Self care stop.

A word from our sponsor:

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Well it's that time of year again. I'm working too many hours still and still doing parental care plus now the humidity and the heat's getting rough levels here and to top everything off my lying and theiving drug addict brother's hitting the point where the hard cheap drugs are meeting his age and he’s even more of a mess, a mess that other family who are just as bad as him now want to dump back into my life.

So like the last brotherly drama writing will likely be nil for awhile.

I will be using both hands just to hang on, so typing will be slow.

I will try and finish up the Jem stuff from off the cliffhanger before I need to stop though.

Love you all.


Isn't family FUN!


Sorry to hear it's going that way for you. Do what you have to do and best of luck with it. I'll certainly miss your writing but RL comes first.

Take care of yourself as best you can.

take care of yourself first, hon.

we'll still be here when you're in a better place.

Plus, you know you can use us as a shoulder should you need one, right?


Without people like you

The world would be even more f#$cked up than it is already. If you wish to PM me here I can be a sounding board. I can understand your position having been there, so if you need a place to freely and privately rant, I am here.

Thank goodness there are people like you in this world or things would have fallen apart for all of us a long time ago/ You do what's right because its right making you the special person you are.

Some times saying no is the right thing to do. My people had to hit bottom before they wanted to get better. I was just enabling there self destruction by helping according to my counselor. the first rule of being a life guard as you know is to remember that a single drowning is a tragedy a double one is stupid, don't let someone else take you down.

Love and Huggles


With those with open eyes the world reads like a book



You can't make him change and he doesn't seem to have any desire to change himself so there are no workable options. I'd send him back to the rest of your family with the message "I've tried, he refuses to do anything to help himself, so I've washed my hands of him. Good luck, but don't call me about him again."

Cold, but you have enough to do taking care of yourself, you don't need a drugged-out thief in your life. And he could drag you into his life in dangerous ways. Drug dealers could come to you to collect if he stiffs them. And as a class, drug dealers are not known for their restraint. If they think he'll pay up to keep them from hurting you they are good with breaking a few of your bones to get their point across. I know whereof I speak, having seen it from an LEO perspective. I know of one case where the addict's brother will never walk again. So much damage was done to his kneecaps and feet they had to amputate both of his legs above the knees.

If you think I'm trying to scare you, you're right. I want to scare you so badly you'll stay far, far away from him. If I didn't do anything I would be allowing you to walk into harm's way clueless. Please be careful.

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.

Family punching bag

My nieces wanted me to get involved in my older brother's life. He's 74, an alcoholic and smoker and dying of Kidney failure. They wanted me to enable his life style by helping him smoke, in spite of the fact that I am violently Asthmatic. He's kept calling me his brother in spite of the fact that it's been 11 years and I'm post op.

I told them no, and stood by it. Sometimes it's ok to stop being a punching bag.

Bailey, my dearestheart

The people you have to look out for are you, your mom, and Jonelle. Put your energy there, your writing will wait and so will your fans. Be excellent to yourself ;)

Take care of yourself

just make sure you don't get swamped.
We might say "we'll survive", but of course this is not the issue. For us it is merely a "too bad" if we don't get your stories. For you it IS survival.
Whatever anyone else says, YOU COME FIRST.

Hang on, have some hugs in the mean time. Feel free to surface up here and get some more HUGS.

Anne Margarete

Some dogs

Podracer's picture

are just plain nasty and self centred. Now I'm not saying your brother is like that, but please watch you and those you care for don't get bitten. Nobody on here would put their story needs above your personal ones, I hope you believe that and it helps you through this.

"Reach for the sun."

hang in there

Alecia Snowfall's picture

hang in there bailey*hugs* that's about all the advice I gave give without being vicious. Remember we love you and will keep you in our thoughts.

quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall


Hillel the Elder said, "If I'm not for myself, who would be, and if I'm only for myself what am I?" Take care of yourself or you may not be around much longer. Take care of your children so they will be better people. That is your job. As far as your brother is concerned, take him to the local drug rehab place like Synanon (spelling?) or Day Top and tell him don't come back until one of the leaders of that organization says that you brother has rehabbed enough to rejoin "normal" society. Taking him to a place that he can get help is the loving thing you can do. If he walks away remember you can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.


And that is why my wife and don't talk to any family