Years ago, I wore Suntan Garter style stockings and then they became unavailable. Recently I bought 6 pair from Stocking and wore the first set today, with my blue suit and 3" heels.
I don't like pantihose because the hips and waist are too tight and they are so hot that I get claustrophobic. Self stay ups, either don't stay up or make painful welts on my thighs.
I must say that the stockings are very durable, the biggest issue being the garter belt. It seems to have shrunk because it is too tight on my waist now. And the price was quite nice, being around $6 a pair.
thanks gwen!
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
"It seems to have shrunk"
Now where have I heard that before? :)
Too many doughnuts, perhaps?
Chocolate can make your clothes tight in quanity
I buy my hose at the dollar store
on the grounds that since they will rip after only a couple wearings anyway, I might as well not spend a lot of money on them
The enemies of stockings
A good pair of stockings can go a dozen or more wearings. There are certain things that one must do to make this happen. At my age, my heels get quite rough, so I must keep them sanded, creamed, or waxed to stop that. Another enemy of stockings is rough hands, so I have to take great pains to make sure my nails aren't broken and my hands are not rough. I always carry some clear nail polish in case of a snag. Can't offer any advice about wearing heels, so do this at your own peril.
One enemy resolved
Use latex gloves when putting stockings on when afraid of rough hands or broken nails.
I like this idea
I will do this, though now days that I am not working my hands are quite soft. :)
Wearing Stockings
Thanks for the heads up Gwen. When I started to transition I wore a full blown victorian corset which necessitated stockings. I wore support hose as my left leg was perpetually swollen from my heart by-passes in 2001. In fact, I wore out 4 before Sears stopped selling support stockings at a reasonable price. I gave up on the corset as I had developed a muffin top which was very noticeable.
I too prefer stockings to pantihose - I am lucky - stay ups work for me - but I would prefer a decent garter belt but cannot find any that are designed to fit below the waist and are wide enough to fit comfortably.
Regular stockings are readily available in my area. Thanks for the info about the website.
May the sun always shine on your parade