Boo-hoo, I Got Bad Comments

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Last night, I read the first few chapters of J.K. Rowling's book, The Casual Vacancy. I know I'm three years late, but my stack of books to read is more ambitious than I am.

While I worked through the pages it occurred to me that the book had a LOT of characters and was written to appeal to someone who likes character-driven novels. Being character-driven restricts her audience from the majority who prefer plot-driven books.

Out of curiosity I checked Amazon this morning.

Please scan the one-star reviews.

A very smart woman once said to me (a few day's ago), "It's not about you." It seemed to be some sort of rule with her. It's obvious that most of these reviews have almost nothing to do with the book and everything to do with the reviewer.

The next time a BC-cretin (yes, there are some) leaves a less than five-star comment about one of YOUR stories compare yourself to Rowling's overall three-star rated offering.

Still not convinced? Here's a real one-star review for the first Harry Potter book.

1Not Wortth the Try
ByDebra Tuckeron June 19, 2015
Format: Paperback
I was hesitant to try it out because, the summary isn't interesting. The only good thing that happens to Harry is attending Hogwarts. What made me read it was I read something that she spent 17 years designing the world. (While I found that cool at first-don't get me wrong; it's still is-that's probably because the novel got rejected about 12 times.) Until the fourth or fifth chapter, the Dursleys sucked the fun out of reading it. Later on, the main protagonist made it unpleasant to read. I was going to give this two stars until I read part of the biography. I usually wouldn't care ,but J.K. Rowling said "the idea fell into her head". I'm not against getting inspiration from other authors, but she's essentially trying to pretend The Worst Witch doesn't exist. (Not only has the book series been around since the 70s, but once this came out, that got pushed under the rug.)

The only two characters I really like are Scabbers and Snape. Scabbers got thrown up against a train window, but he just went back to sleep. I like Snape because, he didn't feel as though he had to be nice to Harry just because Voldemort didn't kill him. (Then again, that was due to his father so I doubt my own argument a little bit.) I'm glad they just agreed to say Voldemort towards the end. It got annoying and repetitive to read You-Know-Who.

I kind of like Hermione. At first, I liked her because, she didn't feel the need to kiss up to Harry. Also, she has sense and brains. I just kind of dislike how she began to hang out with Harry and Ron just because they saved her. I also kind of like Neville because, he stood up to Draco and his friends. (I'm also including the triumvirate Harry's apart of.)

The Dursleys wouldn't have angered me if they suffered more consequences. Vernon punched Harry in the ribs, but no one reprimanded him. (You'd actually be arrested for that.) The son, Dudley, even killed a tortoise for not having his second room back, but nobody calls the police. While Petunia was vile, she's not as bad as some of her relatives. Harry Potter's the main reason why I hated reading this. He has a nice personality, but his life was miserable, and he usually didn't get punished. He does receive a punishment ,but since mostly everyone forgave him by the end of the novel, he might as well gotten a pass. The only thing that me annoyed about the owls was she didn't try to be realistic with their sleep patterns. (Not every owl species is nocturnal.) If she wasn't going to bother, she might have well used a different bird species. (Some cultural depictions see ravens in a positive light.)

Or . . . try this one-star rating for To Kill a MockingBird

1Snooze fest ...
By Michael on May 7, 2015
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

Skip this "classic" since the plot is outdated and the story is boring. I could tell this story in a few sentences.

I hope someone sends Michael a rebate of the $5 he spent to put the book on his Kindle.

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