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Book 5 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
Its a Race against the clock on Mykonos, can Lyssa find the President's daughter in time? WARNING: The Lyssa Kordenay Missions may be |
Beth woke up and knew instantly things were about as wrong as it gets. She was handcuffed naked to a bed in a strange place. Slowly she opened her eyes and saw her own hair, not the wig and her face felt oddly clean. A man appeared in the doorway after a few minutes and looked straight at her. His look of total disgust made her want to cover herself but due to the restraint all she could do was squirm then turn her head away feeling very much ashamed. A woman walked in and roughly turned Beth to look at her.
Beth tried to cringe and asked,"May I have a blanket, please?"
"A slut like you needs no blanket, you are lucky to have a mattress to lay on! A dog like you should be on the dirt," the woman said loudly then slapped her bringing a yelp from Beth.
She debated for a moment about yelling out who she was then decided against it. One of the Secret Service men had told her before,' unless they call you by name, don't tell them who you are. Don't offer anything and most importantly; don't give up. Somebody will come for you.' Beth silently apologized for pulling such a disappearing act and being caught by the wrong people. She then sent a prayer for whoever was looking to find her very soon.
"Please hurry,"she whimpered to herself.
Dimitrios answered Lyssa's call on the fourth ring, and she wasted no time asking for the favor. she needed to get to Mykonos fast. He didn't understand why but told her the plane would be ready when she arrived at the private terminal. True to word, the lear sat on the tarmac waiting and the pilot greeted her then took her bags to the plane personally. The flight took an hour and she was met at the terminal by a local partygirl who virtually knew everybody worth knowing and more importantly knew everything that happened within minutes of it happening. Simply known as LaLa, she was THE premier party person on Mykonos. if it had anything to do with a club or house party Lala was the one to know and best of all, she owed Lyssa.
LaLa squealed and hugged Lyssa,"I thought you would be with the pretty people in Monte Carlo, don't tell me you are finally running away from all that?"
Lyssa laughed," No my sparkly friend, but we need to talk, let's go."
Outside the terminal LaLa pointed to multi colored car and got in.
Lyssa chuckled shaking her head joined her, "Lala...the car is definitely you."
The Mykonos party girl giggled as they drove to the address Lyssa gave her. LaLa looked at her friend then drove to a place just back from the cliffs and followed Lyssa inside after being waved in. Lyssa opened her carry-on, pulled out a laptop and booted up. The partygirl looked confused as Lyssa worked fast but watched quietly.
"LaLa, what parties and raves are happening right now," she asked.
"A bunch of parties, its Mykonos, there are always parties Lyssa but only three raves, there were four. I guess you could call one a rave, it was only for one night and the music was blah...." LaLa rolled her eyes in disgust," why?"
"I'm looking for a rave that would draw an international crowd, a girl might have gone missing from it," Lyssa said.
"Oh I know it, the dj a girl had been with got beat up. he even has her purse still, I think he's in love and hoping she gets in touch," Lala exclaimed.
"Ok, I need to know if he got any pictures of her," Lyssa said.
"Oh they are all on his Twitter page," Lala gave her the website and watched as it loaded quickly then pointed out the girl, "that's her. She's ok looking, but would look better with blonde or pink hair."
"Damn...that's the girl alright. LaLa, I have to find her, it's important. Lala.....this is important like you wouldn't believe," Lyssa fixed her with a hard look.
The partygirl squirmed for a minute, "Ok Lyssa, chill, I'll find out if anybody saw anything."
A few phone calls spoken in party code later and LaLa caught her attention," a blue van......sharks painted on the side, blacked glass, wagon wheel rims and took the northern road."
Lyssa found then ran satellite footage and found the van leaving the rave. She backed up and saw three people. Zooming in more, a brunette girl being carried by a dark haired man followed by another dark straight haired woman. Lyssa scanned forward through the archive and tracked the van to the northeastern part of the island then watched that site until the satellite orbit shifted out of frame. she'd found her. Lyssa's phone rang then, it was Dannigan.
Lyssa wasted no time, "I'm not alone."
"Any luck yet," Dannigan asked point blank.
"I think so, I'll find out shortly. It'll be dark in an hour. I'll go look personally,"Lyssa said flatly.
"Ok. There's an aircraft carrier battle group in the area. Let me know when you something,"Dannigan said signing off.
Lyssa hung up her phone then stripped out of the white dress and sandals. She then pulled on the black one piece outfit and boots then picked up a black backpack. LaLa looked very puzzled at her friend as she readied herself. the outfit looked as if it had been sculpted to her very body and went up her neck almost to the jaw. Guns and a few other went into the backpack Lala didn't see too clearly.
"Let's go find a girl," Lyssa said walking to the door.
Lala blinked then walked out and got behind the wheel. As they set out for the other side of the island Lala thought to herself, 'something is very wrong. This isn't normal for Lyssa. She is a ballerina and a model, so why does she look so scary right now?'
Dannigan cradled the phone as Madison stepped in with some files.
"Did Lyssa find her," she asked.
"Maybe," he answered," she isn't confirming or denying anything. she's not sure."
"Translation: she's going to wait til she has the girl before saying where she is," Madison asked pointedly.
"Pretty much,"Dannigan replied,"Lyssa's smart not to do the 'get people's hopes up thing'. she's not gonna gives a false hope. For her it's a sure thing or nothing."
Madison stepped out and after closing the door she sent a silent prayer out,"Wherever you are, find and bring that girl back safe."
Rani spoke to his communications man in the Philippines, "Have you sent the pictures and the demands?"
"Yes, but the power has been out because of the storm so I don't have the answer yet," the man answered.
Rani spout off several curses then demanded the man contact him as soon as he had the response. One thing was for sure though, no one knew where they were. He went in to check the girl once more. He held her face tightly as he looked into her eyes then was satisfied she was acceptable he turned and left the room, slamming and locking the door behind him again. Still no one knew where the girl was, and if tracked the messages would lead them to the Philippines and not the greek island. They'd foolishly search for years and never know.
Their plan worked so well he was almost laughing. The stupid girl's classmate who had suggested the tricks and got the tickets to Mykonos and even helped with the disguise was actually his own cousin. A plant, so far she had been questioned twice and played dumb well. The agents didn't suspect her at all and she was able to keep him well informed. This operation had been practically flawless. They would still succeed despite the american claim of not negotiating. The government would negotiate for the return of the President's daughter. The ultimate bargaining chip for everything. Rani laughed to himself, before she would be released she could provide him some additional entertainment as well, just to flaunt to them he could do as he wished.
Lyssa had Lala stop the car half a mile away from the suspect house and hide. The partygirl watched as Lyssa applied black, dark grey and light grey color to her face in a complex pattern of swirls. Lala was mesmorized as skillfully painted her face without a mirror. The pattern was both beautiful and frightening. It was more than obvious that Lyssa had done so many times. A black bandanna as a dew rag concealed her blonde hair in the dark.
"Stay here. I'll call you when I'm coming back so you will be ready," Lyssa told her.
The Mykonos girl watched, still enthralled, as Lyssa took out a harness and slipped it on. Two holstered pistols along the sides of her thighs and a strange looking knife down the back of her right thigh, another knife hung upside down on the left shoulder strap along with grenades on both. Pouches for pistol magazines circled her waist except for a small bag at her back. A coiled rope went over her shoulder as she slipped into the dark night.
Carefully she worked her way in, taking her time and searching well for alarms and booby-traps. She neutralized several trip wires and finally made her way to the wall. Like a living shadow she started slowly peering into windows. No sign of the girl on the first floor but it appeared that the hostiles numbered only four. Outer security wasn't a concern to them. Climbing up a tree beside the wall gained her access to the roof and the ability to lean over and check the windows on the second floor.
After two windows Lyssa hit pay dirt...Beth lay handcuffed naked to a bed. She looked mildly roughed up but not severely abused. Bad news; the window had both an alarm and anti-personnel device on it. Good news; both were amateur. Lyssa didn't see the need to take chances though. This would take some finesse, but first the girl had to be made to sleep. Lyssa started gently pulling tiles from the roof, listening carefully for any clue that she'd been detected. Within a few moments she had an opening big enough to slip through. after tying off a rope to the chimney she silently released a mist above the girl.
When her breathing had become rhythmic Lyssa slowly lowered herself into the room and picked the cuffs then stepped back. It took only a minute after Lyssa stepped to the window and disarmed the grenade wired to the window sill and bypass the alarm. Lyssa owned the room and secured it by wedging the chair at the door after filling the lock with epoxy resin. She listened close to make sure things were still as they were downstairs. All sounded casual so she continued, dropping the retrieved rope out the window and lowering the unconscious Beth to the ground. Lyssa then wired her own explosives to the door and climbed out the window.
Once on the ground Lyssa pulled the rope free and recoiled it. She picked Beth up in a fireman's carry and slowly moved away. Lyssa was almost to the car when she grabbed her phone and hit the redial.
Lala answered on the first ring ,"Lyssa what's happened?"
"Get the car started, I'm almost there,"Lyssa said quickly.
The headlights immediately came on and Lyssa ran faster. LaLa saw her coming and jumped out to open the back door for her.
Lyssa eased Beth down onto the back seat then jumped in, "Go Lala...go. Get us to a west beach fast!"
The partygirl did exactly that as Lyssa made a call.
Dannigan's heart finally started beating and his brain kicked into high gear.
He called out, "Madison, get a ping on Lyssa's phone fast, then connect me to the Ronald Reagan battlegroup! She got her!"
Madison let out a whoop and started typing on her computer. A moment later she called out the coordinates then started dialing. It took a few minutes, but she had the captain of the aircraft carrier on the secure line and announced it.
Dannigan snatched it up and spoke fast, "Captain this is a national security matter. The First Daughter has been located. Currently en route to an extraction location. This is a 'hot extract'. Get a Pavelow or a Seahawk with SEALs in the air now. Also two Hornets to do some dirt authorization code is 'Texas Vermillion' Captain."
The Captain verified the code phrase and came back on the line, "Ok whoever you are. Code checks out. I'm scrambling the crews now where do I send them?"
"Mykonos Captain, pick up will be the western beach. The dirt work is this location," Dannigan relayed the coordinates of the only building in the area Lyssa had been in.
The Captain acknowledged the coordinates and gave clearance to the aircraft launching off the deck. Dannigan relayed the beach coordinates for the extraction team along with status; one friendly, unconscious, after receiving those same coordinates from Lyssa who confirmed them. He kept the line open and Madison stood by his desk while they all waited.
Lala heard planes streak overhead but kept driving, they were almost to the beach.
Lyssa looked to the frightened partygirl and said calmly," doing good LaLa...just get us to the beach."
"Ok," she stammered but drove on.
Lyssa reached around and found a sparkly dress and started putting it on Beth, "LaLa I owe you a new dress but don't worry, I'll get something really special to replace this one."
She simply nodded trying not to wonder why her beautiful model and dancer friend was wearing all black with guns strapped to her thighs and having her drive an unconscious girl to the beach in the middle of the night. There were things about her she didn't know and they were very scary to her. The beach came into view of the headlights so Lala stopped before getting stuck in the sand. Lyssa climbed out and took the sleeping girl with her.
"Lights off Lala and just sit tight. I'll be back soon," Lyssa instructed her.
Lala nodded then watched her walk off into the dark again. A couple of minutes later she could see two chemical light sticks begin to glow down on the beach.
"Camelot, this is Pongo. Approaching target, confirm weapons orders," the lead pilot of the two F-18 Hornets called in.
"Roger Pongo, You are both cleared for weapons release, time on target," the operations center answered.
"Copy that Camelot, Weapons are hot, acknowledge Bones," the flight leader confirmed.
"Roger Pongo, weapons hot, tally ho" the second pilot answered.
The flight leader sighted in and relayed the target zone to the second.
"Time on target Pongo," the operations center confirmed.
"Roger Camelot, Fox three," the leader called out as he fired the missile," go get 'em Bones"
"Roger Pongo, targeted and....Fox three," the second announced as he fired his missile.
They orbited the ruined house once and confirmed destruction then turned back for the carrier, passing the helicopter as it began its approach to land on the beach.
Lyssa held up the two glowing chem-lights and directing the Seahawk down to the sand then knelt with her arms crossed over her chest. Beth lay at her feet, asleep. The Navy SEALS bailed out and ran toward Lyssa fast.
"Let's go," the team leader said as he bent down to pick up Beth.
"She goes, I stay, get gone SEAL," Lyssa said then turned and started walking away.
The SEAL called in,"Camelot this is Posse, confirm extraction package."
"Posse, extraction of one, status unconscious. Do you copy," the operations center asked.
"Copy Camelot. Posse is extracting one, unconscious," The Seal Leader said then signaled the team back to the Seahawk.
They loaded in and lifted off as Lyssa disappeared back into the darkness.
Dannigan reconnected as the captain of the carrier announced that the girl was now onboard.
"Thank you Captain. I'd advise you to contact the White House...the Man will be anxious to hear she's been recovered," he disconnected from the carrier and reconnected to Lyssa's phone, "I can't believe it, you pulled off a miracle."
"Anybody escape the location," Lyssa asked.
"No, they're done....well done to be exact," he answered.
" We still got issues," Lyssa asked coldly.
"Pull shit like that again, we will. Enjoy monte carlo," Dannigan said then disconnected leaning back in his chair.
Madison stood in the doorway, "she did it. She found her and got her safe."
"Yeah, well don't forget that not even twenty-four hours prior she executed a United States Congressman. Granted he was guilty of treason, he was still a Congressman," Dannigan pointed out.
"Let me ask this," Madison posed to him," if she simply just turned over the evidence, what would have really happened to him?"
"He'd have been removed from office. His wife probably still would have overdosed, but he'd have pulled in beaucoup favors, used his money and connections probably to serve time under house arrest," Dannigan said flatly, "None of that is the point Madison. Yes Lyssa saved the taxpayers a fortune on a trail for treason that he would have gotten a slap on the wrist for because he's connected. He was still an elected official and just because she is out there in the shadows doesn't mean she has no oversight."
Madison stood silently thinking.
Dannigan continued," remember this well. What she did was wrong, ethically, morally and legally. It all boils down to this; there was no lethal finding against Alkowitz."
"Yes sir," Madison answered.
"Madi, I've been dealing with things like this a long time. Politicians sell out everyday; money, another term in office, comforts, influence and clout. It runs the gamut Madison but nothing changes; without a lethal finding we can't take lethal action," Dannigan explained.
Madison looked down," doesn't sound right sometimes though."
Dannigan sighed, "does it suck, hell yes. Do I personally hate it, yes. On a personal level can I find fault with her actions, no. Its not about being personal. Ego has to be omitted from the equation or we become worse than them. Can anybody prove she did what she did; no. She covered her ass, and ours, very well. So I can't officially pursue it. Unofficially, I won't pursue it. It was personal for her. With his death its done and I have no doubt in my mind that he is indeed the deadest son of a bitch on the planet. So that being said and done, we move on. Since its the end of the day; we go home."
Dannigan shut down his desk and picked up his jacket, tie and briefcase, "have a good night."
"Good night Sir," Madison echoed as she herself collected her things to leave.
"Mr. President, the captain of the Ronald Reagan is on the hotline,Sir," the military operator called over the intercom," you WANT to take this call Sir."
Confused he answered,"Go ahead Captain."
"Mr.President, we have your daughter on board now. She's being seen to by the doctor and is asleep. She appears to be fine, will know for certain in a few minutes Sir," the captain reported.
"DO WHAT? HOW THE HELL DID SHE GET ON THE REAGAN," the President jumped out of his chair causing everyone in the room to freeze in place.
He shouted, "Everybody drop what you're doing; scramble Air Force One. We're going to Helicon Air Force base, Greece. Wheels up in thirty minutes."
"Mr.President we can't.."the head of the Secret Service detail began.
"NOT ONE MORE WORD," the President yelled, "In fact there will be NO Secret Service at all on this trip. General....get me a detail of SEALS, Delta troopers and PJ's. Full combat gear and meet us at the plane. Any attempt by Secret Service to board the plane, their orders are to shoot on sight!"
The President stormed from the Oval Office. The Agent of the Presidential Detail reached for his phone when the JSOC Commander stopped his arm.
"Hold on there son,"the general said.
"Tantrum or not we have the job to do," the Agent reminded.
"Not this time. And to be honest, you know your entire detail is being reassigned. Yes," The general asked.
"Reassigned my ass," The Agent retorted.
Just then his phone rang, a text message. The message was short;
entire detail report immediately to the office of the Director.
The Agent swore loudly then looked to all the protective detail Agents and signaled them to follow.
Lyssa spoke quickly to the main designer at Yves St.Laurent, Karl Lagerfeld, as her friend LaLa gaped, "Karl I need a dress. Size 4, super sparkly, backless, lots of pink, purple and blue. A dress a girl at a rave would wear. Uber sexy Karl. Pretty please for me," Lyssa talked sweetly over the phone.
After a laugh she thanked him and hung up after giving LaLa's name and address.
"Just like that," Lala asked stunned.
"Just like that, with conditions of course," Lyssa added," Lala you know people owe me favors. I do favors and have favors done for me. This is one of those favors. You've now done one for me now and that makes us even. What you saw and heard. Didn't happen. Ever. Forget it all."
The party girl considered that for a moment then shook her head," no Lyssa. Not even. You kept me from being drugged and taken away by those guys a year ago. This girl you went for, she had the same problem. I won't say anything, ever. You're my friend."
Lyssa knew she had always wanted a designer dress and now she was going to get it. Contrary to her image, the partygirl was actually poor and had very few things. she had established a good reputation as a party girl and her presence ensured high attendance; which is how she made what little money she had. LaLa had no problem whatsoever keeping her friend's secret, and said so.
While she was in the bathroom of the villa Lyssa logged into one of her swiss accounts and transferred several thousand euros to the account held by Lala. A frown crossed her face when she saw the poor girl had a single digit amount of money before the transfer.
Lala emerged from the bathroom," you need to go back to the airport now?"
After leaving they stopped at a local cafe which Lyssa paid for breakfast and left a generous tip and dropped a large denomination euro-note into Lala's bag without being noticed.
Lyssa whispered," the dress isn't the only gift. You'll find out later."
She hugged her friend goodbye then boarded the private plane bound for Monaco. The attendant asked to serve her and Lyssa asked for fruit juice and a cup of coffee. She laid down on the couch falling asleep quickly.
The different feel of things brought Beth to full wakefullness, especially the southern drawl from a woman. Beth opened her eyes and looked around then felt the room move slightly and whimpered thinking it was whatever had been given to her.
"Oh you're awake now," a woman in a khaki uniform stepped close and peered at her, "I'm Commander Newellton, a doctor here aboard the Ronald Reagan. You're safe I promise."
Beth started sobbing and hugged the Naval officer," thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
The ship's Captain entered the exam room but was immediately waved to stop by the medical officer.
"I'm sorry Miss, but I have to ask some questions," Commander Newellton tried to comfort the emotional girl," I had to take a rape kit on you. There was evidence of intercourse but no semen. Please be honest, were you raped by your abductors?"
" had sex with a dj at the rave, but the people that took me didn't do anything like that. They just handled me rough and slapped me a couple of times. They didn't.....hurt me like that," Beth stammered out.
"Are you sure Miss? I have to ask for the official record," the Commander asked directly.
She nodded.
"I wasn't raped Ma'am. Can we keep it quiet though? My dad's gonna go ballistic that I'm not a virgin," Beth asked.
"Sorry Miss, it has to be official," the Commander explained as she made the note of consensual sex prior to abduction.
"The ship's captain is waiting to see you. Are you ready for a minute or two of the formality," She asked.
"I'm on a ship? Do I have ask permission to board or something like that," Beth asked unsure of what to do.
"No request necessary Miss," a decorated man stepped into the room nodding to the medical officer then stepped in closer and offered his hand," Randall F. Dalton, Miss. I'm the captain of the aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan."
"Thank you for finding and rescuing me Captain," Beth shook his hand.
"About that.....we didn't find you. Somebody else did and called for us to pick you up. Do you remember who they were," He asked.
"I remember wanting to go home and saw it get dark outside. I got really sleepy after it got colder in the room and then I woke up here," Beth recalled then looked confused, "you mean some SEAL guys didn't come get me? They're like, really sneaky right?"
"They are miss," the Captain assured her," but they just met you at the beach. We actually don't know how you got there. We think there was a woman there with you, an American, but we don't know for certain. Are you sure you don't remember anything else?"
"Sorry, no," Beth murmured confused," I never talked to any Americans around me the whole time. They might have figured out who I was."
she sat confused then asked,"Captain when can I go home?"
"The President is on his way. We'll fly you to Helicon Air force Base in Greece to meet him there. When you get back to Washington he will insist you go to the hospital to be thoroghly checked out even though Commander Newellton is a more than capable doctor and with HER permission we'll send you to get you properly cleaned up and presentable to meet your father," The captain explained.
Beth looked to Commander Newellton who nodded then nodded to the captain who exited the room to secure the needs of Beth before her departure. A few minutes later Beth was taken to a state room and given what she needed to shower. when she got out an Ensign waited to help her with hair and make-up. The Ensign also gave her a change of civilian clothes and shoes commenting they were close in size. Beth quickly got the young woman's name and mailing information with the promise of sending her very nice replacements.
Air Force One had never seen such heavily armed contingent before, but likewise had never launched a flight that had not been pre-planned a month prior. The President struggled not to be a backseat driver as he managed to keep himself sitting at his desk onboard and worked. Another call from the Reagan had him even more puzzled. Somebody had located and rescued the First Daughter then delivered her to an extraction point to be picked up by the Navy. Who and how were the questions. None of the intelligence agencies had a clue and those directors wouldn't lie.
Apparently there were resources available that weren't exactly at his command. Not suprising now that he thought about it. Such resources were classified above his clearance due to deniability. Super dark black ops. The kind that idiot Alkowitz couldn't compromise when he was selling out agencies and military strike teams to a coke lord. The kind that probably took him out since neither he, nor his body has been reported anywhere in over three days.
Beth watched as Air Force One landed and taxi'ed to a stop, drowning out the irate Ambassador arguing with Air Force MP's securing the flight line. Though traditional that the U.S. ambassador to a host country greet the President on his arrival, orders had been issued that all formal protocols were temporarily suspended. Only military personnel were to be on line to deliver the First Daughter, who would be immediately flown out. It was not a political or social visit of any kind and every agency except for DOD were in the doghouse as far as the President was concerned.
Beth ran up the stairs and slammed straight into her father's arms who guided her into the plane.
He got her settled and called to the pilot, "Colonel I have my girl. Let's go home."
The flying symbol of U.S. presence turned and immediately took off heading west. A mid air refuel tanker standing by off the coast of England.
Lyssa opened the box on Marco's yacht. Inside were evening gowns, party dresses and swimsuits along with pumps and sandals to coordinate.
"Those all look beautiful Lyssa," Marco commented appreciatively.
Lyssa nodded," very, The gowns are loaned but the rest i can keep if I want to."
Marco laughed," more favors. Lyssa's favors. One day I think you may call in all who owe you and rule the world."
Lyssa kissed his cheek as she passed to hang the clothes up," not yet. Next month maybe."
Marco shook his head laughing as he went to answer a call, starlets and lingerie models be damned; he had Lyssa Kordenay as his date for the whole film festival. Favors for favors; She would be his date, she would collect on that at a later date. The wardrobe she would wear would garner attention for a designer she knew in London and in return she would get to keep certain items and be owed a favor. Lyssa had smirked at the mention of some starlets and models being paid for their company. She had even made the statement," money is for working. You can do me a favor one day." He had no problem with that.
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by popular demand
here we go with book 5! Thanks for all the response for PomPom fortress. I'll keep working on it. Thanks everybody!
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Pom Pom fortress is awesome
I like Frills too. I think I have read both books at least 6 times. I read The Station's Late Nite Princess twice in the first few weeks. I don't know if I've ever done that with a book before. I think all three of these books are absolutely awesome. Right now I am busy enjoying the rest. Thank you so much for writing all of this awesome stuff. And for introducing me to Tammy. After reading your crossover story I paused in reading your stuff and read all of Shiraz's Tammy's stories. Miss Alecia. You write good stories.
I'm reading Frills again right now
Well, I was. I was half way through when I got a hankering to read the story where prince Harry's body guard detail is staying at the island. I'm still trying to find that story. I've been distracted by so many other good stories while I'm searching for it. I guess I'm in a Snowfall mood right now.
Frills and Pompom Fortress are probably still in my top 10 or 15 books that I go to when I'm in the mood to re-read something.
And this time...
And this time I had a hankering to re-read this chapter about the presidents daughter again. And as long as I'm at it I decided I'm going to re-read all of the Lyssa Kordenay Missions. Hopefully I will stop at that point and not carry on to read everything else in this multiverse. I find the stories by these three authors so addictive but there is so many good stories that it takes a LONG time read them.
First Daughter
I was part way through watching a movie I found called "First Daughter" when I got a hankering to read this story again. I've long lost track of how many times I've read this story. Or the one with Prince Harry. Or the one where Madison shoots the tire of her sister's car. Snerk. THAT was funny.
Alicia Snowfall has written so much awesome stuff. Thank you.
First Daughter
I was part way through watching a movie I found called "First Daughter" when I got a hankering to read this story again. I've long lost track of how many times I've read this story. Or the one with Prince Harry. Or the one where Madison shoots the tire of her sister's car. Snerk. THAT was funny.
Alicia Snowfall has written so much awesome stuff. Thank you.
First Daughter
I was part way through watching a movie I found called "First Daughter" when I got a hankering to read this story again. I've long lost track of how many times I've read this story. Or the one with Prince Harry. Or the one where Madison shoots the tire of her sister's car. Snerk. THAT was funny.
Alicia Snowfall has written so much awesome stuff. Thank you.
As you promised , once again you delivered and did so with the usual smoothness as before.. Doggone good , I cant wait for the next episode . Well done
Silly Secret Service Chappie
Not only did he loose one of his charges, and she was able to leave the country, she was found and returned to another service, if I'd have been him as the report Beth was reported to be safe I'd have been thinking "DAMN I NEED A NEW JOB!!!"
Wll the PRES understates things again 'Super Dark Black Ops'
As Promised Alecia instalment of Lyssa's was exciting, and as the a old saying goes a 'page turner'
To paraphrase Oliver, 'Please Miss Can I Have Some More?'
love your stories, thanks for
love your stories, thanks for sharing
Hi Snowfall,
Hi Snowfall,
This Lyssa Kordenay series really keeps a person on the edge of their seat while reading it. I really hope you have lots of more exciting adventures for her before she decides to retire to where ever Ultra Black Ops specialists go. Thanks many times for sharing her with all us "mere" mortals. :) Janice Lynn
there's only one thing to do
*checks the 0.7mm load of my pencil then bails off into the pages* THE BOOK IS A GO!!!!
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
I like .5mm myself
Enjoying your stories though.
Unfortunately I think we have a congress full of hypocritical conservative congressmen waiting to be 'served'.
00- who?
Lyssa Kordanay, more than a match for James Bond. Thoroughly enjoyed reading all 5 stories ( as well as pom pom fortress, ), look forward to more from you. Thank you.
I use a standard pencil & sharpener - old tech(giggle)
As usual, an exciting story. I wonder where Lyssa will go next? And of course Pom Pom Fortress was good).
Keep 'em coming please.
I kind of like 'old yeller' myself. Number two. But I give a nod to modern tech by using an electric sharpener.