Seem to be perpetually tired these days, possibly caught my daughter's fatigue - only joking. Tomorrow is another hard day - in fact the week is, so I'll write as and when I can. My sincere apologies to those who anticipated more Bike tonight but I just can't finish tonight's episode.

Health first, then writing
Glad to know what's going on. I love Bike, which comes from your imagination, so get what rest you can with your workload, and see to the rest of the family (Bonzi & others). After you've done that, then, IF you feel like it, write some Bike for us eager readers.
Healing hugs sent your way,
Take care Angharad, and get
Take care Angharad, and get your sleep! We love Bike, but not at the expense of your health.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
No worries
Please do get some rest, and as you say, write when you can and feel like it.
Many Blessings
A lot of that...
A lot of that going around (catching of daughter's fatigue)... Yawwwn... Best wishes to you, and please take care of yourself!