Did you know that people actually READ stories that were posted a long time ago?
I knew it happened, but recently it was brought to my attention, in quite a pleasant way. A reader left a "trail" of comments on two of my older stories (okay one's ongoing - but on segments posted a long time ago). It was obvious from the posts that the reader had read not just the stories - but the comments as well and was reacting - in one cast to a REPLY I'd made to a query from another commenter.
These comments that appear on older stories, I find to be true treasures. They are unlooked for, and when I happen to notice even one, it brightens my day.
I'd like to encourage any of you who happen to see this - to understand how much thoughtful comments are appreciated by authors! And, believe me, just because a story was posted a year or more ago, the comments are appreciated just as much, and perhaps even more because they are unexpected. Thank you all who take the time to think about the stories you read and add thoughtful comments (or questions).
I look at the
Retroclassic commentary about once a week and see what's new....um old? There are a ton of stories that I now need to catch up on
That's good to hear
That's good to hear... I guess a fast reader like me has no choice than to read old stories once one has read all current ones ^^ (ok all those that interest me ;)
I guess every commenter likes to know that the comments are appreciated, so thank you very much for this encouragement :)
While I don't live for comments ... I do apperciate those I do get, so thanks so much for mentioning the older posts, Annette. Whenever I log in (as opposed to 'lurking'), I check 'My Stories' to see what's new (the number of people still reading my stuff, sometimes amazes me) and if I happen to see a new comment, that's like welcoming company into the house after months of seeing no one.
Of course!
There's such an incredible stock of old stories, not to do so would be like walking into a library and only looking at the new acquisitions. I'm surprised that you're surprised that lots of us do it, and I'm a bit mystified why everyone doesn't do it.
I do find the search function a little difficult to use, as it seems to continually bring up episodes of popular serials, with the real gems hidden like needles in a haystack. Mostly, I use the pot luck function.
Yeah, I know this problem...
Yeah, I know this problem... I don't need to see all 20 episodes of a series in the search function. This makes it really annoying. I like to use the favourite list of other members here, but then only few really have a great one :(
I have one though ;)
I'm NOT Surprised...
I'm NOT surprised that people read old stories. Quite the contrary... One of my favorites here is a Dragonrider of Pern Fanfic... I'm more surprised when folks are reading my older stuff. But, it was the comments I don't expect. My experience is that it is VERY RARE for someone to comment on a story after it's left the front page. Don't get me wrong - it happens, and I've done it. But, if Erin were to do some statistics, I think you'd discover that MOST comments are made in the first day or three after a story is posted.
I check my story list often
to see if someone new has commented. Yeh, its a wonderful feeling when someone takes the time to comment on a story, old or new.
I do check my older stuff for comments,
even though there's about 1500 pieces to choose from, the older stories don't get as many as new ones, people can't often be bothered to give them a kudos either. I do however read every one and sometimes write to the commenter if I think they've made a good point.
Remember I don't just write interminable serials, I also do short stories too.
I also...
I also tend to respond to many comments I receive - occasionally in-line (where the question is such that I feel some clarification is needed, yeah, I'm not always crystal clear in my stories.). But, more often, as many can attest, I send a personal note with reference to the comment and the response.
We're lucky you find the time to write so many stories... And blessed that you're willing to share them.
I got to say
the other day I started reading the Bike epic...up to part 8 or 9, but I like it. Now I figure I should be done about next year summertime, maybe.
No chance... Unless our intrepid editorial team slacks off... There's always a new episode showing up! :-)
The first time I log into
The first time I log into TopShelf in a given day, the first thing I do (if there are no PMs waiting) is to scan my "My Stories" section for new comments on my older postings for this reason :-) It's always a joy to find either comments on an older posting of one of my novels or a short story.
I'd definitely encourage readers to go ahead and post on an older story even if there hasn't been any activity in awhile. Even some authors who don't actively post anymore still stop by once in awhile, and I'm certain they'd appreciate knowing their work is still being enjoyed, too :-)
So there's a function such
So there's a function such that you can see there are new comments to your stories, without having to pull each of them up? Yay! I'd hoped so, else my comments would only have been seen by those reading after me. It doesn't matter if it's new or not, if it's worthy of a comment, I'll comment. After all, as oft stated, comments are the only payment authors get. Consider these as royalties.
John Robert Mead
You just...
Look in the list of "links" under your name in the right column... There's a link for "My Stories"... That takes you there.
You could also use the track
You could also use the track function. Just klick "My account" and then click on track. That shows the stories, blogs, and forum threads that you posted on sorted by recent activity.
When I read an older story,
When I read an older story, I sometimes leave comments, and often hit the "kudo" button. (It's a bit sad that such older great stories have kudos in the single digits.)
Part of that is because the
Part of that is because the Kudo system wasn't around then... I think when I started posting here in '08, (Wow it was that long ago?) we were still using votes... I don't think those translated into kudos...
Comments on Older Posts
Me, I've been doing a lot of catch up ever since I got out of the hospital. Once caught up, will start bac upon the older stories.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Comments on Older Posts
I leave them frequently, and also check back to see if there have been any replies. When I decide to browse a TG story site, I usually start with the authors list and go through, A to Z. Only when I exhaust the entire site (as I did on Sapphire’s Place and Crystal Hall) do I go looking for the “what’s new” page.