Hi Everyone;
For those of you who have given up on seeing the completion of "Duty Calls"...
A recent comment attached to chapter 40 of "Duty Calls" prompted me to send a PM in answer. After some thought I felt I should also post a blog to let you know where things stand.
The story is still "in the works" so to speak. My own work has sidetracked me for this past year and appears to be prepared to continue that at least for the rest of this one.
Some of you know why but most of you don't and I'm not going to go into that here. Suffice to say I'm busier than I want to be.
Chapter 40 (posted prior to June 2014) was the last material which TDAldoennetti had partial (very partial in most cases) dialogue written and research completed along with at least a partial outline for the chapter. The next chapter that has an outline is somewhere around 45 or 46 (at a guess) so I've been stuck trying to come up with bridge chapters to get from 40 to those for which there is research and outline preparation.
I have chapters 41 and 42 written with a portion of 43 and at this point figure I'm about halfway to the next material for which Teddi had prepared an outline. As most of you have guessed, things are heating up in the live of Lucy, Randolf, and Lynn.
In an effort not to stall once again, I intend to complete the story prior to posting any further chapters. Once the story is completed then I'll post one chapter every two or three days until the story is completed. Please don't hold your breath anyone. As I mentioned above, further posting is likely still many months away.
God Bless You all
I can understand life getting in the way. Any and all writers on this site are so thoroughly appreciated and myself as a reader have no reason or place to complain when a story line is killed in the middle for whatever reason the author may have. I appreciate anything you post and whenever you do get around to posting more of an awesome story, so be it. It will surely be appreciated and read with the same enjoyment the previous ones were.
I hope that your life slows down and becomes more manageable soon. I look forward to the rest of the book when you can and until then, I'll know that you're working on it.
Can't wait to see it!
I know that you will do Teddi, and all of your fans, proud.
I have absolutely no doubts that you will produce your usual high quality work. You stand tall among a handful of authors whose work I will go out of my way to find and read. To say you are among my favorites is an understatement.
You have a wonderful talent and I feel priveleged to be able to share the fruits of it.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Take any and all time
Take any and all time necessary. You're completing a labour of love for someone else, out of your own sense of dedication. It's better that it be not completed, or take a long time to complete, than it be put out with anything short of what you feel to be best for that legacy.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
duty calls
Any further update?