I wrote this story about 5 years ago and it was my first attempt but then I wrote Atalanta's origin story which took well over a year to finish. Some things in this story had to be changed to fit what happened in that story. I wrote two versions one with Team Kimba and one with new characters and is the reason there are no dates listed; it is inferred.
The train trip and the Boston incidents in the first story was late additions and necessitated the three days in wilderness to keep Harvard involved and introducing Audhilde while keeping the mystery villain alive. There will be some wrong tenses and repeated observations that seems disjointed but are necessary to the scene or to a later one. I lost count of the times that I've rewritten a portion that dictated a later change. You'll probably be able to feel the shift but I've done the best I can for the moment and I ask your indulgence and patience for those bumps.
I'm not an outliner but a panster (seat of the pants writer) and the plots and characters are fleshed as I write them and that too dictated changes in this book. I have since bought several dozen writing how-tos kindle books that I hope reflects in better results for the third installment that is about a fourth finished.
As I said this was written about 5 years ago so any resemblance to later Whateley stories are by pure chance only.as I hope Atalanta's Story is not just confined to Whateley. At least that is my intention.
I wanted to use this blog to express my sincere thanks for your comments and the kudos and to apologize in advance for some blunders that I wish wasn't there but is and is the best that I can do for now.
Again I appreciate it.
It happens
Anytime a complex story is written, especially when the writer does it in stages or over an extended period of time, it happens that little forgotten plot points may get confused or twisted. This is a great story and anyone who has the temerity to complain about the little misses and mistakes needs to be more tolerant. After all, they aren't having to pay for this material, although it would be nice if everyone would put in their share funding to BC, and if they can do better, then get with it and put their story to print.
Thanks for the effort and time you put into my and anyone else who reads your stories enjoyment and leisure.
Not an outliner either
Your Atalanta story is very interesting for me, mixing Native American folklore, Greek, Mythology and a strong female protagonist. Writing is hard work, and I think you are doing a great job.
I'm old and it is getting harder to keep an entire story in my head.
Read other Whateley stories
For those who have not read Whateley series go to other links top right of home page then go to Chrystal site and enjoy about 300 stories start at story 1 and keep going that is the only way they make sense and Atalanta"s story will make more sense as you go along.
Also look up Maggie Finson on author page for more stories not at Chrystal's canon page
Happy Reading
Which site?
Are you talking about Crystal's Story Site or The Crystal Hall? Crystal's hasn't been updated in several years.
The Crystal Hall is the repository of all things Whateley. Between it and the forums where most Whately Fan-Fic is posted, as well as the Crystal Hall wikia about Whateley and it's denizins, everything is here. The main site - crystalhall.org - can be sorted into a recommended reading order which is a good way to start off. The wiki - crystalhall.wikia.com/wiki/Whateley_Academy_Wiki provides lots of information and is constantly being updated.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
I do not believe you have to apologize to anyone for how you write your story/s. To me, that is the author's choice of how s/he offers or presents her/his story/s to us the readers. If a person doesn't like the story, very simple answer--don't read it. However on the other hand, don't disparage it either, especially in a public forum.
Hugs to you and THANK YOU for Atalanta. She is quite a character, strong, smart, and from her picture very beautiful, plus a great addition to the Whateley Academy Canon. (my opinion)
Janice Lynn
Thanks for all your comments
the reason that I wrote this is because the first story I was satisfied with and it was written without interruptions. This story is different with three to five years between the start and the finish with the first Atalanta story in between. With the revisions, cuts, and to be honest a certain amount of intimidation/anxiety writing in the Whateley Universe I never felt comfortable with this effort.
I believe the story itself is good but there are sections that won't fit well within the WU and others that because it was written at different times has a different feel to it. You all may not see it but I do and it makes me cringe and I thought I'd give you a heads up if you're reading and it feel a little different you'll know why. If on the other hand you read and don't notice then maybe I'm imaging it which could be the case as I've analyzed this one to pieces.
Thanks again