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(If you have not please read When tales come true before you read this one. ) Book 2 Chapter 2 School Dance
Beyond the Tales

Thursday made me smile as the girls tried to figure out what type of staff they wanted. In the morning we talked about how I got my staff and what inspired me to make it. I made them laugh a few times. Then I got serious for a few moments and told of the Danger I put myself in to make such a tool. I admitted I was riding a wave of magic that could have crushed me as well as make the object. Looking back there was many times I could have died from overreaching my magic. I advised them to start slow and work up to the big enchantments.
Kia asked "What does your staff do that is so powerful?"
I smiled "I does a lot of little things but the one big enchantment is a magic amplifier. It takes a low level spell and enhances it till it is a major spell."
She frowned "That does not seem very big to me."
Charlotte popped in with "What happens if you use a major spell in the first place?" Then her eyes went wide with the implications. I nodded she had got it.
I looked at the girls "If I am lucky the staff would burst. If not a Epic spell would be cast. I have cast three Epic level spells each time I almost died! I should have never put that enchantment on my staff. Now when I have the staff in my hands I have to be very careful in what spells I use. Not only to keep myself safe but those around me as well! To risk your own life is one thing but to risk those around you just to show your power is down right Wrong and Rude! Just don't do it without thinking of the big picture. Well end of sermon for today.
I took a big breath and let it out slowly I was getting myself riled up. This is not good for a first time teacher. Should I tell a joke to cool things off? No, Just let it pass. I had some sample staffs drawn up to suggest to the girls. This is the time to bring them out I think. I said "Listen up I have a few suggestions for staffs." I held out some cards and read. "Charlotte The Staff of the River. To Find and Control Water spirits.
Lynette The Staff of Fire Wind. To Find and Control Fire pixies.
Kia The Staff of The Storm. To Protect you from and Control Storms.
Teladona The Staff of Wicked Blades. To Help you Shape Weapons with Edges.
Ronda The Staff of Crystal Shaping. To Help you Find and Shape Crystal
Milla The Staff of the Elements. To Help you Control Elemental Spirits.
That is my suggestions these cards have the enchantment number so you can look them up and see what your staff would do." I handed out the cards. "These are starter staffs you will get to know more of your style and create a staff that suits you perfectly. Some mages have several to go with what they are doing. That is up to you. Now it is almost time for lunch so why don't we break it here and get ready for lunch." I smiled and Nodded to each one in turn.
Ronda was frowning "There is no numbers next to my enchantments?"
I smiled "I know the enchantments that you need have not been added to the archive yet." I handed her 4 pieces of paper. "I hope you can read my writing." I handed the others one piece of paper each. "These will enhance your staffs a bit." As they looked over the new enchantments I led them to lunch.
I knew a little Drama was going to go on at lunch. I had planed it. Several people asked who I was going to the dance this weekend with. I was going to end that in style. Half way through lunch the doors opened and ten Knights in full armor and weapons came trooping in two rows. They parted leaving a walkway down the center. Down the center of that walkway strode my husband. Dressed in the armor I had made for him. He was an very impressive sight. He stopped in front of me and bowed. "Your Highness, I would like to ask you to give this lowly Knight the Honor of Going to the Dance with me this Weekend?" To say every girl and many of the boys in the room were waiting for my answer. I stood and took a deep breath dragging it out a bit.
I said with a smile "Yes Sir Ben I will go to the Dance with you." Then I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled and bowed again. Then he turned and strode from the room. The knights waited till he was through and closed ranks then marched out as well. When the doors shut all the tables began a crazy babbling. I just sat down and continued my lunch.
Charlotte said "You knew that was going to happen! You knew he was going to ask you!"
I just smiled and said "I certainly hope he was going to ask me he is my Husband. This was planed to get others off my back. We were going to chaperone the dance anyways. I am a teacher."
The girls just stared at me. Then they all burst out laughing. We had a very good lunch after that. Out of the corner of my eye I caught one person who was not babbling but frowning to the point it was almost a glare. Tamara Loki DeLight was not pleased with me to say the Least. She will need watching. That was the only sour note in the otherwise great lunch.
After lunch we flew to the Hall of Magic to get down to picking ingredients for the staffs and making sure they were pure enough to handle the enchantments. It was a long process. I was flitting around the room like a demented butterfly trying to keep everyone in the class moving in the right direction. Finally that part was done now came the fun part, the shaping. So the last hour of class was taken up doing that. Since they just learned shaping it took quite a bit of effort to do. The basic shapes were done and they had Friday to do the fine detail and prepare the staffs for the enchanting. They will have to do the rest on their own time.
I cleaned up and was ready to head to the Mage Hall when I noted that the girls were still hanging around. I walked over and Charlotte asked "We don't know where to get these enchantments. Will you help us?"
I smiled "Of course, follow me." I led them to the mage hall and introduced them to Vicki the mage clerk. She looked up the numbers and could see that they were all student level enchantments so went and got then. She made copies for the students. I smiled my clerks were very good at their jobs. I smiled and maybe they will be done tomorrow after all. After watching for a while I went up to my office and dug into my work.
It was late again before I got out of there. I really hated missing dinner with the family but I had to do my work now or I would be doing it on the weekend. Having two fulltime jobs was hard to keep up with. If I wanted my weekends free I knew a few late nights was the cost.
The next morning Friday, TGIF. Here I am almost 16 And working two jobs with more titles than I can remember and I'm married with 7 kids. My life is a strange one. I am glad things have slowed down a bit. Well no time to think on those things or I'll be late for work. So after breakfast with Ben and Cryss it is off to work I go.
There is a bunch of troops outside my class room door. I asked "All right what is going on here?"
The Captain of this group replied "We are here to protect our Princess. Who are you?"
I said in as calm of voice as I could "I am the Teacher for this class. Don't block the hallway. Just stand to the side." If it was Tamara again I am going to have words with that little girl! I entered the room and could see right away who the princess is and it was not Tamara. Well I guess I should find out who she was. I walked up to her and said "Are you the one who has the troops outside?"
She said "Yes I am and you are? I am waiting to tall to the teacher."
I smiled "You are talking to the teacher. I am Ember Rose Del La Silver Skyflower-Starstone. And you are?"
She said "I am Willa Winter, Princess of White Hall. Do you have a Title?
I smiled "Several but the one you are talking about is I am Princess of Sanctuary and Crystalis as Well as Grand Mage of Sanctuary and teacher of this class. Now if you are registered in this class it is fine. If not It is time for class to start and we have a lot to do. If you want to be in this class but they are giving you trouble come see me at the Mage Hall at the end of the school day and we will see what we can do." For some reason I was not bothered just wanting to get the class going.
She got up and said "Excuse me Seems I need to do some Paperwork. Good day." She left I smiled and shook my head.
I said Now that the drama is over lets get down to work." We talked over what they did with the enchantments they now had and what they needed to do. This took an hour. I shifted the topic to how to think about making the staffs for the last hour. I was glad when lunch time came.
I was hoping that the two Princesses would not meet and start a war here. We walked to the dinning hall and there was a bit of drama going on. As I thought when they seen each other Tamara and Willa went at it right away! They were only using words at the moment but it looked like it would be going bad soon. I looked over where Angel sits when she is not working through lunch. The seat was empty. Great it was up to me. I strode over after sending the girls to the table. I picked my moment and said in a icy voice "My is this not a fine display of manners. If you two can not keep it civil you should take it back to where you came from. Sanctuary is neutral territory. We put aside our cultures politics when we come to this school!"
Willa looked like she could kill something but nodded and returned to her seat. Tamara on the other hand was not going let it go. I handed her a Detention slip and looked at her "Would you like to try for two?" She looked at the slip and backed down for now.
The Headmaster came up "Is everything here fine?
I answered "Well the Headmaster has asked a question Ladies?"
They both said "Yes Headmaster." It was grudging but it seemed we had a truce for now.
I nodded and went back to my lunch. Not that I had much of an appetite. We got through lunch with me having a eye on those two.
When we left I was sure they would start back up but there was nothing I could do about it. We flew to the Hall of Magic got our stuff and a practice room. Then I helped each one as they did the fine detail work on their staffs. Then the last hour each cast their Enchantments. We had two left when the time was up so we kept going. After all were done I checked the staffs and pronounced them done and good. They helped me clean up then they went one way and I went to the Mage Hall. Dang it, looked like another late night.
I got to the Mage Hall and headed to my office to find Willa there waiting for me. I sighed then put a smile on my face and walked up to her. I said "You can come in, leave the troops outside. I opened the door with a wave of my hand as I past into my Office I tapped my bracelet so I was wearing my full Grand Mage outfit. I thought a little bit of show right now may set the mood right. I indicated a chair after I had sat. It was clear she was not used to this sort of treatment but right now I did not care. I said "Now what can I do for you?"
She looked me over and said "I am having trouble getting into your class. They say I have to have studied magic for at least 3 years to get into your class."
I said "That's right my class is one for Advanced students only. How long have you been studying magic?"
She looked away "One year but I am really, really good."
I asked "What type of magic do you use? You need at least two to get into my class."
She looked at me "Types? I just use magic. Isn't it all the same?"
I sighed "From the sounds of it you need the beginners class first. See me when you have completed that. Now if there is nothing else I have work to do." She got up then left. I think she was disappointed that I would not give in to her whims. My class was new and special to me so I was not going to compromise it.
After that I finally got down to work. It was not too bad today so I was only a little late getting home. Ben was waiting for me. He rubbed my shoulders as I told him about my day. It was a nice way to end a day. I had a dress to make tomorrow for the dance on Sunday. I was going to make a suit for Ben to wear but I don't know if I will have the time. Everything comes down to time it seems. I just don't have all the time to do what I need to do. I was wondering if I was going to burn out before the end of the summer when Ben turned me around. He smiled "Your thinking too much again. Just go with the flow and let things work out as they will. You have the luck, use it. Now lets eat dinner." That's how Ben is sometimes. He is my rock and I do love him.
In the morning I was working on my dress a beautiful sapphire halter dress that comes to my knees. I think I would look very nice in it. Cryss was doing the shoes for me. That helped time wise. I smiled Ben was right I just needed to go with the flow. I was checking out the look when Ben came in. He looked me over. He came over kissed me. Cryss Said loudly "EEWWW!" That made us both laugh. I sent Cryss to do her homework while I looked Ben over. I planned the suit I was thinking of. It took three hours to get it made and it looked so perfect and matching my dress. When we came down back in our regular clothes Cryss was helping Sasha with lunch. We ate a late lunch while talking. Then Ben and I relaxed on the porch watching Cryss play in the yard.
Jenny, Jessie, Tina and Tara came strolling up. Ben smiled and pushed me slightly towards them. I laughed and the five of us went into the house for tea and to catch up on our lives. Jenny was still working for the Queen and really liking it. Jessie was planning a wedding for Tina and herself for mid summer. Tina was in love and that is all we needed to know. We all laughed at that. Tara's Dance troop was working steady now and getting great reviews. So everyone was doing good and having fun. They would all be at the dance with dates. Of course Tina and Jessie would be going with each other. Jenny was going with Byron the second in command of the Royal Guard. Tara is going with one of the dancers in her troop named Michel. So we were set and happy. Angel showed up late to the party. With her the Six were together again. This made me really happy. We had not had much time in the few months to get together. We all had jobs and hobbies to keep us going. It was just nice to be in the same room for a change. We gabbed for a few hours before the party broke up. We all hugged and They headed out. I kissed Ben and hugged Cryss. We headed in to dinner.
After putting Cryss to bed Ben and I were back on the porch relaxing. There was Just something right about today. I guess I slipped into sleep. I dreamed of dancing with Ben. It was lovely. I did not care that we were on a dance floor made for several hundred all by our selves. The music was strange almost hypnotic in it's beat. I just felt so good about the whole thing. Then Ben picked me up and carried up a staircase that was just there. At the top was a room made out of all glass. He laid me on the bed that was in the center of the room. He kissed me on the forehead and I woke up. Ben had carried my up to bed from the porch where I had fallen asleep in his arms. I smiled at him and got out of bed to get ready to go to bed.
In the morning there was much to do. I checked and rechecked my Dress and Bens Suit and everything to go with them. Sasha was going to watch Cryss for the time Ben and I would be at the Dance. The Dance went from 6 to 10 pm. Ben and I had to be there early because we were acting as chaperones for the dance. There was 6 teachers as chaperones for this dance. It took me awhile to get my makeup just right. Not too much young girl and not too much teacher showing. We ate an early dinner at 4:30 pm and headed to the gym at five.
We were the first ones there. We let the band in to set up. This was going to be weird. Old fashioned band boosted by magic. Rock music provided by Tara. Tara's mp3 player was quite the hit and the music really took off. All kinds of bands were trying to make their own rock songs. The player was now powered by magic thanks to me. Well tonight we were going to have a mid-evil band playing their versions of rock classics. The dancing is also going to be a mix of old and new. It should be fun to watch. Speaking of watching I was going to have to watch for Tamara and Willa. Don't want any wars starting here. Since Willa is not a student here yet I don't think there will be a problem but it never hurt to be prepared.
All the Chaperones arrived and we were ready to let the students in. I waited for the click then gave the signal that the doors could be opened. In flooded the students and their dates. I smiled an the dance had started. Every half hour Ben and I cruised the outer areas to make sure the make out spots were clear. later in the night that became harder to do as more kids started drifting that way. I did get to dance a few slow dances with Ben.
Early on I spotted my students were all together and alone so I went over. I smiled "Having a good night?"
Charlotte said "We are too new to get dates in time. I guess the guys are afraid of mages."
Ben came over bringing me a drink. I said "Not all of them are. Ladies I would like you to meet my Husband Captain Ben of the Royal Guard. Ben do me a favor and dance with these ladies while I check the restroom for trouble." He smiled and held out his hand to Charlotte. I slipped away to the restroom to find there was trouble there. There was a girl on the floor out cold. I checked her pulse and sent a message through the rings I gave the chaperones to the other two female teachers to get there fast. The girl was alive but in bad shape. Doris and Fran arrived together. I had been trying to find out why she was hurt so I could try to heal her but it just did not make sense. I had sent for Janis or Dixie our healers to see what they can do. A few moments later Janis came in and took over the room. Turned out to be an allergy. To what was still be determined. Janis sat back on her heels "It is a good thing you found her when you did just a little longer and she would have went into a coma. After that there would be very little we could have done."
Dixie arrived with the apprentice healers and a stretcher to carry the girl out. Everything was taken care of and We went to the dance.
Ben had done what I asked and the girls were looking happier. Ben gave me that what happened look. I said "Tell you later." I turned to the girls and smiled "Have fun girls, I see several boys circling." I led Ben off. "Please check the boys restrooms." He nodded and went off.
Tamara said "I see you got him well trained." There was a sneer in her voice when she said that.
I smiled as Angel said "Picking on my sister Princess? I would not push it if I was you. If she did not use her magic to make you disappear I would have to take official notice of your behavior and deport you. My Sister is a Princess twice over and a Grand Mage. I will not take kindly to any disrespect towards her."
Tamara said "You can't make me go I an a diplomat. To send me back is to say you want a war with Samtargo."
Angel went into full Queen mode. "That's it! I am calling your Mother right now and then you are going home! You are no Diplomat if you go around insulting members of the royal family!" Ben slipped up to me. "Captain call the guards and have them escort this one to the nearest mirror room. So it was done, The dance was almost over so Ben and I were excused from the clean up to take care of this. I don't know why Angel was getting hot and I was going cold. Things seemed reversed. This whole thing seemed strange to me. where was my temper?
That's when I felt it. A beating heart below mine. No, it can't be. Is that what they meant by a gift? Not now, I really don't need this right now! I need to see Janis tomorrow. Change the worlds and get pregnant from it!
After deporting Tamara I went home and Angel came with me. Ben sat with this All right tell me look on his face. So I told him what happened while Angel used a mirror to call Tamara's Mother. Ben said "Something else is bothering you. Please tell me what it is?"
After false starting a few times I said "I am Pregnant."
Ben looked stunned "How? We have not even went all the way yet?"
I said "Remember the dream I told you about where they told me I changed the worlds? They said they were giving me a gift and touched my belly. I don't know why it took so long but I know it is true I'm Pregnant!"
A squeal came from the hall. Angel had heard my last statement. She came flying in and I was wrapped in one big sisterly hug. Ben was still stunned. There was a thousand questions that all boiled down to How did I feel? I was still trying to figure that out. Ben was not the only one stunned. Soon It was bed time and I offered Angel one of the spare rooms for the night and she said yes for once.
It was a hard night but I made though it. So I got ready for the day. I went down and Angel was just leaving. I got another hug then she headed out. Ben had a meeting so headed out early. Tara showed up to watch Cryss for the day.
I hugged Cryss then Tara just for fun then I headed for class. I really did not like Mondays. I needed to check over and grade their staffs. I will start by talking about what they were used for. That will take up the morning. At the Hall of magic we will test and grade them. That should shoot my day away. Oh my breakfast is not sitting to well. Where is the restroom on this floor. There it is. I rushed into the stall and my breakfast made a second appearance. That was not a nice way to start the day. I cleaned up then headed to the class room. I hope this is not the start of morning sickness. That would be bad.
Everyone was in their seats. Of course there were two new faces in the room. I walked up to the twins "And you would be?"
One said "She is Sheana Del Torese."
The other one said "She is Shana Del Torese."
Shana said "She is a Princess."
Sheana Said "She is a Princess."
They both said "We are Twin Princesses."
I rubbed my temples. I said "You are not registered in this class are you? If not you need to go to the office and sign up if you qualify."
They looked at each other then at me. They said together "Who are you? Why are you telling us what to do?"
I said "I am Ember Rose Del La Silver Skyflower-Starstone, Princess of Sanctuary and Crystalis, Grand Mage of Sanctuary and Teacher of this class. That's why" They looked at each other again. They stood up and left. I said to myself "I wonder how many Princesses there are going to show up here?"
Lynette said "If all the major houses send one the number would be 27."
I looked at her and sighed "Thank you. Lets get started." We talked for the full two hours about the how and why of using the staffs they made. My belly was better so I had a hearty lunch. Trying to forget the twins this morning. Soon the Headmaster came over "May I talk to you a moment."
When we were alone I said "I don't know how these princesses have been getting into my class room. I would like it stopped. I have a class to teach and this drama is really annoying. If they were signed up for the class it would be different but so far none of them have been. There must be something that can be done?"
He sighed "That answers that. So we will try to find out but there is little we can do. Just keep sending them down and we will do what we can. How many Princesses can there be?
I sighed "27 if what I am told is right. Well I got to get going. I have six projects to test and grade. Unless you have something else to speak about?"
He was distracted "27 Dang it. No I have heard enough."
I returned to the girls "Time to go. Let's fly." Soon we were out side and in the air. I felt better once I stretched my wings. Nothing bad happened to me when I was flying. we landed and entered the Hall of Magic we got the staffs and a practice room. Now for the Hard part. I watched as each put their staffs through their paces. Then I sealed the Enchantments and graded the staff. It was a long process and I was quite tired at the end of it. I smiled all of them had passed the test. They all had nice starter staffs. I took out my staff. "Lets touch staffs for luck." And so we did all at once.
To be Continued
As always all life giving Comments welcome and loved.
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Is there a reason the entire
Is there a reason the entire chapter is bolded?
Brooke brooke at shadowgard dot com
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
"Lola", the Kinks
wow! I was almost first!
was everybody waiting for me to comment? Great chapter Gypsy, I feel bad for Ember, it sounds like she's burning the candle at both ends to get things done, I think she should move her adv. magic class to another room and only those who qualify for it be told where it is. Cryss is going to have a little sister or brother soon you say? that should be interesting to say the least! as always; I look forward to the next installment!
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Great chapter!
Why do I get the feeling that something interesting is gonna happen when they touch staffs?
This Means War?
Things seem to be moving along well enough. I guess the pregnancy had to come early if Ember's daughter needs to be of age when her mother and aunt start changing the worlds for real.
Tamara and Angel seem to have been on the right page: a diplomat who is declared persona non grata can be expelled by the host country. But expelling a member of the royal family is certainly going to be an eye-opener -- it's an insult to the country even if the royal deserves it. Normally, I'd guess, it'd be done quietly through negotiations on both sides, to avoid public humiliation. But even if Angel knows that from her time at the Crystalis palace, subtlety doesn't seem to be part of her personality or what teen alpha types are accustomed to.
(That particular exchange, while catty, didn't seem particularly insulting. Though I don't have much experience with teen dances, I suspect that a lot of girls with attentive boyfriends are told that they have their guy well-trained, albeit not necessarily in the boy's presence. Easy to see why Ember considered it an overreaction.)
Anyway, I guess we'll see what comes of Angel's discussion with Tamara's mother -- or whether Angel would formally apologize for doing it the way she did, if that was what was necessary to avoid warfare.
Ember continues to assume that princesses are the only potential problem with other royal families. Not everyone is like Crystalis; we don't know that all monarchs are female and we've already seen that mages can be male. If all 27 families really do want to send a royal scion for mage training (which was only Ember and Angel's guess, based on what struck me as a not-too-serious rhetorical question), they're unlikely to all be daughters.
Dragon Queen?
Not sure why I was thinking about this last night, possibly because of Ember's comment to her students that magic as strong as some of her previous efforts was life-threatening.
But right now, if something dire were to happen to Angel and Ember, it'd seem that Criss would be next in line to the throne. Then again, since Angel, like Criss, is visibly human with a dragon aspect, Criss may be more suited to the position than one might think.
Not that I expect our author to kill off her protagonists any time soon -- though I suppose it remains to be seen whether the elemental and draconian versions of Ember and Angel respectively will still want to serve as rulers of Sanctuary once they awaken and further challenge the two worlds. There's also the question as to whether Ember's future daughter -- who may or may not carry her DNA, given the circumstances of her conception -- might be considered a more worthy successor.
Tamara is one person I would
Tamara is one person I would never trust, especially when her middle name is LOKI. Norse god of mischief, and other things that do no-one any good, except for himself.
I'm left wondering if all these princesses arriving at the school one right after another is not another way for the baddies to try and get at Ember and Angel; plus getting at the school itself?