Beyond the Tales Chapter 5

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Beyond the Tales

Book 2

Chapter 5

The Weekend


Alexis said "A completion, I don't understand? What could it complete?"

Grandmother smiled "We can talk of this later. Can you brew the potion?" I nodded "Do it then." I strode into the kitchen and started a batch of potion." Grandmother kept everyone out but Angel, Alexis, Cryss, Sasha, herself and me. Once we were alone she said "Alexis you are not complete. You will never grow older than you are. This second potion will make it so you are complete. You will grow older and you will be able in time to have a baby of your own." I noted Sasha was watching very carefully. I smiled there was several potions I could teach her that would go with her herbalist hobby. Grandmother said "Taking the second potion is up to you. This is your life. We will offer it to you once. It is up to you if you take it or not." I got to the waiting part of the brewing. I sent Sasha into my study for two blank spell books. When she was back I started writing. I wanted to get it all down before it started to fade. I finished writing down 14 potions I turned back to the stove for the next part then it was waiting again. I wrote 25 potions this time. Then another stir add smell add stir wait. I wrote 16 more before the potion was done.

I said "Let it set for a little while to cool then it will be ready." I went back to writing I wrote 30 potions and looked up. "It is ready like grandmother said it is your choice to make." After a moment Alexis picked up the cup and downed it. A shimmering started around her. Her wings ruffled then grew till the were fully grown.

She smiled "I feel good, no more pain just good." She looked at her gray wings. "I like my wings." I came over and looked at her wings. I liked them too.

I said "Why don't you get some more sleep we are going clothes shopping later today." Then I sat down to write some more.

Alexis said "Are you going to get some more sleep Big Sister?"

I sighed "I wish I could, I have to get some of this out of my head before it will let me shut down enough to sleep. I will be all right I am used to this sort of thing." I kept writing for three hours. I put down 357 different potions and 62 counters. That was all of them. I added 17 enhancement spells and chants. That finished the spell book. A quick copy spell and I had a copy for Grandmother. She was still here waiting to talk to me. I handed her the spell book as I put mine in my bag.

She said "Are you all right on side effects for the power stripping spell?" I burped and it was off to the downstairs bathroom to you know. It was not pretty. Grandmother was concerned.

After I cleaned up I said "Just a little morning sickness. The little one did not like some of those smells. I guess being Pregnant is going to slow me down a bit. Maybe I should find a replacement for one of my jobs for a while. But I am getting to love teaching and Being Grand Mage is who I am! What do I do? I guess having two full time jobs while pregnant is not very realistic. What do you think?"

Grandmother said "I am sure that there can be found an aid to do the paperwork and call you if a choice needs to be made that they can't make. That would take things down a step. Then I'll be around more, I am thinking of retiring as Archmage. Let the next in line take all the hassles. I want to get back to teaching and watching my Grand and Great Grand kids grow up. If you need I can take your class for you every now and then. That should be enough for now we will talk about more later. You need to catch a few hours sleep if you are going to keep up with those kids."

I said "Your right Grandmother I do need some sleep." Of course there came a knock on the door. It was Ronda I let her in "All right Ronda what brings you here?"

She said "I am sorry but I was up early this morning in the back caves hunting crystal and I came across a crystal I had never seen before. It pulsed with magic." She opened her bag and set the crystal down for me to see. I looked at it and knew it right away.

I said "What you have there is an egg. An egg to a crystal dragon and you have been given the responsibility to bring it up right. If you were not the right one you would have never found it. I'm sure you will do an excellent job. If I am right we may even see it hatch today."

Cryss came in "Oh one of the broods eggs. Hmm Those are like Lin's markings. Yes this would be Lin's egg. She likes to hide things." She looked at Ronda "Do you accept this egg and everything that comes with it?"

Ronda said "I do!"

Cryss said "Wake up little one. Then she made this strange crystalline sound." Slowly the little dragon uncurled and looked at Cryss who smiled and pointed her chin at Ronda. The little dragon moved over and cuddled into Ronda's lap. The look on her face was priceless. Cryss said "The others will be waking soon. I hope they find good people to bond with." She wandered off to get something to drink.

Ronda said "If I may say so that is one strange kid not bad just strange. Who is she?"

I said "That is my daughter Cryss. Yes I know she can be strange sometimes but that is what you get when you start out life as a crystal dragon then turn human." I could see she did not understand. "Ok story time. You see Cryss used to be a Dragon but not just any dragon but the first Crystal Dragon. She started out as a statue I animated with my magic. But as time went on she got smarter and smarter. She became more than what she was. She became a real Dragon with her own magic. Then do to wanting to be closer to me she asked her Great Grandmother to change her into a human so she could go to school with me. That led to 24 hours that we were the same age. Then a month at this age then a choice to stay a human for the rest of her life. But still deep inside is that first Crystal Dragon. So you see she came from my magic so she is very much my daughter and a Princess of This house and of the Crystal Dragons. Do you understand now?"

Ronda said "That is the strangest and most touching story I have ever heard."

Alexis came down "Oh we have company."

I said "Yes Alexis, come over and meet one of my students Ronda. Ronda this is my little sister Alexis. You two make nice while I see what's taking Cryss." I walked into the kitchen and found Cryss on the ground out cold. Something was really wrong. I called for Grandmother and gently turned Cryss till she was laying on her back. Grandmother came in and rushed over concern all over her face. I smelled her breath nothing there. I held my hand above her chest and her magic was dangerously low. I pulsed a bit of my magic into her an it seemed to help. I held my hand out to Grandmother and she took my hand. I drew out some of her magic and some of mine and pulsed it into Cryss. That brought her around. She almost woke, I pulsed some more into her and she did wake. She tried to sit up but I held her down lightly. "Stay there you magic is very low. What have you been doing?

She said "Air walking it is part of my dance training. It is really hard for me Mommy."

I said "Well you are not doing that again till your levels are back to normal. I am going to have a talk with Tara and see if there is another way you can go with your training." I think something else is going on. A Dragon even one in human form is at heart a magical creature for one to loose her magic something bad is going on. "You young lady are going back to bed till we figure this out." Another bad sign she did not protest when I said this. We went upstairs to her room and I put her to bed. She was so small for her apparent age.

I looked at grandmother and she said "Why don't I tell you some stories while your mother get things sorted." I smiled and went down stairs and called Janis.

Janis answered "Hello oh Ember you look like you are dead on your feet?" I hate mirror links sometimes "You need something I am rather busy right now."

I said "Cryss collapsed earlier and I need to know if it is something physical. Before I look for a magical cause. When can you come over and take a look?"

Janis frowned "I can't make it right now so I'll send Dixie to take a look she is getting quite good. I'll have her on her way right away." I nodded and she broke the link. I went into the living room and Angel was there.

She said "Oh my did you get any sleep last night? Do you still want to go today?"

I thought then said "Can you take Alexis and get her about ten outfits or so I have a crisis I am dealing with here. I know when isn't it a crisis around here. Welcome to motherhood."

Angel said "Sure my new sister and I should get to know one another. You should get some sleep! That can't be good for baby."

I said "I will as soon as I get this crisis under control Big Sis. Alexis get ready Angel will be taking you this time. Go have fun I'll be here when you get back." She nodded and went to get her things. Ronda and her dragon were getting ready to go. I asked "Have you thought of a name for your dragon?"

Ronda said "I think for now I'll call her Little Miss. I'll see you in class teacher." then she headed out and Dixie showed up. Angel rushed Alexis out the door. They flew off. I frowned I wanted to be with her on her first flight. Oh well I guess there will be plenty of time for that. I showed Dixie upstairs. She got right to work. She gave Cryss the once over twice then sat back on her heels.

She said "I haven't found anything to account for a collapse. She is small for her age but not severely though. If it is physical I can't find anything." I thanked her and sent her on her way. I checked and Cryss still had low magic. There was two potions that might help. I went down to brew them. Some time later Sam came in the kitchen I was watching the potions brew and worrying.

He said "What's up little sis you look worried. Anything I can do?"

I smiled a thin smile "Hi Sam, no there is nothing you can do Cryss is sick I am trying to cure her. The world is full of problems when your the Mother of a little girl. I think these two potions will do it at least in the short term. I will have to find out why she got sick in the first place."

He frowned "Shouldn't you call a healer. Do you want me to go get one?"

I shrugged "Been and gone. It is not a physical sickness. It's a magical one. For that they call me or Grandmother and we are both on this. Goddess give me strength."

Grandmother said "I am sure she will. Cryss is asleep she seems stable for now. How are those potions coming?"

I said "A few more moments then they need to cool. That burner is open if you want to make yourself some tea. Sasha is off this morning." I looked at the potions and took one off the stove. I stirred the other a bit then removed it too. I pulsed a little magic into them activating the potions. "As soon as they are cool I'll go up and give her this one then see how it goes then give her this one. After that the best thing for her is sleep."

Grandmother said "I think the best thing for both of you is sleep." I smiled an tired smile and nodded. I picked up the cups and went upstairs. Grandmother followed me. I went into Cryss's room and put down the potions. She looked so sweet sleeping there it was almost a pity to wake her. I held my hand over her and was glad her magic was a little better. These potions should do the trick. I gently woke her and had her drink the first. I waited a few moments and checked her magic again and it was slowly rising. I had her drink the second one and then let her go back to sleep. I took off my shoes and laid down beside Cryss and soon was fast asleep. Another crisis taken care of.

I woke with Cryss cuddled up to me. It was a nice feeling. I tested her magic and it was almost where it should be. I looked at the time it was almost dinner time. I pushed up and woke Cryss. I said "Time for dinner honey, how are you feeling?"

She smiled "I feel better Mommy. What is for dinner?" I smiled back with love.

I laughed "let's go find out." I put on my shoes and pushed my hair into some sort of order. Then we headed downstairs following our noses to the kitchen. I looked in some pots and smiled. Ben came in "I see you two are up, you both had me worried. Don't do it again." He said with a smile on his face. I looked at Cryss and we both gave Ben a big hug. I love my family. We all had a good dinner. After dinner Alexis had to show us all the pretty things she got. I looked at Angel. "I said ten outfits not the whole store."

Angel said "I wanted my new sister to fit in with the royal crowd. We all are really into clothes. Well your not but you are the exemption to the rule. Well you break all the rules anyways. But even you have your girly girl moments like your wedding dress? You broke a lot of hearts that day. Both male and female."

Alexis said "I wish I could have seen that. It must have been really something."

Angel laughed "Show her sis I know you keep it in your outfit bracelet. She needs to see what she is to live up to. Go on do it!" I glared at her. Then I took a deep breath and let it out slowly then drew myself up and tapped the right stone on my bracelet. I went from everyday to full Princess mode in a blink of an eye. I smiled at Alexis as her jaw dropped. Angel put in "She cleans up nicely don't she. She made that outfit including the crown herself." Cryss who had been watching stood up and tapped her bracelet and she was wearing her Pure White gown and crown. Alexis sat down on the bed with her eyes wide. She looked at Angel who tapped her bracelet and changed into full Queen mode. The three of us together was quite a sight.

Alexis Just said one word "WOW!"

I said "Next weekend we will work on your gown and crown. Remember you are a Princess now. For now we will have to settle for this I took out a Tierra and handed it to Angel Who with all formality placed it on her head. At once Alexis fainted. I said "Welcome to the family My dear little sister." I switched back and covered her up and began to clean up the clothes."

Angel switched back "Yep your a mom." That made Cryss giggle. She swished back in to her room to look at herself. Angel sighed and helped clean up what they had bought. There was a lot of it. Angel said "Maybe we did go a tad overboard." We finished and I was about to put out the light.

Alexis said "It was not a dream was it."

I smiled "No, that was no dream. You are one of us now. You are my Dear little sister. We will talk about all this but for now just think about what type of gown you want. I already know what the crown will look like. There is certain order of things there. But the gown is pure you. I will make it for you and there are a few other things you need that I will show you how to make. Now it's getting late why don't you get ready for bed. That Tierra looks good on you but you should not wear it to bed."

After I closed the door I leaned there for a moment. It had been a hard weekend already. Well hopefully Sunday will be better. I went in to make sure Cryss went to bed. My little Princess.

Finally I got a chance to cuddle up to Ben on the porch. The kids were in bed, Sam was walking Angel home. All was well with the world for a bit. I looked back on the weekend and it had been one thing after another. I just needed this. Just a good cuddle. We chatted quietly and let the worries of the day just wash away. Soon we were not talking at all. Just sitting and holding each other. Then we went upstairs hand in hand for the night.

The next morning I got up late. It was Sunday so I did not care. First thing I did was check on Cryss. She was in her room playing. I smiled at her and she came over for a hug. While we were hugging I checked her magic level. It was back to normal. I said "You want to go shopping today? You could use some more clothes. We can make it a Mother-Daughter day out?"

She thought for a few moments then said "Not today Mommy. I was going to work on my weave dress today."

I smiled "You are making a weave dress? Where are you getting the crystal? Can I see it? You should take it easy today you were sick yesterday remember?"

She smiled "I will take it easy it is almost ready. I just need to make the belt and shoes. I will wear it to dinner tonight. I don't want anyone to see it till then. I get the Crystal from the cave behind the house. It is full of it. Is it time to eat I am hungry?

I frowned "I want to see this cave. You should ask a Adult before you play in side caves. I want you to be safe baby! Lets have something to eat, then I want to see this cave." I was being a Mom again. I was also kicking myself for not watching Cryss closer. Helen left me to myself a most of the time when I was growing up now I am doing the same to Cryss. I was not happy with myself. I don't want to be a distant Mother! We headed downstairs.

All of the household gathered for brunch. I put aside the unhappiness for the meal. We all had our own beliefs but I always thanked the Goddess before a meal. It is not out loud but it is done. Ben and I had talked about our Beliefs when we were picking who would be at our wedding. He was not gender specific when he prayed. I have not talked to Cryss but from what she said at her naming ceremony She uses a mix including the Dragon Ancestors. I don't know what Alexis or Sam Believe. I should ask some time. We finished the meal and the Boys went to work out. I said "Show me this cave."

Cryss said "Ok I will and yes you can come to Alexis." Since her wings filled out Alexis had been a lot more outgoing and less shy. The three of us trooped out the back door and to the cave.

It was a small cave but filled to just back from the entrance with mined crystal. From the look of things it had not been touched for some time except where Cryss had been. In a small side chamber is where Cryss had been working on her dress. She had set up an real looking clothing workshop. I said "Where did you get the dress dummies or the patterns?"

Cryss said "The dummies were given to me by a artist that seen I started making dresses. The patterns were old and would not sell so they gave them to me. All the stuff here was old and not wanted any more. I fixed the stuff up an put it here."

I said "If you would have told me you could have a real shop built for you."

She shook her head "I like this place I made this place, Me! Mommy you don't wait for others to do for you, you do it yourself! Here I did for myself." I felt very proud at that moment. I checked that the caves were safe I made up my mind I brought the kids out then concentrated and a bared gate formed across the entrance. It had a big lock in the middle. I drew some crystal from the ground and made a key. I handed the key to Cryss.

I said "This is your place now. Only you decide who goes in here. I would like it if you will tell someone when you come here. That is just to be safe. What do you want to call the place?"

She said "I will have to think about that Mommy." She was holding the key like it was the most favorite thing in the world. She went up to the lock and stuck the key in and turned it. The lock made a solid thunk. She tried to open the gate but it would not open. She turned it the other way and there was another thunk. She tried to open the gate and it opened easy. Cryss crowed in delight. Then she hugged me for all she was worth. She was getting to that age when she needed to have her own space and this was it. Now I needed to find one for Alexis so she could feel included.

I said "Remember what I said take it easy today. May Alexis and I come into your place? I would like to put a mirror link in here so I can call you back to the house if I need to." She nodded I looked around and found a little alcove and created a small mirror there. I tuned it to my link compact. I taught Cryss how to use it. Alexis had been quiet this whole time. I looked over at her and made up my mind. I said "When we leave lock the gate for safety. Alexis and I have a little trip to go on. We will be back by dinner." We went out and I waited for the thunk before walking around the house. "Do you remember when I said I would set it up for you to shadow one of my mages for a week? Well we are going to see the mage now but first a lesson. Now that your wings are fully grown I am going to teach you to pull them in. It is unconformable at first but you will get used to it." So I did just that. It was hard for her at first but soon was able to do it without looking like she was in pain. I smiled at her.

After that we took to wing heading to the farm. We got there pretty quickly. I looked at Alexis "I hope you remember the way because you will need it tomorrow." Her eyes went wide. "I can trust you to get to work by yourself? With you flying there is less danger so I am going to take a chance that you are an big girl and don't need to be picked up?" She nodded as a big smile came across her face. I was right treat her like an adult and she will step up. I looked around and caught sight of Veronica. I pulled in my wings and so did Alexis. Veronica was talking to one of the guys I waited for her to notice us.

She noticed us. She smiled "Checking up on me Boss? Everything is on time and doing well. I've not seen you for awhile."

I smiled back "I have had no reason to come down here you are doing a great job. I just wanted to let you know that Alexis here will be shadowing Helen for a week. Alexis is just starting her mage training but is willing to work hard." Veronica looked Alexis over and thought about it for a moment.

She said "No problem with me on that. I gave Helen a small patch behind the house to grow herbs for the mages. I think Linda is helping her today. Teaching her basic water magic. Sammie has already picked it up. We still need a Air mage but are making due."

I said "I will see if there are any in Crystalis that would like to get away to here. Talk to you later." I waved and walked over to the house and around back of it. The plot was Quite large for just herbs. I spotted Helen and Linda Working in a corner. When we walked up she smiled.

She said "Long time no see. Now that you got a family you don't come to visit?"

I smiled "Been a lot going on I will catch you up later, first I would like you to meet my foster Sister Alexis. I would like you to show her what you do here for a week. She will be shadowing you. Yes I have told her of our past but feel free to share what you want. She is just starting her mage training and wants to learn by doing and this is the first step. She's going to do a week in each element then choose what one to really delve into."

Helen said "Good plan. Hello Alexis, I'm Helen and I am a Earth mage but I am just starting to learn Water magic. This is Linda she is a Water mage who is just starting to learn Earth magic. Don't worry working the Herb garden is not as hard as the main fields. Pays better too." Alexis looked at me with a question in her eyes.

I said "Yes if you work you get paid." I looked at Helen "Just send me a review of how well she did at the end of the week and I'll pay her what it is worth. This is for experience mostly but workers get paid. I want her to try to do everything she can this coming up week. No holding back just teach her and let her try." Both women smiled and tried not to giggle. "She might as well get into it right now. Linda will you show her what you do on the farm while Helen and I get caught up?" Linda smiled and held out her hand to Alexis. Alexis took her hand and the went off towards the other end of the plot. I smiled and we started talking and were still talking when Linda and Alexis cam back over.

Linda said "It's time for dinner are you two staying? There is plenty and you don't get any fresher." The last was said with a proud smile.

I pushed up from where I was sitting and said "Not today. Alexis may during the week But I have a family to look after. We should be getting back. Good to see both of you again." I nodded to Alexis and we both let out our wings. We took off and flew home.

When we got there my students except for Ronda was there waiting for me. I looked them over and I had a feeling. I said "All right lets see them." Each one of them took out a Dragon egg. I sighed. I looked at Ben "Is Cryss in the house?" He shook his head.

He said "I thought she was with you?"

I flipped open the link compact and called Cryss at her shop. She answered after a moment "Yes mommy is it dinner time?"

I said "Almost baby, time to come in. I have something for you to do."

She said "Ok Mommy, I was working on something I need your help with anyways. I am wearing my new dress is everyone there?"

I smiled "Yes Baby come on in. Remember to lock the gate." She broke the link. A short time later Cryss came in the living room in a lovely crystal dress. She caught sight of the crystal eggs and smiled. She went through asking each if the accepted the egg and all said they would.

Cryss smiled "Wake up little ones. She made that strange crystalline noise" Slowly each egg uncurled into a small dragon. Cryss sent each to the right person. The looks were totally priceless. I asked for the Dragons names and they said:

Kia - Chee
Milla- Wind Walker
Lynette- Ray
Teladona- Dona
Charlotte- Freedom
and with
Ronda's- Little Miss

That made six all of the Broods eggs. They got ready and left after that. I checked Cryss's magic level and it was quite a bit down but not dangerously so. I pulsed a bit into her an then we had dinner.

After dinner I asked "Cryss you said you needed help with something what is it?"

Cryss went over to what she brought in and said "This" She unwrapped a 3 foot statue of a dragon. It was very detailed.

I asked "You want me to animate this? I can but there is no certainty that it will be as smart as you."

She said "I know only time will tell. I know you miss me in my dragon form. So I made a Dragon to do the duties I did when I was in that form. But I am not strong enough to animate it."

I said "I keep forgetting how smart you are Cryss. Lets go out on the porch and see if I can still do this." I picked up the statue and we all went out and I cast my spell and Cryss's sister was born. I let her fly and the others clapped. when she landed on my shoulder and looked at Cryss and made that crystalline sound it was weird but I could almost understand what she said.

She looked at me and made the sound again and this time I could understand it. She had said "Hello Mother."

I opened my mouth and out came the crystalline sound. I had said "Hello Skya."

Cryss said "Your learning. Everyone this is my sister Skya." Everyone clapped again. It was a good evening.

A little later Sasha came up to me and asked "Will you teach my how to brew potions?"

I said "I have been expecting this." I held my hand over her chest to check her magic level. It was low but not bad for a potion maker. "Looks like I am going to have to find a new maid again. Yes I will teach you and help you get set up. You worked hard for me and I will do right by you. We will start later in the week." Her smile was a mile wide. I just can't help it. I have to help people. It just who I am. I went into my study, Skya took Cryss's old perch. I picked up a blank spell book and went though my potions book and copied a dozen helpful potions. There were a lot I would not give her but after I have taught her the basics I am sure she could find or make more. How many I give her depends on how good she turns out to be. This would do good for a start. I was just going to call for her when she was there with a cup of tea. I chuckled and stopped her from leaving. I said "Here is something to get you started. Study them but do not brew any till I am the to watch over you. Do you understand?"

She said "Yes Miss, thank you Miss! I wont forget this Miss!" She backed out of the room holding the spell book close to her chest. I smiled then went out to have find Ben it was Cuddle time.

To be continued

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