Our Way - Chapter 1

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Interesting start

to your story Lady Blaise , The ending of the chapter intrigues me , Confusion seems to the order of the day, Alex (or should that be Alexis !) seems to be in a situation where every decision made over the last few days has been the wrong one, Lets hope the next choice is the right one , No one deserves to have that much bad luck , Especially when none of it is through any fault of their own...

Enjoyed the first chapter and looking forward to reading some more very soon ...


Interesting start....

I am curious as to how this story will continue.

Anne Margarete

not another cliffhanger I

not another cliffhanger I want to know more now

interesting start

Alecia Snowfall's picture

Interesting start, I'd like to see where this goes.

quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall

Welcome to Big Closet/Top Shelf, Lady Blaise.

This is a good start to what looks like a good story. I like how you dramatically ended this chapter. I guess we will see just what transpires in our young heroine's life. I am interested in what Alexis will do when she finds out her "friend" is really male instead of female.

"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."

Love & hugs,

"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."