The future of Bike

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As we roll on towards 2700 episodes I'd once again like to ask if the readers want me to continue writing this saga. I know some of you really enjoy it, I also appreciate it's become almost a fixture of BC and I get emails if I miss two in a row without stating why.

I presume Erin is happy for me to continue cluttering up her hard drives and I'd like to thank her for her continued support.

There will be a hiatus in a couple of weeks when we hold the Gabycon here in darkest Darzit, as I don't think I can act as interpreter, guide, raconteur and cat handler and write Bike. So for a weekend, there might be a shortage of Bikesodes. I'm trying to finish the last of my Gaby trilogy while deciding if I want to extend it to a quartet. I might leave that open for the moment. I also have to do a short story for the Gabycon, and I did promise another one of Kylie's adventures in Bonkers. Looks like I might be busy.

Anyway, please let me know if you want me to continue with Bike.



as you probably can guess

I really enjoy the epic and look forward to the daily bike episode. As far as I can see you have many paths to take the story along and I hope you aren't running out of ideas. I suspect Erin is happy to have you continue to clutter the drives with content since Bike is a constant draw to the site. Understand when you're tired or other demands get in the way of an update and really appreciate when you blog to let us know. As for gabycon - I suspect (hope) the participants are Bike fans too. Maybe you can get them to help you with an episode idea or a side tale. (but perhaps the weekend needs to be purely about Gaby)

Sincere thanks for the many hours of entertainment you've freely given me,


My first thought was why was a story pusher asking us users if we want another hit.

Of course, we want to discover how the current story arcs get resolved. We want to know if Trish saves the world or destroys it. Or how the soccer world survives the girl wonder raising the bar. or....or...or...or...

By the time I get this finished. . . .

there will probably be about 20 others that have already jumped in to scream "YAY BIKE!!" much more cleverlier (?) than I can, so just allow me to say that YOU are one of the things that keeps me coming back to BCTS daily and donating. This is a fantastic site, and you help make it so - so please continue!!

Daily Dormouse Forever!

Well, maybe not forever, but for a really long time! I find myself going through withdrawal if a day goes by without a new episode. Keep up this wonderful series. I doubt that Erin minds you filling up her hard drives! ;-D

Red MacDonald

Short answer: Yes.

thliwent's picture

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: I've re-read the entirety of the backlog... twice. I don't think I'm going to run dry on your story anytime in the near future.


rlarueh007's picture

I think BCTS would not feel right without seeing Bike here. Yes please continue!

Yes please. For all the above

Yes please. For all the above mentioned reasons, and for my own selfish gratification and indulgence, please keep writing. Also, for any and every other significant turning point or meaningful number in the future, when you think you'd want (re)assurance: Yes! Please.

Bike is my Coronation Street from BCTS, although I think it's far better and satisfying than Street.


I am still hooked

Wendy Jean's picture

and enjoying the series.

If you ever stop I'll wait for your other efforts. I think you are addicted to writing as we are to Bike.

But I'll always consider you a friend.


Dear Angarhad: I am afraid that I am too greedy or run the risk of being so; but I still want more. However this is your effort & your life we cannot rule it. I remember your note when you first started,bet you never imagined the story's weave or length. If you decide to stop all I can say is thanks for the memories. Another Brian

This Is a Bit Like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

littlerocksilver's picture

.. and I know you've gone through this with Cathy, having almost killed her off a couple of times before. Yes, she is an institution, as you are. Your intellect shows through and through, and that is why your stories reach so many people. Yes, I ignored Bike for a while, but I finally had to go back to ground zero to see what the commotion was about. I was hooked. Cathy is such a real person, and I would be proud to know her and her creator.

Angharad, you need a life. You have created a monster, and I don't mean Cathy. I mean your fans. We need to know what's going on in Cathy's life, but I'll bet you could do just as well writing episodes over period of time, then posting longer stories. You can't let your fans control your life, and Cathy's for that matter. Whatever happens, don't let Cathy and her loved ones die. David has been such a blessing, and I'm sorry to see him turn into such an asshole. Of course, we don't have the understanding of the class structure over here, we're just racists and bigots.


Duh, yes

Dahlia's picture

As if I don't make enough comments on each chapter, then let me paste my bit again. I would survive without Bike, for as with most things we lose in life, we learn to move on. That being said, I would be bereft for a good while. As I've said before, if there was a paper version, i.e. book, I'd own them all. I love this story so much I brag to my friends who are not trans or into reading books, online or physical ones, of what my favorite story is. I watch less than 2 hours of tele a week due to the amount of reading I do here on BC and this story line is the one that got me started. Every afternoon I involuntarily start looking for the next chapter about 3 pm, this is the time period when Angharad posts the next installment in my time zone, and will continue to look until well after midnight her time before I give up for the days version. Please do keep writing for us faithful readers, even though it does sound selfish on my part, I enjoy this story no end. Oh, and by the way I won't lie, I am selfish, at least in this one moderately addictive habit.

As always, thanks so much for the entertainment you provide myself and so many others.


most definitely

Teresa L.'s picture

YES PLEASE. but only if you still enjoy writing it of course :D . it needs to be good for all involved.

thanks for all you write and do


Teresa L.

Teresa L.

First thing

I check for is Bike, . I have been following Bike from my first days reading here at BC, the story keeps it's self fresh as everyone in the story grows through there actions. There are new challenges and adventures to be found and lived through. I love it to continue as it has continued to hold my attention, and interest by its quality and well crafted story telling..


Misha Nova

With those with open eyes the world reads like a book


I don't read as much Bike as I want to but...

As much as this might be pressure YOU and Bike as well are figureheads as well as role models for writers here in the community. You don't have to continue but at the same time you really write well, the story reads very well, you don't pander, you don't coddle either and you show us it's possible.

More Bike sure as long as you want to.
But I won't say no to anything else you feel like doing either.

With total respect.

Bailey Summers

Ang, I can't stand it.. No way.. fagetaboutit....

Don't you DARE end Bike.

Or I'll have to throw a snit!

John in Wauwatosa

P.S. It is your baby. If you still have things to say. If it is still fun, interesting. DO IT.

But your choice, dear lady.

John in Wauwatosa

As always

I would rather you channel your prolific ability into writing other stories. Many other stories.
Specially those you started the laid aside.

Thank you,


Rhona McCloud's picture

As always the choice lies with you but as well as a good read Bike inspired me and I'm sure others to try our hands at writing. Of course I'm not sure whether that is a result you are keen on! Yes please to more.

Rhona McCloud

To see others writing

Angharad's picture

and think I encouraged them, is a reward in itself - unless of course they show me up too much. The real star is Erin who had the foresight to see the need for a site where people could experiment and develop their writing skills in a relatively friendly environment. So once again, many thanks to our hostess.


Personally - I will continue

Personally - I will continue to read BIKE as long as you continue to write it. I certainly won't harass you for _not_ writing it - you should be allowed a life if you want it :)

I've thought for quite some time that you should take a short break from writing, just so you can have a holiday of sorts, and come back reinvigorated!


I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Yes please

Need I say more? (Or, need I say, "more?")

I've enjoyed Bike for many

I've enjoyed Bike for many moons now, ever since I discovered it here and started following it. Of course it got even better when I went back and re-read it from the first episode!

Bike has kept me coming back to BCTS at times when I might have drifted away.

So, if you are so inclined, I will continue to be a Bike reader and fan.

Thanks, Angharad!


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}


Yes yes yes yes 100X100 times yes !!!!!!!!

PLEEEEEAAZE, don't stop writing "Bike"

I am a sort of human-like being, but regarded as a freak, that is now 77 years old and starting to find it hard to stay fit and active. There are days when it is raining, or when it is so windy I get blown over, and because I have no balance organs in my ears like real humans have, I often fall over, especially when clambering over the rocks that separate the beaches in one bay from the others. There are days I do not go out at all. and if the Postman has not called with bills and brochures then I might see nobody at all day.

I am now trying to get by on what the UK Regime down in the House of Clowns considers is enough for an old age pensioner. They did give me an 11 p a week rise this April, but living on a small Island means pretty-well everything has to be ferried over from the Mainland, and the charges for the articulated lorries that deliver to our tiny shops have to pay hundreds of pounds to travel over to us, and the prices here for EVERYTHING are higher than anywhere else. In the last few years prices of most food items have almost doubled. Petrol and Diesel both cost about 25 - 40 pee per litre more than on the mainland, and without a car one cannot get about, this Island being full of long journeys from one isolated township to the next, with mountains, bogs, lochs and inlets of the sea making journeys far longer than if one were able to head straight for the place one wants to go to. I cannot walk far any more without my feet going on strike.

Dear Angharad, the daily news from Portsmouth and the happenings around Lady C et al. is the first thing I look for every day when I switch on to open the window to the Electronic World we all live in these days on the Earth.

If you stopped writing it many of us besides me I'm sure would feel lost with nothing to make living worth it. I would be tempted to go back to my Planet Zogg, especially now that even the Pope realises this one is heading for mass extinction, though he still thinks that humans should go on having more babies than they can afford to keep, and a third of the species Homo stupidens cannot be properly fed.

I appreciate how it may have become a heavier and heavier burden for you to keep going with this epic, but perhaps if you only wrote a new episode every second day or so, it would help a bit. I am amazed how you have been able to keep going with it, and even writing other stories between-times. You are Superhuman, and deserve a better planet imho. Perhaps I can take you with me when I finally get rescued, just before the Final Countdown ?

Hugs and kisses.
