So Bruce Jenner has finally come out - whodathunkit, what a surprise - yawn!
I wish her no harm but honestly this family of z-listed celebrities could bore for the USA and get the gold medal every time.
No television so largely a surprise
As I've no television I've largely missed the reality star phenomenon. That she said she started treatment in the 1980s, which I presume is too easily verified or refuted by the media to be a lie, at least may mean that the whole thing is not a publicity stunt at the expense of others in transition.
Rhona McCloud
I wish him/her or w/e luck but
I couldn't really give a crap about the kartrashians. They where minor minor celeb's cause of robert kardashian being one of oj's lawyers. But then they got big cause made a sex tape. I'm positive that she n her mom released it to gain celeb status the whole family is messed up. They all need counselling.
I'll see your **Yawn*
I'll see your **Yawn*, and raise you two **Yawn's*
What Are You Thinking???
The amount of whining that is done on this board about non-acceptance is off the charts, and for good reason. Now we have someone who is openly demanding acceptance, who has the bully pulpit, and you want to YAWN? I came here this morning expecting people to be elated and found THIS?
Did you watch the two-hour show? Millions did and I'm glad they did.
1.) There were very few things Bruce Jenner said that didn't ring true. I especially understood when she said she simply wanted to wear nail polish long enough to have it chip. Can't you relate to that?
2.) The producers of the show didn't demand that Bruce appear in a dress, and she apparently didn't think that was appropriate either.
3.) The questions asked were fair and to the point. She didn't dodge anything.
4.) The discussion with her family indicated a thoughtful approach to the subject. They didn't seem to be publicity seekers. They were providing support and unconditional love. What about that did you find unattractive or boring?
5.) The Kardashians weren't involved in any large degree. That WAS a relief. My guess is those cockroaches will scurry to her side once they know the waters are safe.
I was skeptical going in, but am a believer now. Give her a break.
I'm two years older than Bruce and identified with what she had to say about her confusion as a child. There was NO information available. I was convinced I was suffering from a mental illness that had to be suppressed at all cost.
Bruce is not the ultimate spokesperson I would choose, but she is highly visible and is carrying herself with grace . . . and is far more than adequate for the task.
As she said last night, if she reached at least a few of those thinking about suicide she would have accomplished the most important thing in her life.
Perhaps you're too young to remember what a HUGE sensation Bruce Jenner was as an Olympian. Her story is compelling and goes against all stereotypes.
Hurrah for Bruce!!!!
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Let's support a sister ...
She's in that very awkward stage, still trying to get out of the cocoon. I watched part of the interview and it made me remember my own transition before I went to a voice coach. As those who have done the whole thing know, "The path is long and hard and fraught with many difficulties". I hope that his loved ones stay with her.
The closet door opens wider....
We ended up watching a movie until 10 when Mrs. D suddenly says....'Damn, I forgot the interview was on..." She changed the channel and we watched the second half as Mrs. D complained about missing the first. Between commercials she asked questions, including who I thought in our families might at least understand if I told them. She actually identified some folks on both sides, and it was encouraging and frightening at the same time. But the biggest thing is that in watching the interview together, she got a better understanding since it was someone else talking. She wants to watch the first half if it's available on line. The hinges creaked a bit as the door inched open a little more.
Love, Andrea Lena
Thank you, Angela
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Here Here
Thanks for that, Angela. I think it needed to be said.
- Terry
Well let's keep it civil here
Who knows maybe Bruce is already a member or Goddess forbid an author here :).
But seriously.
I don't care about reality shows and am one of the many who has not followed such rubbish after the first year the genre came out. I am probably one of the few people who can say 'The Kardashians' WHO?
But I did watch Bruce Jenner the athlete and he seemed a decent enough sort from the time he won.
The support he received did not seem contrived, especially from family who likely never have appeared on a reality show.
Honestly, both my partner and I, who are both M->F TS, found the interview rang true enough with only a teeny bit of the reality show exaggerations.
Remember, when one person transitions the whole family around them has to transition, the fact her sister appeared to support him (and she is definitely not the reality show type to me) making her another media target is no small thing. What Bruce has done is make her entire family a media target, whether they want to or not. I don't recall her sister being one for the media spotlight.
Like Angela says, it is good that the Kardashian side of things were not there as they are the whole reality show engine to fame gang and I could care less about such talentless tripe.
Bruce I will give a benefit of the doubt for now because whether you like it or not, to become a Decathalon winner is absolutely no small feat especially the Brit who won it Twice!
Trust but verify is the watchword here. Like it or not what Bruce does will impact our community. You can ignore or alienate her and not help her shape our message at our peril but there is opportunity here also that I hope we can all benefit from.
I agree with Angela and Bruce, if one young person can be saved from the horror of suicide then it was worth it. I've been there and tried without success. I don't follow nor care about the Kardasians and there contrived fame. I have only minimally followed the news about Bruce's transition. I had a family member ask if I was going to watch last nights show and I said no. Not because I'm not interested but more because I have lived it. Not in the spotlight or having unlimited funds and a supportive family. I feel that to have watched it would make me feel anger, envy and pain. Firstly because I have no family who supports me, no real money to speak of to be able to complete my surgery and the memories of my torment and abuse would flash to the fore amidst such a seeming contrast to this 'wonder' transition.
I was also on Skype most of last night, 7 hours, trying to keep one of our sisters in England from committing suicide as the world peacefully slept..
And the Headline winner is...
Fox News with
Bruce Jenner reveals that he is a Republican
Talk about coming out of the closet.
That was mentioned
in an article in the Guardian.
That was a downer isn't it.
But I doubt the social conservatives will like that though. I am sure they will will wind up trying to 'eat one of their own.'
Another article on Bruce Jenner
From the Guardian.