Book 12 chapter 3 & Gabycon

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So the race goes on, read chapter three today!

Gabycon isn't far away, for those planning on attending over the weekend we'll try to get a programme out next week. If you are coming to Friday dinner can you please confirm with me so we know how many to book for.


oh and I've started work on Gaby Book 14 today!


Gaby 14

shiraz's picture

Whoop ! Whoop !

Can I buy it tomorrow ..... pleeeeease (!)

- - - -

Paperback cover Boat That Frocked.png

Yayness on book 14!

D. Eden's picture

In the infamous words of Tom Petty, "The waiting is the hardest part."


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus


Dahlia's picture

I so was planning on attending Gabycon but it is looking like my marriage visa may not come through in time. I thought I had it all in the bag but the UK visa site is so confusing and unhelpful that I submitted the wrong one and was denied. I get to start all over again with a visa specialist solicitor in London. Now I get to change all my plans and may miss out on some of what I wanted to do and attend. So upset and sad. I'll let you know if I can make it but it may be a last minute thing.



Maddy Bell's picture

That's fine


Madeline Anafrid Bell


Podracer's picture

Yes, expect I will be peckish by then.

Good luck Dahlia.

Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."


Dahlia's picture

Thanks all for the well wishes.
