....Linda smiled. Annette lay asleep on the sofa; a nice cream colored comforter had been draped tenderly over her. Was it really six years? How much joy can time hold? Both women never dreamed love could be so joyous and so secure, but here they were; loving and deeply in love. Life had shown them that second chances often are first best, and they counted that blessing every day.
The love that Linda and Annette have for each other were birthed in this dear, precious place where the love of friends and dear family members I never knew I had helped redeem and save this old girl. I cannot begin to thank Erin for this wonderful home. I realized only this evening that I've been surrounded with care and love here for six years. I am so blessed to be here and for so many to encourage me and allow me the privilege of loving and encouraging them.
Thank you for being here for me? I know I'm one of so many who are blessed to call this place home, but I expect I'm also one of many who almost feels sometimes that it's here just for me? So many to love. Portia, Maren, Ni Ni, Joanne, Ronnie, Sephrena, Dottie and so many other sisters. The Rev... and Bailey.... Diana, Samirah, Liz and my precious Kelly and Bobbie in my family.... Alison... And my dear Randa.... Thank you all, and may you at least be blessed to know the love so many of you have extended to me.
Since music has been so much a part of my way of saying what I mean, I'd be remiss if I didn't offer something? This was on my heart so here's to you, dear ones! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm4rGMc6nFU
Auditory brilliance
Thanks for the music link. It was like an auditory masterpiece, a Picasso or Rembrandt.
Okay, so I have an incredibly wonky sense of humor. I saw the title of your post and this is what went through my head. I really hope this doesn't offend anyone, and it's not really that appropriate considering the music linked and the seriousness of the post. But, like I said, when I saw the title this is what went through my mind.
Love, exciting and new
Come aboard. We're expecting you.
Love, life's sweetest reward.
Let it flow, it floats back to you.
The Love Boat soon will be making another run
The Love Boat promises something for everyone
Set a course for adventure, your mind on a new romance.
And love won't hurt anymore
It's an open smile on a friendly shore.
It's love!
Welcome aboard
It's love!
I giggled, and I hope it brings a smile to someone else's face.
In the 70's....
another lifetime ago, I was married to another dear woman who knew a wee bit about me. But even at that I always looked away when the Love Boat was on because it wasn't just that I was attracted to Lauren Tewes - Julie - on the show, but also that was experiencing the glimmer of understanding about wanting to BE like Lauren Tewes.
Love, Andrea Lena
What a lovely
What a lovely way to express your pleasure at reaching this milestone.
Best wishes,
happy anniversary, Drea
huggles, and extra huggles from little Dottie!
It Goes Both Ways
We love you too.
Thank You For Being a Member of This Wondeful Community
I love it when you challenge my pickled brain. I love it when you make me smile. I love it when you make me cry. We're better because you're here. Forget that other place. This is where you belong.
With fond embrace,
And there's soooo much of you to love. Each little morsel of a tale that comes from your heart is yet another glimpse into a part of you to love.
Always Love...
Da Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrat
The Best to You Now and Always
I am a long time admirer of you words of wisdom, When I am down, I come to read one of your stories. They always make me smile or tweak some hidden spot in my mind that makes me feel good. I can't ever express how much your writing means to me. They have saved my life many times when the world seemed to be crushing me. I wish you happiness, that maybe some day all your dreams will be fulfilled and thank You for all you have done for others.
Please continue in you efforts, since you do more for a lot of us then you realize.
- Formerly Turnabout Girl
Thank you for being here
... for us.