The Lyssa Kordenay Missions - Book 03 - Latin Lethal Action

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Book 3 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
  Revenge may be at hand for Lyssa as she finally goes after the head of a narco-cartel
 Is vengeance finally within her grasp?

WARNING: The Lyssa Kordenay Missions may be
hyper-violent for some readers.




Latin Lethal Action


Ramon Padosa roared with anger slamming down the telephone. Someone had dared to attack his organization, and worse had killed his second in a horrible way. In fact everyone at Javier's villa was dead. His source within the police said that there was absolutely no evidence. No bullets, no shell casings, no unknown fingerprints; nothing. 'Extensive counter-measures had been taken to conceal the identity of the attackers' was the phrase used.

When Ramon demanded to know what that meant, he was told how extensive; bullets were dug out of the bodies and two walls. Blood pools were contaminated with bleach and ammonia, surfaces were dowsed with the deadly mixture as well; doors, windowsills, counters and switches. The empty containers had been burned in the driveway which was concrete so there were no shoe prints not matched to those on site, but the worst was Javier. Javier had not had a gentle death. Drugged, wounded and emasculated. This was a message to him. Someone was either brave or crazy enough to threaten him and still be unknown. Someone must know he thought as he started dialing.


Lyssa woke up again a few minutes before noon a glance at her cellphone revealed two messages and the blinking light on the bedside phone indicated a message at the desk as well. The cellphone were both text messages which were no rush to be answered. A quick rinse off in the shower then bare make-up and a simple dress and sandals, she was ready. Downstairs the message was simple, both the local girls were upset that they got carried away at the celebrations and wanted forgiveness. Lyssa smiled and had them called with the message that if they could meet her within the hour lunch was on her.

Forty-five minutes later they joined her both looking still slightly hung-over. Lyssa assured them that all was forgiven but as a one-time thing, other jobs would't be as forgiving but tomorrow had to be top form as the designer was anxious to see the photos that would be air-shipped as soon as possible instead of developed locally then sent off and copies of the best would be sent to them for their portfolios. they hastily agreed that such leniency wouldn't be taken for granted. The lunch lasted an hour due to conversation of the after-parties attended then Lyssa advanced them a third of their pay to carry them til the next day then paid the lunch check and left to see a friend she claimed, earning giggles from both models as they left as well.

A rental car provided the means to get to a secluded cove outside the city. Just under the water's surface Lyssa dragged up a container. Once on the beach she opened it and removed the resupply bag of ammunition, additional weapons and explosives. Using the box lid she dug a deep hole and placed the empty box, lid and some debris into it then ignited it. It burned quickly into non-recognition then she back filled the pit and drove back to the hotel with a stop-off at an isolated villa.

Back at the hotel she went over the latest satellite imagery and reports that had been shuffled through a dozen various agencies before being compiled into a packet and loaded out like the weapons and ordinance onto naval transports then a british submarine carrying royal marines that were conducting training exercises for amphibious infiltration mapping. Nobody came out of the water nor lingered in the area and none of the other agencies in Rio had been contacted for assistance of any kind. The loop was closed with Lyssa alone.

If you couldn't obliterate a trail of bureaucracy completely this was the best alternative, single things moving in a myriad of directions but no real destination. Only an operator with years of contacts off the books could make that happen and no over-sight committee would ever be able to cash in enough favors or bully their way through the set-up that got her resupplied. Nothing to take for granted though, no contact to anybody official on anything that could be traced back to either her or Dannigan.


The congressman burned up every phone number he had and still nobody knew anything about the murder of Javier Rojas in Rio, other than what the local police knew. Ramon Padosa was frothing at the mouth for answers and nobody knew anything, just the speculation that another small cartel might possibly be trying to move in by making a bold play but neither the DEA nor the CIA could confirm anything. The pre-paid cellphone rang in his pocket. Padosa would not be happy with nothing but he answered anyway as the voice on the other end started immediately screaming demands.


Dannigan hung up the phone and stared out the window. Someone on the hill was putting out feelers and they were very good at it; three agencies and five subsidiary had been contacted about action in Brazil. Inquiries were made and the ball got rolling, passive and extremely quiet questions were to be asked but no direct actions, back channel feeds only. The resupply went without a hitch thanks to an old friend in the royal navy totally outside american channels that owed no favors to anybody else in U.S. service.

Lyssa was on her own, her only hope if blown was a concealed poison release on the side of her lower gum. Normally a cyanide derivative would be held but it could be traced back to american service, the one in hers was actually a combination of poisons invented by the KGB and Mossad. A neat trick that she thought of herself, the same poison she'd used twice already to everyone's confusion. Lyssa deliberately keep herself in the dark as to which agency she actually worked for. No traces, she was alone. Exactly how she wanted it.


Lyssa stood on the balcony watching the ocean as her hair dried on its own. Brazilians habitually had late dinners so she was in no hurry she could wait at least another hour before getting ready for the evening. Tonight would have to be early due to the next day's shoot schedule they needed to be done by early afternoon so that the film and swimwear could be on the evening flight to Rome. She'd already established that she was also in Rio to play as well as work so staying around for a week would go without raising eyebrows. Provided Padosa didn't tuck tail and run back to Tri-borders, she'd be exfiltrating to Monaco in seven days for the film festival, she even had an escort with passes to the premiers. But that was then...this is now and now was Padosa.

Padosa was the job, Padosa had always been the job. As the night settled down she went inside and started putting on her make-up and styling her hair then slipped into the Le Perla lingerie and a cocktail dress in pale blue and a pair of silver stilleto heel sandals. After dinner she would visit Ernesto, as he would have the feel of what was going on in the Padosa camp. Stepping into the elevator she focused her self and the facade she needed for the night then stepped out when the doors opened. Lyssa stepped out and ventured into the waiting city. The smiles directed at her were plenty and some even charming; unknowing that a predator far more dangerous than any local now moved through the city. A pale golden haired hunter of men with steel colored eyes.


Ernesto Laughed as the blonde on the dancefloor did a double-take then smiled and waved to him. He waved back and signaled invitation to join the table. She nodded but signaled "a moment" indicating she would finish the song with the man she was dancing with then come over. Which she did, walking up to the table smiling.

Lyssa allowed him her hand to kiss, "Ernesto! how are you?"

"Oh I always am doing well when a beautiful woman comes to see me," he oozed, "you are having much fun?"

"Very much so, but I'm afraid it'll have to be an early night tonight," she somewhat pouted.

"Oh? why is that lovely Lyssa," he asked.

"well we all partied too hard last night so today was canceled,"She admitted ruefully, "the designer is a little put off but I promised we'd shoot tomorrow and get everything to Italy on the evening flight out."

"Ah, well then at least one drink and dance and I will see you personally back to the hotel to make sure," Ernesto proposed pouring a glass of champagne for her.

"Oh I'd like that a lot Ernesto, I have to keep my promise. Ana is a good friend and Lucia is anxious to get back home. A newlywed you know," Lyssa explained.

"Well then let's not waste any time," Ernesto chimed his glass to her's.


Ramon slammed his fist to the desk. Nothing; nobody. Someone took out a high level member of his organization and there was no information at all. In fact the Americans were distancing themselves even further away from it. Ordering their people not to investigate actively. As if they either wanted no part or that he no longer mattered to them. His sources in the Brazilian government knew nothing, the Americans knew as much as the Brazilians and apparently didn't care to know more.

This was infuriating, the only other threat was from Interpol and his source in their regional offices turned up nothing as well insisting that Interpol didn't do such work. Ramon picked up the phone again and barked orders when his local man answered.

"Offer a pay off for information about whoever took out Javier and his men last night," Ramone demanded.


Ernesto listened close then hung up his cellphone as Lyssa passed him a glass of champagne.

"Business never ends,"she asked coyly.

"Ah a gentleman never discusses business when sharing a pleasant drink with such a lovely lady," he said smiling then sipped after touching his glass to hers.

They talked about the current fashions for men and which designer would best compliment him. Soon Ernesto's eyes grew heavy and Lyssa steered the conversation to the night before....bets placed, by whom and how much. When Javier's name was mentioned she held him to that line. How much had he bet, and if he'd won. Then when Ernesto said that he wouldn't have to pay him off Lyssa inquired why to be answered with the fact that Javier had been killed by someone.

"Oh really," Lyssa said softly, "now who would do that."

"Nobody knows,"Ernesto admitted, "but he was high up in the Padosa cartel. Ramon Padosa is quite angry over it, even offering a reward for information about it."

"Oh that's interesting, but he sounds like quite a dangerous man Ernesto," Lyssa pressed further.

"Oh he is Lyssa," Ernesto continued sleepily, "but you are far too sweet to worry about Him and besides he would not frequent the busy and lively places you go to."

"How frightening! Now where would such a dangerous man like that be? I want to make sure I am safe from him," Lyssa whispered seductively.

"He is at a northern road mansion outside the city and will be until he finds out who killed Javier. It's almost a palace with all its white stone and walls but don't worry Lyssa. You will be quite safe," Ernesto reassured her.

"That's very good Ernesto, I won't worry now, but its very late and we've had such a good time. Did you leave your man downstairs?" Lyssa asked.

"Oh yes he will stay until I am ready to go home, yes I am so tired," Ernesto nodded.

Lyssa called downstairs for the driver and asked him to come up as Ernesto had unfortunately drank too much and should be taken home just in case anything happened that might be embarrassing to a gentleman. A few moments later a soft knock at the door signalled his arrival. Lyssa let him in acting as if she too had drank more than intended. He smiled and assured her that he would convey that his employer had indeed been a gentleman who simply enjoyed the drinks too much but otherwise had been enjoyable company. After they left; Lyssa locked the door and carefully cleaned the glasses then went to bed for a few hours.

The weather cooperated excellently during the shoot, the local girls in top form posing and giving their best alluring 'come hither' looks for the camera. By noon they were done and changed back into their own personal swimwear enjoying the snacks provided by an impromptu visit by Ernesto who promised that as a personal favor, Lucia would be driven directly to the airport to be seen onto her flight by Lyssa as an apology for the night before. Even though she assured him he had been perfectly behaved and not embarrassed either of them, he insisted that his honor demanded such apology to her and made good on it.


Lyssa had studied all the diagrams of the mansion in great detail to prepare for the late night penetration. A promise of dinner with Ernesto the following night had secured the night free of any distractions to run the recon on Padosa's compound, she set up the cameras and the linked burst transmitter then faded back and left undetected. Fourty-eight hours later she was back and slithering through the foliage.

The guards heard nothing as Lyssa slipped behind them then silently thrust a knife between the base of the skull and jaw below the ear. They died instantly from the blade slicing through their brain soundlessly. She eased into the additional men's barracks and silently made sure they would never wake up then entered the main house. Knowing that all inside were deadly she took no chances in eliminating the staff first then finally making her way up to the master suite and slipping inside the darkend bedroom.

Ramon Padosa dreamt someone was looking at him, a dream so unnerving he woke. As he reached over to turn on the light, that's when the shadow came closer.

"Insomnia?" Lyssa hissed as the light clicked on.

Ramon screamed for his guards as he reached for the gun on the table, the shadow didn't move as he brought it up and sighted at the head smiling as he pulled the trigger to be rewarded with a resounding click.

"Disappointed Padosa," Lyssa asked stepping closer looking intimidating in the form fitted black suit and swirls of combat paint across her face.

He bolted from the bed but fell back from the kick to the side of his head. Lyssa stood looking down then grabbed him and dragged to a chair and using tape to secure him by ankles and wrists to the chair.


His head hurt. alot. Then he remembered why as he realized he was in a chair and couldn't move.

"Oh you're awake now," a honeyed sweet voice said from behind him.

A woman. He hadn't noticed before that it was a woman. Ramon bellowed for his guards but she just dragged the chair to the window and leaned him forward.

"No one is coming to save you from me Ramon Padosa,"Lyssa said flatly directing his gaze to the lawn below.

All of his men laid out across it in death then turned the chair back.

"I'll have your head for this you bitch! Slowly you'll die without even the benefit of being shown the proper place of a woman...ON HER BACK UNDER ME," He screamed at her.

Lyssa ignored him as she brought out the small zippered bag and the needle then slowly filled the syringe with the clear liquid and cleared the bubbles with a tap.

"I gave this to Javier. Its called Inanna. Inanna was the anti-muse, inspiring fear and despair," she said then fixed him with a look of pure hatred," Past the gates and before the throne; I've been to Hell, where I'm taking you is much worse."

He struggled for a moment then froze when she slammed the needle into his neck and pressed the plunger down. Within moments he felt hot as her fist slammed into him then cold as the vision of the black clad warrior slowly began to look like a horrific demon looming closer.

Ramon came to and slowly looked up with hooded eyes to look into Lyssa's rage filled eyes.

"I know everything now and have taken it all away, your accounts in the Cayman islands, panama, Zurich, Dubai. Even the combination to the safe in this very room, and this," Lyssa held up a disc, "Congressman Alkowitz' wife. So that's how you knew all the actions against you."

Ramon looked at her with rage still suffering from the pain and hallucinations induced by the drug.

"I'm far from done with you though," Lyssa said softly bringing forward a car battery and cables.

"WHO ARE YOU," he demanded.

Lyssa doused him with a bucket of water then came closer with the cables and held one to his leg.

"You destroyed my life," she said coldly then brought the other clamp down.

Sparks flew and Ramon screamed as the electricity coursed through him from the battery as she moved strike points for over an hour alternating that with beating him with a bat she'd found somewhere in the house. Bones broke from his legs, feet,arms and hands then she cut the tape and dragged him onto the table and brandished the knife closer.

Lyssa growled, "now I'm going to get creative with you."

Ramon watched in terror as she slowly drew a slight line at his ribs then held the skin against the flat of the blade and yanked downward. Ramon thrashed and howled in pain that seemed amplified as Lyssa worked for over another hour before stopping, leaving him a bloody, shredded mess.

"Please......please whoever you are, just stop this, I'll give you anything you want," Ramon begged.

Lyssa slammed a punch to his mouth knocking several teeth out then hissed, "I'm the one your men couldn't break! Four years ago! The one that held out for six days!"

A look of pure wild horror flooded him, Ramon now knew he would never survive. There was only one thing left to do.

"Please. Please in the name of God end me. I beg you,"Ramon pleaded.

"Very well. In the name of God," Lyssa said icily.

She secured him to the table then showed him a chunk of plastic explosive on a timed detonator. Ramon felt her press the small charge to his mangled scrotal area and heard a beep. Then he watched her pour gasoline all over the room.

"Please...please...I hurt so bad...please Senorita," Ramon begged.

Lyssa ignored him as she picked up the bags of money and intelligence as she walked out. Ramon cried and prayed as the occasional beep sounded after she left then suddenly there was a loud pop and he saw blood splatter outward. Pain set in as he saw flames begin to spread around the room. He was going to hell and this was only a glimpse of what was to come he thought as the flames finally caught the table licking at his body.

Lyssa sealed the packages and sent them out by courier, the intelligence sent to Dannigan, but kept the disc. The cash she kept minus the expenses of the trip and paid for the villa in full. She had plans for the congressman, very soon. Lyssa finished at with the hotel then caught a private flight out to Rome, this was how she traveled off the grid. Using private terminals for planes and boats it was easier. Some of the cash she still carried after a stop in Grand Cayman. After all, she needed to go shopping for the film festival starting in a few days in Monaco.

Lyssa Kordenay returns in Misdirection in the Mediterranean!!

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