Doing It Again :(

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Sorry about the lack of updates again. I know where I want to go but I can't seem to get there again :( And you can also blame Guild Wars 2 A LOT lol.


But the expansion looks so

thliwent's picture

But the expansion looks so sexy I can't blame you!

The real important question, of course, are you going to roll a revenant?


Enemyoffun's picture

I keep creating and deleting Warriors/Guardians because I really want a Revenant so yeah I'm definitely going to play Revenant when it comes out lol.

Do I need

Do I need to duct tape your hands to a pen n paper again till ya get more writing done :D.

you need to get to writing also

You need to get to writing also sleether I'm still waiting for more whisper 2 and for part one of she of the jade skirt 2 :P. Also you should have coordinated with elrod an E.E nalley to have whisper make a appearance at the funeral for aung. That final part is just mho :P.

Uh, spoilers?

I don't think anyone comes reading EOF blog comments expecting a gigantic Whateley spoiler being dropped nonchalantly.

Not a spoiler

It's not a spoiler if it's already been posted in a previous book. :P.