Atalanta at Whateley: School Days Chapters 16, 17, & 18

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These three chapters are a little longer than ideal but the next chapter is about the same size as these three but it seems like a logical place to pause. Atalanta meets fellow Poe residents, her first meal in Crystal Hall where she exchanges greetings with a bully. Mrs. Carson flexes her authority and accuses her of being an artist. Her testing results are mixed and unpredictable. I hope you all enjoy these chapters.


Chapter 16

Several hours later I returned to Poe cottage, walking briskly between Doyle Medical Complex and the cottage; hoping to burn off the pent-up frustration that that Ophelia Tennent had caused. I hadn’t expected a gynecological exam, and certainly not one as invasive as the one she performed. Mom had performed all my prior exams and none were as complicated as the one Dr. Tennent had completed.

I felt violated: used.

Pausing at the top of the steps to release the anger I felt building inside me, I used a series of deep breathing exercises until I’d finally bled off the surface tension. Opening the door, and making sure I carefully closed it, I strode purposely across the lounge, taking the steps to the second floor landing two at a time. My heels rang loudly along the hall, and again minutes later, as I retraced my steps to the showers, carrying a change of clothing in my arms.

Thirty minutes later I was fully dressed in my signature style; wide brimmed black leather hat and black boots and pants and wife beater tee. The steam rushed out the door ahead of me as I emerged to find Ayla waiting.

“I thought you might like some company for supper,” she nervously laughed.

“Sure,” I replied quickly, “I just need to put my clothes away.”

“Okay just meet us in the common area, on the first floor.”

“Us,” I echoed.

“Team Kimba, we met on our first day here and just clicked together. We had plenty of practice watching each other’s backs. The other odd thing is we are like you, all of us are changelings.”

Returning to the common landing, I spotted Ayla in a corner with a host of people lounging around in chairs, sofas, and two hammocks suspended crazily from the ceiling. Combat Finals was over and many of the semester’s final papers and tests had been turned in or taken, and many students were winding down for the holidays.

Ayla saw me about the same instant and called me over all eyes turned to me and conversation died out. “Everyone this is our new girl Atalanta Reid. Atalanta meet our group, that redheaded goddess is Nikki, aka Fey, beside her is Bunny and Riptide. Next to them are Toni, or Chaka, and Chou and Molly. The one hanging out,” pointing to blue haired girl hovering, “is Billie, aka Tennyo. That good looking guy over there is Hank, codename Lancer, and over there,” indicating a pile of clothes on a sofa, “somewhere, is Jade. Hey JADE,” Ayla said raising her voice, “meet the new girl.”
The pile of clothes stirred and an incredibly youthful face peeked out followed by the rest of the girl who looked about 12.

“Pleased to meet you all,” I replied looking over the diversified group.

“You’re the girl they tried to kidnap at the Dunwich station,” Nikki stated and I nodded. “You know Ayla’s jealous that you have a larger entourage than she does. Even she doesn’t have the balls to show up here in a limousine escorted by bodyguards.”

“It just happened,” I replied softly adding, “I picked up some enemies on the train trip out here, but some friends as well.”

“And apparently one of them is my Dad.” That statement set off a round of questions.

Nikki explained, “Dad called me at lunch to tell me, and this is the first time we’ve all been together in one place.”

“Who is your Dad?”

“Nicholas O’Reilly,” Nikki replied.

“He’s your Dad? I talked with him a couple of times over the weekend. And I met him last month when he took Mom and I home from Utah in a helicopter. That was a cool ride.”

“I didn’t know that; how did you and Dad meet?”

“Well it was like this …” I recounted the story of my Mom’s kidnapping and what had transpired since, leaving out Audhilde and the Owl’s Nest in Dunwich. After finishing I rolled up my sleeve revealing the image of the owl.

“Harvard,” Ayla mused, “how did you come up with that name? The Harvard surname derives from Hereward which literally means ‘army guard’.”

“That’s creepy.”

“It just came to me naturally, like it was his name,” I replied stunned by the implications in the name’s meaning.

“Enough of the chit-chat, I’m hungry let’s eat.” Billie declared floating down from the ceiling where she had been hanging out.

“You’re always hungry,” Jade teased as we left to go to Crystal Hall. The group split into pairs with Jade and Tennyo in front and Fey, Chou, and Molly lagging at the rear. Hank fell in beside me as I listened to the banter forged from shared experiences.

“Did you say you were an Army brat,” Hank asked me as we walked.

“Yeah, I changed schools about every couple years it seemed like. Both of my parents were in the service. Dad was killed in an accident in Iraq a couple of years ago this month.”

“I’m sorry about your Dad. My Dad is in the Army too and we changed schools a lot.”

“That sucks,” I replied after Hank finished telling me about how his little brother lied about him and got him into trouble at Fort Bragg.

I walked in the cafeteria beside Hank as we lined up to order buffet style from the trays packed with food. We indicated what we wanted and it was heaped on a plate and passed to the next worker in line. At the end of the assembly our individual trays were given to us where we carried them to the cashier where the drinks were dispensed.

Still chatting with Hank I followed the group to a table on the second floor. After we were seated I watched with interest at the differing amount and kinds of food represented. Billie ate enough food for a dozen; Nikki seemed to only eat vegetables.

“High metabolism,” Billie explained looking up momentarily from her second helping.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare but I don’t see where you are putting all that food,” I apologized smiling. Billie shrugged off my explanation as she continued her assault on her food.

I couldn’t help noticing that my supper consisted mostly of meat while Nikki’s was vegetables, “Are you a vegetarian,” I asked her.

“I am now; it’s a side effect of the changes I went through. Meat just doesn’t taste good and I can’t wear synthetics; it breaks me out in hives.”

I shuddered at the thought of giving up meat, my ‘ratty ole’ nightshirt, or my trademark hat and coat, “Sorry,” I mouthed silently.

As I ate I felt we were being watched, and after finishing eating I asked the group about it.
“We have a reputation of sorts- we being Team Kimba,” Jade explained, “and the way you arrived today has set you apart from most new arrivals. Most of us don’t have limousine and bodyguard services: Ayla is probably the closest we have of a celebrity here. Everybody wants to know who you are and you upped the curiosity factor by showing up here out of uniform.”

“You’re right, this,” I indicated my clothing, “is a statement. I didn’t want to come here but I’m here now. It will be a process but I hope to make the best of it in time.”

After that brief interlude into the semi serious the conversation turned back to the silliness of the holiday season.

Chapter 17

On the sidewalk, outside of Crystal Hall groups of students organized, clustered around the lighted areas. They were bonded by experiences or cliques, united by age and temperament, and the group I was in included Hank, Jade, and Billie. Billie was going home to Colorado, Hank was staying on campus and Jade was deciding whether to chance another Christmas with Nikki, reminiscing how the last one went where St. Louis was pretty much destroyed, but Billie almost tore a hole in reality.

“Wow you guys are unbelievable,” I marveled as I felt a tingle spread outward from my body.

Jade who had fallen into step beside me, “That’s …”

Suddenly a tall girl appeared from the shadows jabbing her hand at either me or Jade, “Seriously you expect …arr’gh,” she cried as I shifted grabbing the offending hand, Using her momentum, and my strength and training, I forced her to turn her body, bringing her arm behind her shoulder and pushing her face first into the brick wall.

Conversation died out as the girl’s cries ceased with her struggles to free herself.

Suddenly, the sea of students parted as Gunny Bardue strode forward, “What’s going on here?” he demanded.

“This girl was just demonstrating her love of Whateley for me by kissing the bricks.”

“I believe she has shown enough love, don’t you Miss Reid?” Bardue asked, a smile forming that never left his eyes. I nodded releasing her arms and taking a small step back, balancing on the balls of my feet.

The girl wasted no time in retribution, as she spun using her left hand to try a backhand blow. Prepared, I crouched, sticking my leg between her legs, causing her to stumble into Bardue and sending both sprawling to the ground. She lay prostrate on Bardue.

“Tatiana’s in a demonstrating mood tonight,” someone in the gathering crowd shouted. The snickering quickly died as Elizabeth Carson broke through the student body, demanding, “What is going on here?” while glaring at the assembly who quickly found somewhere else to be.

“Everyone, move along,” she ordered, “except for you Kimbas; and yes that means you and Molly, Chou. You stay too Miss Reid.”

“Now,” Mrs. Carson began after Tatiana and Bardue had regained their composure and their footing, “somebody tell me what is going on here.”

“I’m afraid it is mostly my fault Mrs. Carson,” I spoke, “Tatiana and I were exchanging greetings …” several Kimba members snorted, turning away, “and I’m afraid I don’t have full control of my powers yet, and,” stepping forward I snapped my fingers and brief flash of light exploded, briefly blinding Tatiana.

“Oh, dear,” I moaned, “there I go again,” as I steadied Tatiana to keep her from stumbling. “I seem to have two left feet tonight.”

“So, I see,” Mrs. Carson replied dryly, “Sergeant, anything you want to add?”

“Not really,” Bardue admitted haltingly, “I walked up and Tatiana stumbled into me as Atalanta said.”

“Tatiana anything you want to add?”

She glared at me, “No, it was an accident.”

“You may leave, then.” Mrs. Carson turned to me, “Miss Reid a word in private,” and before she guided me out of earshot of the others, “Mr. Bardue I’ll need a word with you, later.”

Tatiana stalked off while Team Kimba carefully studied star patterns.

“Miss Reid, I am not a fool, so please do me the honor of not treating me like one,” Mrs. Carson demanded once we were out of earshot, “what happened back there between you and Tatiana? I don’t want to hear anything about greetings nonsense, either.”

I giggled my eyes shining, “I don’t know what to tell you Mrs. Carson, we did exchange greetings.”

“And why didn’t you mention you used magic?”

“It was as much a surprise to me as it was to anybody, but I didn’t mean to bring Sergeant Bardue into it.”

“Atalanta I don’t know what game you are playing, but many of our students are dangerous, so be careful. Now, you’re free to join your friends.”

“Well,” Jade asked when I joined her at the stargazers club, “what did Mrs. Carson say to you. How much trouble are you in?”

“Trouble? I don’t know. I’ll probably learn how much tomorrow. She just asked me what happened. I told her we were exchanging greetings, but I don’t think she believed me.”

“That was a neat light trick, how long have you been practicing it?” Nikki asked as we continued walking towards Poe.

“I still have no clue what happened …or how.” At her quizzical lift of one eyebrow I added, “Hey, I’m just a babe in the woods.”

That declaration was greeted by good natured jeers. Hank leaned in to me and whispered, “That’s all right Atalanta I believe you are a babe.”

Wow, was Hank flirting?

Sergeant Gunny Bardue stepped out from the shadows and fell in beside Mrs. Carson.

“What exactly happened between Atalanta and Tatiana, Bardue?”

“I don't know what started it, but when I got there Atalanta had Tatiana face planted in the wall. The kid thinks fast on her feet; quick as a flash she says, ”That Tatiana was demonstrating her love for Whateley.”I suggested that Tatiana had shown enough love for Whateley and then just as quickly she released her. Tatiana tried to sucker punch her, but instead ended up on me. That kid has had some combat training.”

“You sure?” Mrs. Carson asked.

“Yes I am.”

“That's not in her file. Wonder what else she forgot to mention. Her father was an army colonel, maybe he taught her.”

“No,” Bardue countered, “what I saw was SF training, and another style that is familiar.”

“Then why didn't you correct her when Atalanta told the fib about using that little bit of light to blind Tatiana.”

“Several reasons; the main one being she left herself open.”

“Hmm, I think I see what you mean. What's the other reason,” Mrs. Carson asked curious.

“I think she was trying to diffuse the situation telling that fib and I don't think she meant for Tatiana to get tangled up with me.”

“I agree. We have to work hard to keep these kids in line though. I think I need to have her powers testing done immediately; we can't have a dangerous mutant running around that has no idea of her power.”

“Yes ma'am.”

“Oh and Bardue, I need you to be at my office at 8am tomorrow.”

“Yes ma'am,” though he inwardly groaned. It was never a good sign to have special duty with a mutant student.

I had finished unpacking and hanging up my clothing, and walked to where most of Team Kimba was lounging in their corner. I sat and listened to their tales from last year. Billie grinning from ear to ear looked over at me and said, “If you weren’t so slow you could have been with us.”

“No thanks, I had a hard enough time adapting, and enough adventure, but it sure sounds like if I had been here I would have had to adjust quicker. But I don’t know about the company I’d have to keep,” I teased. Cushions filled the air and rained down on me.

Mrs. Horton emerged from her room and called me over, handing me a note, “Your schedule has changed Atalanta. You're to report to Mrs. Carson's office at 8am for powers testing.” Nodding thoughtfully I looked at the note, “Thank you Mrs. Horton.” I stood there for a moment seemingly lost in thought as Mrs. Horton shut her door.

“What was that all about?” my friends wanted to know.

“Oh, this?” I asked, waving the note. “It’s just the grownups establishing who's in control. My schedule has changed. Powers testing has moved up and it’s all day.”

“That sucks,” Ayla noted.

I nodded, “I kinda’ expected it though.” I got up, yawned and stretched. “I better get some sleep, and I need to call my Mom. See you all in the morning,” I called back as I sauntered up the steps.

Chapter 18

Security cameras were trained at the entrance hall of all the school’s cottages and at various intervals around campus. Anything that moved was recorded and could be viewed live in campus security center as well. That was in addition to temporary security cameras that recorded known trouble areas and almost guaranteeing anyone sneaking out at night after the midnight curfew was sure to be recorded unless you knew where to look.

At 3:12 am a dark figure glided softly and quickly down the hall, keeping to the shadows and onto the landing. A shroud or cape draped the shapeless form which seemed to brush the floor. The mist paused before Mrs. Horton's door and noiselessly opened the door, disappearing inside. Moments later the ground floor window slid open and the figure dropped quickly and silently, blending into the background.

Thirty one minutes later a shadow hung precariously outside a 4th story window, testing its defenses. Forty feet and slick unbroken walls presented its own deterrent; for the window was easily opened. Resting on the window ledge the figure took in the room and it’s occupant. The images and emotions that filled the room caused the figure to shudder, and a few seconds were lost as balance was reached for and achieved. In one swift motion the figure rose higher than the sill and glided through the window it’s fingers brushing the top sill adding momentum and direction; the shadow landed in the darkness.

Steady rhythmic breathing continued as the figure descended on the sleeping forms on the bunk beds. A finger jabbed into a pressure point under the jaw line quickly followed by a soaked handkerchief to her face. The procedure was repeated on the much larger person on the bottom bunk. Using materials found in the room the girl on the top bunk was tied and gagged. The figure rummaged in desk drawers finding a magic marker and construction paper. The shadowy figure drew a design on her face and quickly wrote messages on the construction paper, one which was suspended between bunks. Another pasted to her nightshirt. Several others posted their commands/warnings.

Then, just as suddenly, the figure disappeared, and at exactly 4:29 appeared outside Poe cottage.

Wednesday morning I woke at my usual time, and listened to the building waking up, greeting a new day. I heard voices that seemed to be coming from the front lawn and I padded to the room’s only window to look. From the view through the window I saw Fey, Chaka, Jade, Chou and Tennyo on the front lawn begin stretching and warming up. I did my business, dressed, and walked downstairs and out the front door. I stood and watched as they did what seemed to be ordered forms.

I began to immediately stretch and when they finished I asked, “You guys do this every morning?”

“Weather permitting yes.”

“Can anyone join?”

“Sure you’re welcome. We’re usually are out here by 5:30 and finish at 6. That gives us time to get showered, dressed, eat breakfast, and to our first class on time.”

“Cool, I appreciate it,” I replied as I began practicing my forms that I had spent the last 18 months perfecting. It was a routine designed for efficiency and for effectiveness and took 10 minutes to complete.

“Is that it,” Chou smirked.

“It is the way I was trained,” I replied adding, “I have a different 10 minute routine for each day and I spend the rest of the time running.” As I finished talking I started running opting to travel a short run around the campus.

Less than hour later I was out the door of Poe dressed in my habitual pants, top, boots, overcoat, and hat striding purposefully towards Crystal Hall for breakfast. As I did I noticed a commotion towards Melville cottage.

Inside the cafeteria I quickly got in line and got a plate of food and went looking for the table where I had eaten last evening with the members of team Kimba. The five members that were on the lawn this morning were seated and eating. I walked over to them, “Mind if I sit here,” I asked indicating an empty seat beside Nikki.

“No, not at all,” Nikki smiled.

“Thanks,” I replied sitting down and digging in.

“There was some commotion over at Melville this morning,” Chou commented looking up from her plate at me.

“Oh, what kind of commotion,” I asked innocently.

“I don't know the details but Tatiana is mixed up in it.”

“Tatiana? Good for her. Wonder what mischief she is up to now,” I responded wide-eyed rising from the table. “I have to be going. It wouldn’t do for me to be late this morning.”

The walk to the Headmistress’ office was a short one, “She’s expecting you, go on in,” her receptionist said. Nevertheless I knocked before opening the door.

I was surprised to find Sergeant Bardue waiting in Mrs. Carson's office as I closed the door behind me.

“Sergeant I apologize that you got caught in my and Tatiana’s discussion yesterday. That was not my intention.”

“I didn't think it was,” he acknowledged.

I turned my attention to Mrs. Carson, “Ma'am?”

“After that incident last night we thought it best to get your powers tested and classified before your academic testing fully begins. The Sergeant says you have combat training.”

I centered myself breathing deeply and feeling the flow of chi into and out of my body, sensing its movement through my body testing for a choke point. Finding none I began channeling reserves of energy, filling me with an excess of energy that began to bleed off before I mentally turned down the stream to a trickle.

Both the Sergeant and Mrs. Carson felt and saw the difference in Atalanta who then smiled at them gently, “One of many things my instructor taught me.”

Bardue and Mrs. Carson hurriedly exchanged sideway glances, “What else did you learn?”

Instead of answering her question I instead turned to Bardue, “You’ve spent time in the military Sergeant.”

Bardue responded quickly, “You’re right I am military trained but that was years spent in the effort. I am just trying to learn how much training you’ve had, and in what.”

Manny had instilled a sense of caution in me and I carefully crafted my response.

Smiling I replied, “Standard fare I suppose I really don’t have anything to compare it with,” hoping my smile diffused the words.

They didn’t.

“This is serious business,” Mrs. Carson frowned, admonishing me.

“Well,” I began, “Manny began training me soon after my change and between his tutoring and my change, I don’t have a reference point. It feels as if I have always had this ability, but Manny did say I was a natural.”

Bardue’s face paled, “A natural, are you sure that he called you a natural, and not naturally good at it?”

“Nope, he said a natural.”

He and the Headmistress again exchanged quick looks, “You stay away from Tatiana; I don’t need any more trouble from you or her,” she cautioned.

“I have nothing to prove but I will defend myself and my friends, if necessary.”

“Very good, but have I made myself clear?”

“Crystal clear.”

Mrs. Carson elbows on her desk and fingers interlocked, leaned forward, “We had another incident last night, and it involved Tatiana.”

“Oh, what did she do,” I asked after a prolonged silence.

“She didn't do anything,” Mrs. Carson sighed. “Someone broke into her room last night and drew a Snidely Whiplash mustache on her lip.”

A grin spread across my face, “I'd like to see that.”

Mrs. Carson saw the wide open expression; the innocent large gray eyes on the teenager’s face and inwardly groaned. “Drop it,” Mrs. Carson spoke with steel in her voice.

“Excuse me?” I asked.

“There was a written warning Tatiana got along with the drawing. How good an artist are you dear?”

“Not good, but good enough to draw a mustache I expect,” I admitted.

“I want you to drop it. Understood?”

“Very clearly,” I replied following Bardue out when Mrs. Carson went back to shuffling papers. Bardue led me outside and we followed the quad to the Doyle Medical complex.

I immediately tensed, “What are we doing here? I had my physical yesterday.”

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