Floating an idea

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I'm now semi-retired so will only be working about ten days a week, though this week I'm on holiday - well having a new central heating boiler fitted and someone coming to give me a quote for new external doors and having the car checked out, oh and the dentist tomorrow afternoon - apart from that, I'm not doing anything except perhaps sleeping.

I'm hoping when things settle down, I'll have a bit more time to write and I have promised to do another episode of Bonkers, I'm also toying with the idea of doing a whodunit which will be different to anything else I've done insofar as I'll have to plan the plot. That's a bit of a longer term goal as it could take quite a while to write.

So that's my news, what d'you think?



Yes, Yes, and Yes

I especially like the idea of the whodunit. Another Bonkers is definitely worth the time and effort. Then again anything you write in whatever genre you chose is worth the read, and quite often the re-read. Hope you enjoy the retired life, you certainly deserve it.

- Formerly Turnabout Girl

Only ten?

Podracer's picture

Goodness, no wonder you are looking for projects to fill the idle hours.. :P
A whodunit sounds a splendid idea, twisty is your middle nom de plume (is it not, folks?).

Wow, the other idea is just bonkers too, however, if Bonzi approves - oh heck, now I will have to start the series again, where will I find the time ;)

Don't forget to pump up the bike tyres too. Pedalling is almost as good as sleep for re-aligning one's neurons.

"Reach for the sun."

Sounds fun (for you)

And, quite a pleasure for all of us.

Whatever's fun for you has to be good for us, as long as you're willing to share! :-)


Well, I am certainly up for

Well, I am certainly up for all the reading if you are able to find the time in your very busy 10 day a week schedule to write all the amazing stories you give us mere mortals.
I learned in 2002 that everything you put off during your working days to do when you retire are truly waiting there for you when that time arrives.
You almost need another job just to get to them. :)
Definitely can understand the new heating/AC issues, had to replace my entire system last year to the tune of $8600.00 dollars (American). What fun -- NOT.

Less Time

I think you will find retirement creates far less free time than you expect. But you will have more scheduling flexibility. Your myriad fans (self included) are sure to enjoy any new output.


I hope you have as much fun writing your mystery as I did mine.

You have to be very attuned to your reader in that you're playing cat and mouse and have to be fair.

A piece of advice. Location is very important to a mystery. Many murder mysteries in the U.S. seem to be set in and around Los Angeles. Of course, London is a very popular mystery location.

Your ability to write dialogue should make your mystery very enjoyable. I look forward to reading it.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

TG Holistic Detective Agency?

Rhona McCloud's picture

Tanwen Gently's methods of detection were seen by some as eccentric but then she did have to include within them the jobs that already took up 10 days of her week.

I look forward to whatever you offer Angharad.

Rhona McCloud