Flushgate: Uncovering The Transgender Agenda of Taking Over the World One Bathroom at a Time

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There is a new enemy to traditional American values that has arisen over the past couple of years, one that was unexpected by decent people everywhere. In the eighties and nineties, we had to keep guard against the homosexual agenda, but today something even more sinister is afoot. Though their numbers are not as great as their Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual counterparts, the Transgender community is far more subtle, far craftier, and even more dangerous than their sinister counterparts. Where the Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual coalition was looking for us to accept what they did in the privacy of their own bedrooms, the transgender movement is far more reaching, and they are making headway right in front of our noses.

There is a new plan implemented by the transgender community, one that good, decent people are unwittingly aiding as the transgenders hide behind subterfuge and double meaning in order to have laws passed to aid in their quest to turn American values on its head and destroy the very fabric of all things holy and true. If you read through any of their literature or see their comments on blogs, you will see a big brouhaha about bathroom laws that are about to be passed in several states. According to the post and all the propaganda put out by transgender advocacy groups, they are vehemently opposed to such laws, but their outrage is just a rouse. The transgender community is using reverse psychology in order to get these laws passed and further their agenda and the politicians are falling for it hook, line, and sinker (or should that be dress, bra, and panties).

That’s right; the transgender community actually wants laws to be passed that would force them to use the bathrooms that correspond to the gender marker on their birth certificates. Of course, they knew that they couldn’t come right out and say that they wanted access to bathrooms that didn’t correspond to the way they looked, dressed, acted and talked, because it would be considered absolute ridiculousness to expect a vivacious blonde bombshell in a tight dress and high heels to use the men’s room. Instead, they needed to back door their way into places they don’t belong and they used unwitting members of the government as pawns. They played politicians like Florida Republican Frank Artiles like one of their many sex toys, and these politicians still believe they aren’t bringing a smile to transgender faces everywhere as they help advance a cause they claim to oppose.

The logic behind the transgender community’s desire to have access to bathrooms of their assigned gender instead of the gender they present as is as sound as it is devious. Their plot, as simplistic as it is, is to turn our fathers, sons, and brothers towards the homosexual lifestyle, and if they have their way, the transgender scourge will have an audience with our vulnerable male population when they are at their most vulnerable and literally with their pants down.

We should not be so Naïve to believe it is just our men who are in danger of being turned over to the rainbow but our wives, mothers, sisters and daughters as well. One of the great slight of hands that the transgender community has pulled is making the general populous believe that their numbers include only homely men who dress up like women and put on so much makeup that they’re easily spotted. Truth be known it would be quite difficult to tell a transgender woman from one that wasn’t Y-chromosomally challenged. Most transgender women aim to pass completely as the gender they identify or live in – a status they called stealth, like the bomber we us to annihilate the enemy, the transgender community will cause mass destruction, but look fabulous doing so. Stealth is the condition where unless you truly scrutinized them closely, you would be hard pressed to tell that they were not what they claim to be, and that is a natural woman. That is why the bathroom law is such a devious plot. They have good people in the world believing that an attractive looking woman in a dress should be forced to use the men’s room just because of a small bit of anatomy that is kept concealed at all times. The argument that they tricked mainstream society into believing that in order to use the bathroom they would need to expose themselves to fulfill their biological function appears to have merit, but is nothing other than a clever decoy. I don’t know about you, but when I use the restroom it is in a stall and behind a closed door. Unless someone made a conscious attempt to see around the partitions, there is no chance of seeing any part of my anatomy and, I would hazard a guess, even if one did look under or over the stall they most likely still wouldn’t view anything. The whole “you might see a penis” rouse is a clever attempt by the transgender community to instill fear in us good, law-abiding folk and cause us to pass laws giving transgender people exactly what they want; easy and unadulterated access to those they can easily sway to the rainbow in an area where their women can’t intervene.

I do get off on my rabbit trails, something I’m sure pleases the transgender community greatly. The more they can deflect the issue and cause us to have tunnel vision, the easier it is for them to get exactly what it is they wanted; total worldwide dominance.

As I said earlier, it is not only the men that the transgender community are seeking to turn over to the pink side, but women are equally a target. One of the clever rouses, and one that could get past the most devout cynic, is that the transgender community has us good people only focusing on those assigned male at birth who opt to live as women. It is like they almost make a conscious effort to fail to mention that there are those who are assigned female at birth who opt to live as men. It might come as a shock, but transgenderism operates both ways and it isn’t like transmen are the exception that proves the rule, but have equal numbers. These “men” look every bit as masculine as their chromosomally correct counterparts, except probably a little less frumpy. I’m not talking about butch lesbians or your homely librarian that simply gave up the fight. These are men, manly men, men with tattoos, men with beards and if they have their way, they will infiltrate every women’s restroom in America and perhaps the world. The first thing that jumps into a person’s mind is “but they don’t have a penis.” Some don’t, some undergo surgery, but does a few inches of flesh really define what it means to be a man? What about a man that loses that part of himself in war or an accident, does the lack of six inches of flesh remove his identity as a man? The transgender community would like us to believe that, through their reverse psychology propaganda, but we all know better.

Think about the dangers of having your girlfriend, your wife, your sister, occupy a small restroom with a muscular, bearded, tattooed Adonis who tricked you into making it a law that he must use the woman’s bathroom or be sent to prison. Your women are in peril. Not of attack (which I will come to later), but of succumbing to lust. They will be in an intimate space and even though they must suspect that the stud they are sharing space with is either amazingly stupid to enter the wrong restroom or, more than likely, y-chromosomally challenged. They will look him over, see that he is pleasing to the eye, strong, confident enough to occupy the space with them and, before you know it, your girlfriend is leaving you for a person who once wore frills and lace as a child but has somehow become manlier for you. The question you might ask is, “Why would these transmen need my girlfriend when there are plenty of lesbians to go around?” That is one of the great deceptions that the transgender community has tricked us with by providing false information. Transmen are not lesbians who like to dress up like guys, they are men who want heterosexual women to satiate their desires. They are not after lesbians, and lesbians are not after them either. They want heterosexual women and soon they will have unadulterated access to them if they get these bathroom laws passed. The more uninterrupted contact your women have with these men, the more enticing they will become. Before you know it, women will be leaving chromosomally correct men to be with transmen and the human population will plummet as we enter the Pink Ages.

As I have said, the transgender community is clever, but I have seen through their plans to bring about the Pink Ages and the demise of humanity as a species. They have politicians begging at the bit in order to help them by the use of subterfuge. The main cusp of the argument that the transgender community has so skillfully bound politicians with like so many of their willing sexual partners is one of safety. Through the use of reverse psychology, the main weapon in the transgender plot for bathroom dominance, is that by allowing transwomen to use the ladies restroom, you open women up for attack by rapists and pedophiles who pretend to be transgender and dress up like women only to perpetrate attacks. This argument has good people in an uproar and demanding that these bathroom laws be passed immediately and thus giving the transgender community exactly what it wants. The argument seems reasonable prima facie, but it is a rouse that holds no water. The numbers simply don’t correlate. There has never been an attack on a woman in the bathroom by someone disguised as another woman. Besides that, they hope we forget that by passing this law we would be forcing bearded, tattooed men into the woman’s bathroom. These men, hopped up on testosterone and aching to prove how much of a man they could be would be required to use the women’s room where they can woo double-x women over to their counter culture. The truth is, there is no real fear for someone to pretend to be transgender in order to perpetrate a crime. It would be easier for a rapist or child-molester to disguise himself as a maintenance worker or a janitor to gain access to a woman’s bathroom if he was so inclined. In fact, by pretending to be transgender and dressing like a woman, a would be criminal would be more likely to be found out. Here’s a hint, most transgender women conceal their five o’clock shadows. But the transgender community has tricked us into believing that this is a real concern by pretending to be outraged by it. The more they display dismay and anger, the more the politicians harp on incorrect data and feed the fear of God-loving citizens everywhere. As they pretend to be offended publically by the notion that the laws are being put into effect to protect women and children they are laughing and giving each other pats on the backside in private. When in America do we hold someone pretending to be something against the community they pretended to be? If someone pretended to be a Muslim and carried out an attack, we wouldn’t hold the Muslim community responsible for the pretender’s misdeeds, but the transgender community suggests that we would act in such a way if someone pretended to be transgender and committed a crime. Though we might not approve of their lifestyle, we are not without our morals and sense of fair play.

Let us not be naïve; the threat is real, and here is how it would play out in a series of scenarios:

Scenario one:

Tom is a simple man. At lunch he heads to the local restaurant to grab a quick bite to eat before heading back to work to finish the day. At the end of the meal, the food is sitting heavy and he decides to make use of the facilities. As he is sitting there, he hears the stall beside his flush and then he hears the odd sound of high heeled shoes striking tiles. Intrigued, he peeks through the gap of the door and sees a strikingly gorgeous brunette making her way to the sink. He watches intently as her hips sway side to side as she makes the short trip and can’t help but remember that his pants are around his ankles. Even though he is concealed, looking at the figure at the sink lather up hands with the long delicate fingers and the bright red nail polish, he finds himself a little aroused. Of course he knows about the bathroom laws and that this must be one of those transsexuals he had been reading about, but it makes no matter, endorphins have already been released and he had taken one step closer to joining the light in the loafers’ side.

Though Tom doesn’t act on his lust then, the encounter intrigues him, and he finds himself heading over to the same restaurant the next day, and as luck would have it, she is there yet again. He coyly watches her out of the corner of his eye and when she heads towards the restroom, he makes his way there too. He follows the same pattern as the day before, he waits in a stall until she finishes. He watches her walk, it’s enticing, and the fact that his pants are down makes it even more arousing. He stares at her tan skirt and as she bends over the sink, he can make out the outline of her undergarments through the material. He still doesn’t act, but his arousal has increased and he is further trapped in this Black Widow’s web.

Soon, seeing her at lunch isn’t enough and thoughts of her consume his every waking moment. At breakfast his wife asks what’s the grin about and he says, “Oh it’s nothing,” even though his mind is racing about thoughts of a woman with a little extra between her legs. In the past, such thoughts would have repulsed him, but now they had found root because the mystery woman found him in a moment of vulnerability. Hormones and endorphins have overridden common sense and morality. Though he had yet to cheat on his wife physically, he has begun committing adultery on her in his heart.

In subsequent weeks Tom grows bolder. It isn’t enough to view her incognito; he must get to know her, must possess her. Even though he is certain of her anatomy, it doesn’t matter, without saying a word, without batting her eyelashes, without actively pursuing him; she had already turned him into her obedient servant. He makes the introduction and feels an instant connection. Before long, he leaves his wife and children in favor of this unnatural union.

All because the politicians and the general public couldn’t see through the scam the transgender community ran on God Fearing people everywhere, we wind up losing yet another good man to the rainbow. A wife and two children are left devastated all because a person was required by law to use a bathroom they never should have been allowed to.

Scenario two:

Bill is about to get married to Becky. Of course he wants to look his best on his wedding day and decides to join a gym. He goes for his morning workout sporadically because even though he wants to look good in his tuxedo, working out early is quite a pain. Even though there are several attractive women using various machines and doing aerobics in tight leotards, Bill is dedicated to his fiancé and focuses solely on the elliptical machine’s readouts and watching ESPN on one of the televisions the gym provides.
On one particular morning he builds up quite a sweat while doing cardio and knows that he desperately needs to take a shower before he heads to the office. Making use of the gym’s facilities, he heads into the men’s locker room, grabs his towel and heads to the shower which has individual stalls separated by four foot walls. Though you can see the shower to the left and the right, at least the important parts are covered.

As the water begins to cascade down his back and cool him off, Bill can’t help but notice that a blonde bombshell had just walked into the stall next to his. The woman is gorgeous, with a thick head of long flowing hair framing her delicate shoulders and long luxurious lashes that she bats in Bill’s direction as he does his best not to stare. At least in the gym he could divert his attention by looking at how many calories he burned and catching the latest baseball highlights, but in the showers there is nothing but the two of them.

The woman slips the leotard off her shoulders and shimmies it down her tall, slender frame. For a moment Bill assumes he must be having an erotic dream because things like this don’t happen in real life, and he certainly is aroused. The woman turns to hang her belongings on a hook that is a safe distance from where the shower could reach and Bill, being a man’s man, takes a gander at her tight glutes. This woman is fearfully and wonderfully made and he sees no harm appreciating such a fine work of art, especially if he is dreaming.

The woman turns and Bill suddenly understands that this is not a dream, nor did this woman walk into the wrong locker room by mistake. Because of seven inches of flesh between her legs, she is legally required to be in the locker room and there’s nothing he could do or say about it even if he chose to.

The woman smiles politely at him as she realizes he is staring at her breasts. She smiles because she knows that because of the transgender victory allowing her to have access to these facilities, she is about to turn another man over to the flaming fanny fraternity.

“You can touch,” she says in a sultry voice as she steps towards the partition separating the two showers. “They’re real.”

If Bill was in safer quarters with men and women around to protect him from this praying mantis, he might have been able to stave off temptation. But with no one around to keep him in check, he inches forward and because he can’t see the phallus between her legs, none of the warning signs go off in his head that he is about to leave the orbit of heterosexual land and cross over into the great rainbow beyond.

He fondles the woman’s breasts and tries to convince himself that this isn’t a real woman so he isn’t doing anything wrong. Even he knows the logic is flawed, that this gorgeous creature before him is a woman through and through, but the flawed logic helps him break through his moral misgivings of cheating on his fiancé. He touches her, and she is most definitely a her, and remarks at how firm they are. As her anatomy replies to his touch and her nipples grow taught, his erection and journey into homosexuality grows.

Knowing that he is in danger, he excuses himself and makes a hasty exit, but it’s too late, she has him ensnared and she knows it. All of a sudden Bill is a regular at the gym in the mornings, working up a sweat so he can have his daily rendezvous in the shower. He is getting in the best shape of his life, but as he is shedding off the pounds, he is also shedding off his heterosexuality.

It had started innocently with some light groping of her breast, but it moved further during each encounter. She let him kiss her. She kissed him. She did some posing as he masturbated in the shower stall next to her. Before long, they are in the same shower stall and another good man was lost because the transgender community won supremacy over bathrooms in which they did not belong.

Bill’s fiancé notices the difference too; though he is healthy and vibrant, he is cold to her advances. He no longer wants a woman that doesn’t have a little something more to offer. His wardrobe improves; he buys better quality stuff and is more in line with the styles of the day. He spends excessive time with grooming and has started using fancy hair care products. It is the sign of the end; Bill had become one of them and Becky knows it.
Before long, Bill calls off the engagement and moves in with his transgender lover. The shameful thing is that these scenarios can be averted as long as we don’t give those transgenders access to the bathrooms corresponding to what is on their birth certificates, a mere piece of paper, and relegate them to the bathrooms of the gender they conform to and where they rightfully belong.

Scenario three:

As I have said previously, it is not just the men who are in danger of being converted over to these alternative sexualities, but women as well. Transgender men (those who were assigned female at birth and were raised as girls) are just as eager to convert women to the rainbow as well. These transmen are not interested in butch lesbians, they want women who desire men to validate their identities and the bathroom is just the place to do so.

Susan is undergoing a tough patch with her boyfriend John. John can be rude, obnoxious and downright insincere. One night while eating out at a nice restaurant, John makes one of his off handed remarks and Susan excuses herself to the bathroom.

While in there she looks at a reflection of herself crying and wonders how she ever got into a relationship with such a clod. Then she realizes that most of the men she has dated have been similar to John and that insensitivity is the result of having a Y-chromosome.

Just as she is about to pull herself together and rejoin the Neanderthal for the remainder of their meal and perhaps dispassionate love making afterward, the restroom door opens and this Adonis in a well-tailored suit struts in. Susan is about to object, but remembers the bathroom bill was just past and this might be one of those transgenders and lets it slide.

The man notices that Susan has been crying and offers her his handkerchief. Though Susan has never had an interest in transgender men, she isn’t about to be rude and graciously accepts the offer. A conversation ensues, and Susan realizes that not only is this man attractive and well dressed, but he is articulate and sensitive too. All of a sudden, John is looking less attractive by the second and he doesn’t even have access to the area where another man is about to woo his girlfriend away from him. In a matter of five minutes, Susan has a new perspective on life and is leaving in the arms of another dude while John is stuck with paying for two entrees and is leaving the restaurant empty handed.

Good people of the world who love the natural order of things, do not be deceived; the threat is real. The transgender community is trying to play us for suckers and want nothing more than to steer us towards decisions that will propel their cause. Through underhandedness and reverse psychology, they have us on the verge of destroying the very things we hold dear by tricking us into passing bathroom laws that will force them to use the improper bathrooms. Sure, the argument that people should be required to use the bathroom corresponding to what was initially on their birth certificate seems to have merit, but logically it is very flawed. Seeing how the likelihood of viewing genitalia in a restroom is virtually nil, it would be irresponsible for us to force people who look and act like women to use the men’s room and to force people who look and act like men to use the women’s room. They’ve almost had us convinced that such a law is a good idea, but they aren’t as bright and we aren’t as dumb as they think they are.

The transgender community has tricked many well-meaning people, including politicians, into advancing their agenda and I say that it is time that we put an end to it. Politicians supporting the “so called” anti-transgender bathroom laws must have the integrity to admit that they had been duped but have since come to their senses to understand that these bathroom bills are nothing more than a rouse by the transgender community to get another foot in the door and infringe on common sense and decency.
The scale of their cleverness is evident as they convinced super-Christian and celebrity mom Michelle Duggar into unwittingly supporting their cause. When the state of Arkansas was about to pass an anti-discrimination law that would force transgender people to use the proper bathrooms in which they identified, conformed to, and belonged, they wasted no time in convincing Michelle Duggar to spring into action and spread misinformation so they can have access to our vulnerable men and women at their most susceptible time. As if on cue, Michelle Duggar spread the misinformation and used fear mongering tactics to let the transgender community have its way. Now in the state of Arkansas Transwomen have unrestricted access to men’s bathrooms and locker rooms, and Transmen have unrestricted access to women’s bathrooms and locker rooms. It is no surprise that ever since this bill that required transgender people to use the facilities that they are anatomically bound to has been defeated that the Gay and Lesbian communities in that state have grown exponentially, and it will not stop until countermeasures are taken and the antidiscrimination bill finally gets past.

What’s more, in Arkansas the transgender community has its sights on converting its biggest catch yet. Not only do they want to mock Michelle Duggar for unwittingly aiding them in their quest for world dominance through inappropriate bathroom access, but they have plans on converting her husband Jim Bob Duggar to the rainbow as well.
Speaking under strict anonymity, one of the leaders of the Arkansas Transgender movement had this to say. “As soon as our victory, I mean the defeat of the anti-discrimination law was finalized, we put into motion a plan to win over Jim Bob to our way of things. Knowing that Michelle kept Jim Bob on a short leash, we knew the only place we could ever have access to him was the public restrooms where we had a horde of beautiful transgender women ready to entice him. What we didn’t realize was that his sphincter was clenched so tight that it might be physiologically impossible for him to defecate and we haven’t been able to put our plan in motion.”

If the transgender community has its sights on such a giant in the Christian community as Jim Bob Duggar, then our sons and fathers are mere child’s play to them. Let’s not give the transgender community the opportunity to destroy society as we know it. When the so-called anti-transgender bathroom bills come along, don’t be fooled, don’t go along with the rhetoric, you are only putting an end to everything you hold dear. Ensure public safety, ensure the natural order of things, and let’s make sure the transgender community doesn’t win its way through reverse psychology. When the anti-transgender bathroom bill comes along, let your voice be heard and vote against it. In one voice let us tell the transgender community that they have to operate within the rules of civilized society. Let them know that transgender women need to use the women’s facility and that transgender men need to use the men’s facility. It is time for logic and common sense to finally win the day and we must not fall for their trap.

Author note: I tried to leave my comfort zone and try new areas. Tell me how I did, please. Do I have a knack for satire or should I just stick to stories?

Available on Amazon at Flushgate: Uncovering the Transgender Agenda to Take Over the World One Bathroom at a Time even if you don't buy a copy, I would appreciate a review or two if you are able to leave one.

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