Beyond the Tales Chapter 4

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Beyond the Tales

Book 2

Chapter 4



It felt strange having my fiends and my daughter curtsy to me. I tried to take it like it was meant and on the surface that is how it appeared. Underneath I was asking myself if I was worthy of such honors? I pushed that aside and went back to having fun. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Alexis trying to do as the other did but it was just not working for her. I smiled to myself and promised myself to get someone to teach her the ways of nobles. The others were holding the curtsy so I said "You may rise." they all flowed into a standing state. Then we all burst into laughter and hugged.

After the fun we all went up on the porch and sat and caught up. Well Jessel and I did. Darla looked over the books I had picked for Alexis and made comments on each. Cryss went into the house to ask Sasha for drinks for all of us. That's how things went for a bit. Once we had our drinks Jessel started to tell tales of when I was trying to learn the fire dance. Everyone listened to that. I slipped away for a few to talk to grandmother. Now that she had a chance to get to know Samuel. I wanted to find out what she heard once the kitten girls could talk. I found her near the kitchen and cornered her. I said "Grandmother what did you found out once the kittens could talk?"

Grandmother sighed "They don't remember much the cat side has them too much in the moment. It is going to be very hard for them to remember things. From what I was able to get they got them from a old lady. I think Alexis was targeted because the others were all given the same potion in different colors. I will look into it more but for now that is all we have. It was a almost perfect cover up."

I said "Thank you grandmother, I will keep my eyes open as well."

Soon we were all called for dinner. We ate in the dinning room that got little use normally. Sasha put on quite the spread. Ben sat at the head of the table and I at the foot. Grandmother sat at my right and Mother next to her. On my left was Jessel then Darla and Cryss. Angel sat next to Mother and Sam next to Angel. Alexis sat next to Cryss. Tara sat next to Alexis. I noted that Sasha had called in her sister Tasha to help out. It certainly was an full house. We had an lovely dinner with lots of tales going around. I did not keep wine in the house but with this group it was not needed to keep things happy and fun. Alexis was the only shy one in the group.

After dinner we relaxed to the living room. I stepped into the kitchen to have a word with Sasha and Tasha. I said "Thank you two for putting on such a good dinner. I know I don't thank you enough Sasha and I really am grateful to you Tasha for coming in to help. Thank you both again."

Sasha said with pride "It is my job to make the people in this house well fed and that is what I strive to do."

Tasha Said "When my sister calls, I come to help. I love feeding Royalty."

I smiled "Well I have to get back in there, I just wanted to say thanks." I slipped back into the living room. It was a late night. Many tales told and a few songs sung just for fun.

Tara, Darla and Jessel left for their places and the family was sitting there talking. When we decided to go to sleep we had a time of it finding places for everyone to sleep. Couches in the living room were set aside for the boys. Alexis went in with me. Grandmother and Mother shared the third room. Cryss is the only one to have a room to herself. I would fix that the next day. It was a quick night but we got through it.

In the morning We all got ready. Me to teach my class and Mother and Grandmother to head home. Ben off to work and Cryss off for the day with Tina. Sasha would look after Alexis who would be studying. That left Sam to sort out. It was decided that he would go with Mother for a few days to get to know her. I smiled all taken care of.

When I got to class the girls were happy to see me. No new girl today so I was happy. We talked about spell books and filled the morning. Lunch was a pain. Tamara was back with a woman behind her. She came up to me and said "I am sorry about what I said." The woman behind her nudged her and she finished "It wont happen again. Do you forgive me?"

I said "Yes I forgive you."

She said "Does that mean I can be in your class?"

I said "We went over this you do not qualify for my class. You need to take the Beginners class first. Pass that and I will take you into my class."

She screeched "Die" And tried to cast a spell on me. I stood and my staff came out. my shield went up. I waited to see what spell she would cast. The woman behind her slapped her in the back of the head causing her casting to turn inward. Tamara fell to the floor in a seizure. I held out my hand and broke the spell and she went still.

I said "Charlotte go get Janis." I looked at the woman who was looking at Tamara with concern. "I broke the spell. she should be better soon. I don't know where she learned such a spell but it is very dangerous." Janis came in I pointed she nodded. The woman looked at me? "Janis is our healer." The Headmaster came up.

He said "I witnessed the whole thing I am afraid that Tamara will have to be punished for trying to harm a teacher. When she is revived bring her to the office." The woman nodded. Tamara was having a very bad day. Tamara sat up slowly. Janis was still looking her over.

Janis said "Apart from a headache she will be fine." The woman helped Tamara up and led her off. Janis shook her head.

I said "All finished eating?" At their nods "Alright lets fly!" So we went outside and grew our wings and flew to the Hall of Magic. We settled into a practice room for the class. They were halfway done with their spell books so I just bounced around making sure everything was going right. They finished the project by the end of class. I dismissed the class and cleaned up. I guess I was settling into a routine. I headed over to the Mage Hall to get to the work I have been missing. I had quite a pile waiting for me. It was almost dinner time when I shut down for the day. I went outside and stretched then let my wings out and flew home.

When I got there I walked around the side of the house and Cast a spell to add another bedroom to the house. I changed my mind and made it two bedrooms and a bathroom. I had been saving my magic all day for this. The weave of the house changed real easy so I added another bathroom so every bedroom had its own bathroom. So now had an 5 bed room 6 bathroom house. Getting bigger all the time.

Well we needed a place for Alexis and Sam. That was now taken care of. I went inside and Ben, Cryss and Alexis was waiting for me. We had a good dinner with light talk. After dinner I asked about Alexis's studying. She had a few questions I answered quickly. After playing with Cryss for a while I put her to bed then checked on Alexis. She was studying in her new room. I smiled we will have to get her more clothes than Janis gave her. Cryss could use some more as well. We will check the shops in Sanctuary on Saturday. This will be fun.

I headed for the porch to relax with Ben before bed. This was our special time. When we talked about us and what was important in our lives. Ben asked "How long we were going to keep Alexis here?"

I answered "The summer then she will go to the dorms. She needs looking after in this early time. No I am not thinking of adopting her or anything. It will be hard on her though. Her wings will not be able to be pulled in like mine. Kids will be mean to her for being different. Maybe if she is strong enough she could pull them in when they are grown? I don't know, I feel for her. She is a good kid. I just don't want her to get hurt. She one of the ones from earth so she has no one. Grandmother thinks she might have been targeted. I don't think it is safe out there for her with out some one looking after her. I don't know what I am trying to say?

Ben chuckled "Your trying to talk yourself out of what you are feeling. That connection between the two of you. You want to keep her here and safe. It is the Mother in you. I agree for the summer then we will see what happens. Maybe you need a baby sister to look after as well as our child. Who knows she might be an built in baby sitter? But for now lets go to bed.

On the way to class the next day I ran into the Headmaster. He asked "That girl you are looking after what is her last name and next of kin for the records?"

I said "Silver and I guess her next of kin would be me."

He smiled "Little sister? For the records. You know how these paper pushers are you have to fill every line."

I smiled "Yes little foster sister."

He wrote that down "Mother? Any other things I should write down?"

I said "Helen Silver nothing else at this time. I have to start class."

He said "Yes of course. I'll talk to you later about what happened at lunch yesterday."

I headed into the class room as fast as I could. Of course there is a new face in the room. This one was a adult. I went up to her. "May I ask who you are?"

She was watching the door like a hawk. She did not even look at me "I am waiting for the teacher go away."

I sighed "Look at me. I am the teacher here, what do you want?"

She looked me up and down. She said "I was told you were young but this is ridiculous! I was sent to observe your class to see if it meets the school boards regulations"

What school board? We have not elected one yet. We are independent! If any we are in the Crystalis school district. You are not from there. Mother would have told me if there was a change in policy."

She said "This school falls within the Samtargo school district."

I said "No it does not. Sanctuary is an independent country of it's own. We are aligned with but separate from Crystalis. We are not currently aligned with any others. I can only think of one student from there and they are in deep trouble right now for trying to harm a teacher. So provide me with a document signed by the Queen or get out!"

She said "You will regret this! We have powerful friends!" Still she left. I was annoyed at all this. I started the class I was glad it was Friday. We started talking about Harmony spells. The class went smoothly after that.

At lunch I got a urgent message from Sasha, That Alexis was hurt and I was needed at once. I told the girls it was independent study. I would be back when I could. I flew out to the house. I got there just as Janis did. This was bad! I rushed in and up stairs to Alexis room. She was on her belly on the bed screaming into a pillow. It was not what I wanted to see. Her wing buds were about to burst. I looked closely the wings were ready to come out but were having trouble breaking the skin. It could break the fragile wing bones if it did not break soon. I said "We have two choices cut the skin to help the wings out or wait and hope no damage is done."

Janis said "The bones are about to break."

I said "That's it we cut! Hold her down this is going to hurt." I sensed where the wings should come out made a line then took my dagger and cut a shallow cut then slightly deeper till the wing burst free. I did the same to the other side till both wings were free and moving about. "Janis heal around the edges but don't close the cuts. They will heal on their own. Alexis are you all right?"

Alexis was crying into the pillow. She sobbed out "That hurt so much. What happened?"

I said "Your skin over the wing buds was too thick so it didn't break and let your wings out. I had to cut the skin to help bring your wings out. If I didn't you would have got what is know as wing bind. It would have broken the bones in your wings and been very bad. Now your wings are out and can grow properly. Once your body fixes itself you will be fine."

Janis said "The cut is closing up around the base of the wing. No broken bones. You will live." She smiled.

I said "That's what is suppose to happen. It will all get better from here. Soon you will be flying with me." Alexis turned her head to look at me. I smiled and let my wings out. There was a look of surprise on her face. I chuckled "How do you think I know so much about wings? Though mine come from a spell not a potion. Don't get your hopes up but when they are grown I may have a way to Pull them in when you are not using them. But that is not till they have grown. It is too risky while they are growing." I looked away with a surprised look on my face. "Hmm Sam is coming back I wonder why so soon? Angel is also on the way over I know what that is about. You rest and things will get better." I went down stairs to wait for the two visitors.

Janis came down a few moments later "Every time I am around you I learn something new. You sure live a lively life."

I smiled "More like Bloody Hectic! But it gets me through the week. Thanks for the help. I really didn't want to cut but that is the way it goes sometimes."

She patted my shoulder "I know the feeling. I need to get back I still have three kitten girls to find homes for." She headed out. A moment later Angel showed up.

Angel said "How is Alexis I went past Janis on the way here?"

I said "Better but that's not why you are here. You got a complaint. From a certain government about a certain teacher."

She nodded "What happened? I let Tamara back in and the very day she is almost killed from a spell while talking to you."

I smiled "So that is how they are trying to spin this. She was saying sorry when I forgave her she asked if that meant I would let her into my class. I said no she needed to complete the beginners class first. She got mad and tried to cast a death spell on me. The woman who was escorting her slapped her in the back of the head. That disrupted the spell and she got the backlash. I broke the spell before she was really hurt but I was not responsible for her looking foolish."

Angel Smiled "I thought it would be something like that. How many seen this go on?"

I shrugged "Only almost the whole school in the lunch room including the Headmaster. She does not have a case. That little girl is a pain." I walked over to the door and opened it just before Sam could knock on it. "Come on in your room is ready."

Angel came up and smiled "Don't you just hate it when she does that. This link we share can be a real pain sometimes. Welcome home big brother. I thought you were going to stay with Mother till Sunday?"

He said "Things got busy there I was just in the way. Besides all the finery and bowing was a pain. Sanctuary does not take itself so seriously. I like it better. Do you mind?"

I said "Like I said you room is ready you are welcome to use it till you get your own place. Now that I added two more rooms we have more than enough room. Of course you and Ben will have the place to yourselves tomorrow because I am taking the girls clothes shopping."

Angel said "Oh really can I come? Sounds like fun! We have not went clothes shopping for a while. Will Alexis be ok to go?"

Alexis said "I'm fine. Ember took care of the problem with Janis helping."

I put on my stern face "You should not be up yet. Oh well turn around and let them see your wings." She did as she was told. She flapped her wings a bit. "Any pain?"

Alexis said "A slight bit when I flap them too much. Other than that they feel good. I don't know why but I feel my magic more now they are out. Is that strange?"

I smiled "That is the way it is. Wings seem to gather magic easier. Come sit down if your not going to go back up stairs. There is something I need to talk to you about and now is as good as ever. The school needed a last name and next of kin for their records. I should have talked to you about this but I was being pressed. Any way I told them your last name is Silver and you are my foster sister." Alexis got up came over to me and gave me a big hug!

Sam said to Angel "Does that mean I have Three little sisters? I like big families."

Angel said "I am not up on all the foster regulations but if you want, yes it does. I am not sure but we might have another Princess in the house."

Mother said from the door way "What is this?"

I turned "Hello Mother, I have taken Alexis as my foster sister. If Angel says that makes her a Princess of Sanctuary, I believe. Did you come to see where Samuel went? As you can see he is right here. Please come in." Mother came in and wagged her finger at Sam.

Mother said "You should have told me before you left. If you were not happy I would have done anything to make you happy. Was things too formal for you? we could have found a way to lighten things up. I just wanted to get to know you." He was looking at the floor.

I answered for him "Mother this is all too much for him right now. Lets just let him take his time he will get to know all of us."

She looked at me "So be it, means I have more reasons to come visit my children." She looked at Alexis "Come let me see you girl. Turn around slowly. Hmm wings huh nice. Yes I would say that she is good Princess material. Do you have family child besides those in this room?" Alexis shook her head.

I said "She is one of the ones from Earth. The wings are from a potion. The school needed a name so I gave them Helens. Just for the paperwork. I am her next of kin on the paperwork. She will be staying here. This is her home now."

Angel said "What does Ben think about this? Bet he doesn't know yet does he?" When I blushed "OH you in trouble again!"

I said "He and I talked about it last night. He wont be surprised. He is used to the way I do things. Now lets have some tea and talk a bit. Then I have to get back to school." So that is what we did. after a few cups I headed back to the Hall of Magic to check on the class.

I landed outside the Hall and waked inside. I opened the door and The class was there books open showing each other what they knew. Harmony at its best. I stepped in and waited for them to notice me. They were each trying this wind spell so it was pretty loud in that little room. I decided to get their attention. I brought out my wings and clapped them together quite hard. The sound blast knocked their books all over and startled them. I smiled at them I looked at the clock and it was time to dismiss them for the day. So I did. The girls were picking up their books and getting ready to go. I said "You have showed if I am called away you can work on your own. Everyone gets extra credit points for today. Monday we start our next project." I cleaned up and headed to the Mage Hall. Work, work and more work. I worked till almost dinner time and then headed home.

I landed outside the house and fluttered my wings before pulling them in. Alexis said "Your wings are pretty, I hope mine look that good."

I smiled "Don't worry about that you've got a good start. That and taking care of them makes all the difference. At least you didn't get pixie wings like Tina or dragon wings like Jessie. Sometimes I think the magic has a sense of humor."

She asked "What type of wings does Angel have?"

I was about to answer when Angel said "Same as hers and yours just black. Of course we can't get a good look at the color of your wings yet. How long do you think Ember?"

I shrugged "3 or 4 days till we get past the first stage you will get the first of your strong feathers. That will tell you the color." Cryss came in with Tina "Tina where would be the best artist to go to for special fit clothes?"

Tina said "What type of fit do you need?" I turned Alexis around. "Oh the best would be Salina. She has a shop on the row, easy to find. She's the best with special order clothes. She isn't a mage but she shapes cloth like one. Fast too. She will fix you up real nice. I'll let her know your coming. I got to get back Tara's Dancing tonight. She has some big wig looking her over."

I smiled "That would be Jessel the Fire Dancer. If she teaches Tara the Fire dance she will go from world class to legendary. It took me 6 months to become passing. There is no one better with fire magic. She taught me that and to dance. Magic I can do Dance not so much."

Tina said "I thought Darla was your magic teacher?"

I smiled "She started me on the road with the basics. Then she dumped me in the Pits in Crystalis. That is where I learned magic. You see the pits work like this. There are a bunch of working mages and a ton of kids wanting to learn magic. These kids go from mage to mage learning as they go. In the three summers I spent in the pits I learned from maybe 12 to 14 different mages. Each asks a price to learn what they know. Jessel's price was that I learn the fire dance. In turn she taught me fire magic. If your smart and really want to know about magic places like the pits are a great learning experience. It is not book learning it is learning by doing. Though you have to be driven to learn or the place will eat you alive. That way of learning is not for everyone."

Tina said "You know this Fire Dance lady pretty well? Do you think she will teach Tara?"

I chuckled "I introduced them now it is up to her. I have seen Tara Dance she could do the Fire Dance with out the scars. That's the thing, The Fire Dance is dangerous but no Dance short of the Storm Dance can take you higher. But then that's another story."

Tina said "I'll let you know how it goes. See you all later."

We all went into dinner. Alexis said "Could something like the pits be set up here for summer learning."

I thought for a moment "If your thinking of yourself I could set you up to shadow one of my mages for a week too see how you do. I will set it up Sunday. I know just the one. You should get to know her since you have her last name."

Alexis frowned "What do you mean? I thought I had your last name?"

Ben looked at me "I guess it is story time. You can't leave it at that. You will drive the kid nuts. Just tell her already."

I smiled "My name was not always a long as it is. You see I was not brought up in Crystalis. I was brought up on earth till not too long ago by a woman by the name of Helen Silver. It was not till I was 10 did things start to change. The next summer I started to learn about magic and about myself. You see I am Angels sister but back then I was living as a boy. That summer I learned that my true self is female. I also learned More. It was over the next 5 years I learned who I was and Who I wasn't. It was just over a year ago that I learned the truth I was born a girl but was changed into a boy to hide me. I was hidden so good I did not even know. The woman who raised me was a earth mage who was in hiding herself. After many adventures I met her again. Now she works for me at the farm in Sanctuary. If you want to know more I'll lend you my diaries so you can know the type of family you are getting in to."

She said "I would like that and to meet this Helen Silver." We all ate after that. Ben was looking at me with a gleam in his eye. I knew I was in for it as soon as we were alone. I just ate quietly waiting for the yelling to start.

After dinner I played with Cryss and then sent her and Alexis up to their to get ready for bed. I told Alexis not to sleep on her back just yet. It could hurt her healing. When they were gone I turned to Ben. Sam had went up to bed earlier. Ben gave me the eye and I told him about the paperwork and the Headmaster. I told him I was sorry I did not check with him first. Then he burst out laughing. He said "I knew it was leading here you like to mother people in trouble. Like it or not until we find the potion maker Alexis is still in danger. You can't help but want to protect her. Until we know what happened and have the culprit the best place for her is here. After that we will talk about forever. Now lets go cuddle on the porch like most sane couples do." So after I checked on everyone I went out and cuddled for an hour or so. Then we went up to bed.

That night I had a dream I was sitting in a room and a woman was talking to me. But I could not here the words. She was getting frustrated. She wrote one word Danger! at that point I woke. I checked Ben then checked Cryss. Next was Alexis there was a woman in her room with a dagger in her hand. My hand came up and a fireball flew at the dagger. The woman Screeched and dropped the dagger. My staff was in my hand and I was drawing power to fight this unknown woman! The woman turned to me and said "You can not protect her she is mine! I will have her! She weaved her hands and a lance of dark light flashed towards me. I took it on my staff an attacked physically My claws were out something I seldom used. She did not expect this and fell back near the wall. I used my control over the weave to have the wall grab her. I hit her with an binding spell. That shut down her powers. Ben and Sam burst into the room with swords out. She was powerless she was held to the wall by her arms and to the floor by her feet. Her powers were bound and I was angry. I said "Ben check Alexis. Sam check the rest of the house." Sasha stuck her head in. "Sasha stay with Cryss." Ben woke Alexis.

She looked at the woman and said "I know you. You were at the library last month. You were talking to my friends. Whispering but shut up when I came near."

Ben said "I think we found where the potions come from. I'll call the guards How long can you bind her powers?"

I shrugged "Long as I have to. I will strip her of her powers if it is proven that she did what we think. I'll call Angel and let her know. I tapped the bracelet and I was in my work clothes. I dipped into my bag and pulled out the link compact.

Angel answered right away "What happened? Is anyone hurt? I am on my way."

I said "Everyone's fine. we caught a trespasser in the house we believe she is the potion person. She made me angry. We had a small fight. She lost. I bound her powers.

Sam stuck his head in "House is clear. The guards have arrived."

I said "Ben check her for potions and be careful." He patted her down and took about twenty potions from her. "Ben, Sam get ready I am going to let the wall let her go!" She was dropped they caught her and dragged her from the room. I went over to Alexis "Are you ok?"

She said "Yes I think I am. I'm going to get dressed and come down I need to see this through!"

I smiled "Good girl be strong. Make it quick." I picked up the potions and soon we went down together. Angel was there. I could feel the dragon in her near the surface.

Angel said "Is that the evidence?" I nodded and set the vials and bottles on the table.

About the tenth one. I said "Well look at this I bet this and the bottle Grandmother has will match." The door and Grandmother came in.

Grandmother said "Is anyone going to tell me why I had to get here so fast." I filled her in and showed her the potions She picked out two. "These match the others. This is where the potions came from."

I looked at Angel "Your judgment Your Majesty?"

Angel drew herself up and said "Guilty, Grand Mage do your duty and strip this person of all powers. Before she does that does the accused have any last words?" she spit our way.

Grandmother said "For this one you are going to have to use this spell instead." She showed me a spell from one of her books. I studied it for a few moments then cast it. Whoa, the influx of magic and knowledge was staggering. I held on till she was dry of magic and magical knowledge. She was took away and Grandmother said "Are you holding it all?" I nodded "Is there a counter for the kitten girl potion?" I shook my head. Is there a counter for the other potion?"

I said "There is a completion to the potion but no counter."

To be continued

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