I just have to say . . . good call.
It's coming along, but at this point I don't think I'll finish it in time for the contest. Not because I don't know where to take it, but because it's not the most important writing project I have right now.
I really, REALLY want to finish the book version of PFH. REALLY REALLY want to. And you know what? I'm at least 1/4 of the way there! But it's going to be around 120k words, and I've only written 38k of them in the last month or so. Some days I've had good writing days, some days not so much. My goal is to have this second draft of the story completed and to the editors by the end of May at the latest, and while they're editing that work on the extras I have planned for the book release. I can manage that, but only if I concentrate all my writing efforts on PFH and nothing else.
That's why you haven't seen shorts from me, or much in the way of comments or blogs. If I'm gonna write something, I'm trying my best to concentrate it on PFH as much as possible.
So, my summer story will come out. By the end of June or so I'd wager. But PFH comes first.
Melanie E.
Shorts from you?
I've never seen you at all, much less in shorts. What? Short Stories? Why...that's another thing entirely.... Never mind. Good on the publishing, though!
Love, Andrea Lena
I wonder what she looks like in shorts. Maybe both of you. :-)
-- Daphne Xu
Good luck.
I have always from long stories to be a better read than several short stories. Because the read can really get into the a long story. Where as a short story can be over before the reader realizes it.