I got her to let Manny give me self defense lessons,” I said summing up my transition.

That is the way the hour was spent with him asking questions, jumping from subject to subject, and writing notes at my answers or non answers. Dull, boring, and predictable.

That afternoon in another part of Schuster the phone rang in an office with the door closed as the Headmistress was putting the finishing touches on a successful fall semester. “Hello,” she answered, the phone cradled against her ear as she read more reports.

“Mrs. Carson, Nick O’Reilly.”

“Mr. O’Reilly, how nice it is to talk with you again. Did you find anything out?”

“I can tell you this much, Mr. Black comes with the highest recommendations from some very high level people. In fact the Navy is holding his position open and is actively recruiting his reenlistment. I was able to track him down, and in fact spoke with him. He thinks highly of Atalanta and didn't know much about her latest change but doesn't think it will affect her too much. But he very much would like to remain in contact with her. Have you given any consideration to hiring him in security, or even as instructor?”

“As I said we are always on the lookout for good security people and same goes as an instructor. If he could fill out a resume and send it in and follow that up with a visit.”

Nick chuckled on his side of the phone, “The resume will have some blank years on it but it should be on your desk today. If you, and or Chief Delarose are available he can be there Friday.”

“What time.”

“Will 2pm work for you?”

“Yes, 2pm is fine. But can you have him call me this afternoon to confirm.”

“I’ll let him know that. You asked about Atalanta's father Lt Colonel Frank Reid. He was serving in the 513 Military Intel Brigade out of Iraq. He was career army, his wife, Atalanta's mother, is a doctor and medic and both are college educated. He or rather she was raised as an Army brat.”

“Thanks for the info on Atalanta's father I'm not sure how it fits in here though, but it’s another piece to file. Are you going to get to spend any time with Nikki at Christmas?” she asked.

“I have a few days off and plan to fly to St Louis to spend time with both Nikki and her brother at their mother's home. How about you, are you visiting the grand kids?”

“Yeah,” she admitted her voice softening thinking of them, “I really love this time of the year. And speaking of vacation time I better get busy, so I can get that time off.”

“Me too,” he agreed and having said their good-byes they hung up.

After seeing Dr. Bellows I went back to Poe and hung out with Team Kimba in their designated corner; I had been officially adopted as a groupie. It was too early for dinner and we fell into an agreeable silence.

The clock read 3:30pm and I was restless, “Guys I need to get outside for awhile, maybe run the rooftops, swing from the ceilings, or I just might find the tallest tree I can find and just look.”

“Look at what?” Chaka inquired amused.

“At nothing mostly,” I answered adding, “Sometimes when I look way off at nothing, something comes to mind. At least I hope nothing falls out of my mind, I don't have any to spare,” I grinned.

“One is the loneliest number,” Ayla smirked.

“I'll try to remember that and keep my mouth closed.”

“If you want a tree to climb,” Fey offered, “about hundred yards north from here is a giant Hawthorn maybe 50 feet high with plenty of foliage. And Hawthorns have certain properties.”

“Thanks, Nikki I might just do that. Right now though I'm going to Kane and let Sam know where I'll be.”

“You have to check in with them, that sucks.”

“Nah, not really, I'm just playing nice.”

The walk to Kane didn’t take long. Pushing the door open I stepped inside, asking the receptionist “Is Samantha Everheart around? I'm Atalanta Reid.”

She picked up a phone and dialed then spoke with someone, “She’ll be right down,” Ginny her tag read, said.

“Tell her I'll wait outside. And thanks.”

Outside on the sidewalk I soaked in the rays of the sun, grateful for the beautiful days so far at Whateley. Conversation drifted to my ears carried by the fall breeze and I quickly located the source. Four older students walking abreast strode rapidly toward me and if my instincts ran true, to avoid a confrontation I needed to yield the walkway. That I wouldn't do.

Another option was the bench near the fountain that was off the main sidewalk. Purposely I crossed over the intersection and sat on the bench waiting calmly on Sam. The four, all exemplars, two boys and two girls stopped in front of me at the bench. The leader, about 6'2” and 200 lbs posed and arrogantly sneered, “Let’s rest here for a minute.” Then lifting a hand to his chin he first looked at his group and the bench, then at me, “There's not enough room for all of us, you need to move.”

I wanted to tear his head off and stuff it where the sun doesn’t shine, but now was not the time. “Fine,” I replied, “I was just leaving anyway.”

The blond headed self styled leader chose that moment to grab my shoulder.

Before his hand could tighten its grip and while his arm was moving I ducked under and using his weight and momentum sent him tumbling into the rose bushes that adorned the bench area. He cried out in pain as the prickly bush clawed at him.

Not hesitating I moved forward between the girls my hands a blur as I struck them dozens of times using both hands. Using long hours of practice a quick heel kick connected with the other boy’s jaw sending him into the blond guy who had finally escaped from the rose bushes. They became entangled in each other’s bodies and wildly gyrating limbs; both ending on the ground in a heap.

I resumed my machine like strikes on the two women who seemed to stand still and defenseless against the fury of my attack. In the midst of this whirlwind I suddenly gripped one of the women by the arm in both of my hands as I twirled her and released her into her partners who were just coming to their feet. They fell to the ground with a thud. Caught up in haze of battle I glided forward and executing a spinning heel kick on the second girl that caught her between her shoulder blades, the force of it landing her among her struggling teammates. More confusion and curses came from the tangle of bodies. From start to finish the fight had lasted less than 10 seconds.

Sam had just pushed through the doors of Kane Hall.

“Stop! This Is Over,” shouted Sam, her hand resting on her weapon. I took two steps back acknowledging the order and raising my hands, palms out. The big blonde came barreling out from his friends his face a mask of rage, stopping after two steps seeing Samantha and finally hearing Sam’s warning, “One more step and you will wake up in the infirmary.”

“She started it,” he blustered.

“Shut the hell up Counterpoint. I saw the whole thing. All of you inside, you too, Atalanta.” I waited, trailing the group inside and hearing Sam paging Delarose.

I was led to a room by myself to wait. Through the room’s open door I noticed that the two males were also put in separate rooms while the two girls followed Sam into Delarose’s office. After they were interviewed Sam called the boys into the office and they too were interviewed and allowed to leave. I had to wait about thirty minutes before Sam came to fetch me with a half smile on her face, “Just can't stay out of trouble can you girl?”

I shrugged, “It would seem so.”

“Damn I never saw anyone use their hands that fast. Where did you learn that?”

“Just something I picked up.”

Chief Delarose was seated behind his desk a steaming cup of coffee perched within easy reach. His head was down as he ran his fingers through his hair. Franklin Delarose's eyes held strong emotions that threatened to spill out. I read a mixture of emotions in his face; one of anger, but clearly frustration was the dominant emotion.

“Reid what am I going to do with you?”

“Chief, I was avoiding confrontation until what’s his face laid his hand on me.”

“I know. Sam saw the whole thing. Speaking of Sam, why did you come over here?”

“It was obvious that she is my bird dog, so I came over to let her know where I'd be.”

“Why would you do that?” he asked wearily.

“Chief,” I straightened and leveled my gaze directly into his eyes, “Administration, instructors and security staff are by rank and decree entitled to my respect. That is why.”

“Okay,” he growled, “you can go. Everheart go with her. See that she stays out of trouble.”

“Atalanta, mind if I ask you something,” Samantha asked as the two girls walked northward across the campus.

“Ask away.”

“I saw the whole thing and you definitely tried twice to avoid a confrontation but you had a third opportunity to exit without confrontation. Why didn't you take it?”

I turned my head and looked hard at Samantha before answering, “Are you satisfying your curiosity or gathering intelligence?”

“Both,” Sam admitted chuckling.

“I thought so,” I grinned back, “What I told the Chief is true...about respect. It’s automatically given to my elders, but not so with my peers. That respect is earned not given. Four-on-one does not earn my respect. Those who have earned my scorn don’t get to lay their hands on me.”

Her former training kicking in; Samantha stopped with her hands on her hips and brusquely asked, “I am tired of beating this bush to death. Who the hell are you?”

I shook my head answering, “You are not going to like this; I don't know. Two years ago I was a 13 year old boy. Six months after that I was a 14 year old girl: A 14 year old girl who was trained by an elite soldier for a year and a half. At first it was just some self-defense tactics and to get used to this body. Somewhere that changed. If Manny was here he might be able to shed some light on it but he left about a month or two before I changed the second time.”

As we walked past Poe I continued, “Now I'm a 15 year old mutant girl who doesn't know what powers she has, and surrounded by mutants who do know their powers, and have been trained to use their powers. Tatiana and the group back there are all older and more experienced than I am, but I relied on my training. I'm sure you know what asymmetrical means.”

Samantha smiled, “I do indeed. Neutralize, eliminate, contain, control the threat swiftly and efficiently.”

“…With the least muss and fuss.”

“Exactly,” Samantha agreed. She couldn't help it she liked this girl, and understood her as someone who had also switched sexes, and while Atalanta hadn't fought in the sandbox, she had grown up as an Army brat and been trained by the some of the best the world had to offer.

They stopped by the base of the huge aged Hawthorn tree that rose 50 feet and whose foliage extended its covering and protection farther.

“We are here,” Sam announced needlessly.

I craned my head looking up into the expanse and network of limbs and felt something stir. That ...something prompted me to address the Hawthorn. Feeling silly I obeyed, “Mr. Hawthorn I am pleased to meet you, how have you been feeling?”

Samantha watched as Atalanta paused and seemed to be waiting and listening for a response.

“With your permission,” I added, “I would like to rest among your branches. Maybe we can get to know each other.”
Samantha half expected to hear a voice come from the tree, but what she got was unexpected; an image of her as Sam holding and comforting her daughter when she was about ten years old followed by disjointed images of guys she had known.

I turned to Sam smiling, “I think this is just what I need.”

“I'm tempted to join you.”

“In that case let me introduce you, “Mr. Hawthorn this is my friend Samantha Everheart.” Another image came to mind of her friends in her unit.

“I'll have to wait,” Sam demurred, “on duty,” she explained to the tree? No she decided it was Atalanta to whom she was talking. “Do I need to come back and fetch you?”

“No. I'll meet up with some of the guys at Poe to go to dinner.”

As Samantha watched I reached up and grasped a bottom limb, swinging up gracefully and balancing on the branch. Samantha estimated that the limb Atalanta was perched on was at least 10 feet off the ground. Someway and somehow the old tree appeared to lean over seemingly lowering parts of his trunk giving easier access. It was hard to tell, as the trunks grew in cockeyed ways, as Hawthorns are apt to do.

In seconds I ascended and settled into a nook halfway up and invisible from below. Samantha got the silly image of someone being offered a chair to sit down and 'take a load off.'

The tree forked, forming a modified cup and handle for me to settle in. The tree branches rose on either side to offer support and concealment while providing a commanding view of the campus. I smiled as I watched the comings and goings of students, faculty, and security. After several minutes of people watching and meditation I began to descend.

“Thank you Nikki, that was just what I needed,” I told my companions as we walked along the path with Jade and Billie to Crystal Hall. Of course my confrontation with the New Olympians was buzzing as snatches of conversation reached our ears and I had to tell of my version of events.

“Damn girl you get in more trouble that we did last year,” Nikki noted.

“Yeah it does seem I'm collecting enemies. Maybe I ought to read 'How to Win Friends and Influence People,'” I fretted.

“I don't think it will help,” Billie needled.

We kept an easy banter going through the line and at the table. After we had finished eating I looked around the table at my friends, “Thanks guys, I really appreciate your acceptance of me and I hope you never regret it. But if you guys ever need me, you got me. Though, it might not be safe being my friend.”

“Sometimes shit happens,” declared Billie with Jade adding, “We'll deal with it if and when it comes up, we have before and no doubt we will again, whether you were here or not.” Nikki nodded agreement.

The next morning I woke at my usual hour and went down to the lawn to do my morning routine of conditioning and forms with the other members of team Kimba. Although this was just the third morning we were forming an easy alliance.
As usual I finished first and I watched Sam walking up to wait on me.

“Guys I’ll see you later; my ride’s here,” I called out as walked over to Sam and we began our usual 10 mile run.

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