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Book 2 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
Lyssa Kordenay; Ballerina, Model, Spy, Assassin. How does one avenge a destroyed life? find out as Lyssa travel to Rio in pursuit of that vengeance. in a secret world.....she's an Operator with secrets of her own! WARNING: The Lyssa Kordenay Missions may be |
Lyssa spun closer to Rodrigo and leaned back draping across his arm for two beats then straightened and two crossed steps forward to pivot as he swung his hips in place. The music pulsated as the crowd danced in a flurry of colors and flashes of skin. Samba was a dance of passion and beauty. The club was the hottest in Rio, patronized by the beautiful people, and the dark as well. high level criminals rubbed elbows with politicians, athletes with call girls and models with fighters.
'Fun for the whole bunch,' mused Lyssa as she pranced a circle around her dance partner; Rodrigo, the current capoeria champ. He was a hot dancer and even better fighter. Other benefits too, he knew just about everybody in the club, during the last slow song he pointed out the table of gangsters. they ran the mid-range car theft ring and also the major players in the street-racing scene. that info would come in handy later on. Also he pointed out the three stars of the world league soccer team along with the youngest of the Gracie boys.
A quick change over step and the music faded then slowed again. Perfect timing.
"oooh champagne...Rodrigo that looks like a good idea,"Lyssa's Portuguese was flawless.
"yes it is but I must drink water, lovely," Rodrigo chuckled.
"Oh yes, hot stuff," she agreed," can't have the champion in less than top form."
Rodrigo laughed and let out a loud yell, many echoed his call and saluted him with raised fists and glasses, then still holding Lyssa's hand he guided her through a twirl and steered her towards the bar. She emphasized the swing of her hips as they walked drawing more attention to herself, fair hair and light tan complexion stood out against the sea of traditional dark hair and tans of the brazilians.
Being seen on a traditional modeling spot on Ipanema beach with two local models and photographer cemented Lyssa's credentials as a returning model. a few phone calls to Italy had gotten a shipment of a dozen of the latest swimwear out of Milan arriving at the same time she did. Ana was ecstatic when Lyssa called asking for the favor; some of her latest swim line modeled for only the cost of the photographer and the two local models but it had to be in Rio in three days. Ana had no problem with that and gleefully sent an assistant with the pieces to insure proper fit.
Lyssa met Lucia at baggage claim. the two chatted waiting for their luggage and rode together to the hotel. Lyssa got her settled in and made preliminary inquiries as to two local models and a photographer then the weather and possible locations for the shoot to which the hotel had been more than accommodating for that. That night the serious work started with obtuse questions to the bartender for the questionable night life led her to Club Cattalaya and tonight's present company guiding her away from the bar and to a corner sofa area.
Champagne was poured and the talk was festive mostly about the capoeria match the following night. The manager of the club boasting a large wager he would be placing on Rodrigo to win.
Lyssa looked thoughtful for a moment then asked, "well the manger knows who to bet on but what about the owner? who would he trust his betting money to for a bet on the champ?"
The manager guffawed, "anyone would give two to one odds on Rodrigo but only Ernesto would cover the boss' bet," pointing to a table of three men and five scantily clad women.
Lyssa stood up, "then i should go see a man named Ernesto then about a wager...Look tired Rodrigo. Maybe i can talk him into five to one odds."
That comment got a round of laughter from the group as she stepped towards the table putting the extra swing to her hips as before drawing the men's attention soon enough.
"Aiyeee, look at you! What brings such a pretty girl to our table," one of the men asked with a shark-like look.
"I came to talk to Ernesto, isn't he the man to talk to about a bet," Lyssa answered brightly.
Another of the men snickered, "sure.....give you fifteen to one odds on Antonio."
Lyssa faked a puzzled look as she said, "But i was going to bet on Rodrigo. I was hoping for maybe four to one because he's been so exhausted lately. I have to bet on him because he's so nice but he's so tired...."
They casually looked over at the sofa area and caught his eye to which he then winked and gave an exaggerated yawn and sprawled over the cushion.
"Just look at him, he's just so wiped out, he doesn't think he can even make it home to get his rest so I suggested he come back to the hotel because he said its closer," Lyssa played the blonde to them.
that got a few nods and nudges among the men.
Finally one said, "ah you a kind soul and for that I will give you the four to one odds on our great Rodrigo but you must ensure that he recovers in your care and triumphs."
"Oh I will, senor Ernesto, I'm at the Ipanema Grand. Lyssa Kordenay," she slipped a one-hundred bill from her top and slid it across the table giving them her bright smile then skipped back over to her group and pretended to fuss over Rodrigo.
And now she had her underworld contact; Ernesto.
Ramon laughed coldly reading the report from the DEA agents to their superiors in Washington. Presently they had no idea he was in Rio assuming he was still in the tri-border area. that was good. His leverage over the congressman was still holding sway, the weak man cared not for the safety of his own family but more for the scandal if the video of his wife trading sex for a few lines of cocaine came to light. The politcian would do anything he demanded to keep that a secret. Ramon had worked six months to get the woman addicted and it had worked, Ramon Padosa was untouchable by the american agencies now. and so he would remain even if someone else took the congressman's place he would be able to manuever that one the same way in short time. Even slaughtering a DEA agent and members of the military rescue team went without serious reprisal, though one that had been captured and tortured was rescued but would never be a thorn in anyone's side again.
According to another report that soldier had been so badly damaged that the need to be medically dismissed ended that one's career. That highly entertained him, the part that didn't was the amercian soldier never broke, most people including police and agents broke in less than a day but the soldier had withheld for 7 days with nothing but taunts to his captors, why he didn't know or understand, it was as if he had been testing them, what they were willing to do as much as they were testing to see how much he could endure before trying to make deals for death or the sparing of his life. None of that mattered right now he had money to make, the championship was tomorrow night and many were betting on the champion who was sure to win. Perhaps not this time Ramon thought. the odds were very alluring if he wanted to interfere, he thought with a cold smile.
The crowd around the shoot wasn't too bad as the models posed in the skimpy bikinis directed by the photographer. the light was adequet enough for the shots but time was flying by and they were mostly focused on the event later on making everyone distracted. there were the usual leers and catcalls from the beachgoers but mostly they watched for a few moments then moved on. Many of the women lingered though commenting enviously of the new swimwear and its origin, even in Rio Italian design was highly coveted.
a few more minutes splashing around in the ankle deep water and the photographer called an end to the session. Lucia collected the bikinis from the two local models who quickly donned their own personal swimwear and then took up chatting with several of the men who'd spent time watching the shoot, as a favor to the girls Lyssa had Lucia shout encouraging things in Italian towards the end which really made the two more popular. Such distraction would work more in her favor as some of the more swarthy type were taking more interest in her, locations of parties later on were shared and with a little enticement the noted names of guest lists were also revealed. When the name of a high level Padosa cartel member was mentioned she knew then which one to be at.
The crowd cheered at the flurry of punches and sweeping kicks followed by daring acrobatics in perfect time to the drums, many clapped to the hidden beat that was the secret to the fighting style.
Lyssa stood with a small group of supporters close to the ring chanting "Fly...Fly...Fly" in support of Rodrigo 'The Hawk' as he battled fiercely against Antonio. in a stroke of inspiration Lyssa gained one of the trainers' attention and signaled for one of the towels to be thrown to her, which he did a bit puzzled and then saw her add a print of her lipstick then encourage the other women of the small group to do the same then passed it back to the trainer who smiled and during the next break made sure Rodrigo took note of the support by all the lovely ladies behind him.
Spurred on by such seductive support Rodrigo went back in and viciously attacked bringing his opponent down , The count ended and he executed a dramatic back-flip before raising his arms in victory then helping his fallen adversary and embracing him in a show of sportsmanship he was known for. a turn and blown kisses to the group of female admirers then handshakes to rival trainers ended the match with a roar of cheers.
Music blared as the celebration was in full swing when Rodrigo stood atop a table, an offered glass was held up and he sent out a toast to his family and trainers and friends for their support as well as wishes for a quick recovery to Antonio for a future rematch and finally to God for seeing him through to an honorable victory which many echoed then drank with him and then he was swept away by a crowd for comments and autographs.
"Who is she," Javier asked the host pointing to blonde woman wearing a light purple dress handing a glass to Rodrigo as he stood on a table.
"Her name I did not catch, but I do know she is a model here for a photo shoot. they were on Ipanema most of the day," he said.
"models you say," Javier prompted.
"Oh yes. An Italian designer if I heard right, quite.....stylish," he said with a wink.
That said volumes, the implication clear; designs that were barely there even for Rio's standards. Javier noticed also that Ernesto approached her then kissed her hand and smiled with every bit of charm the man possessed as he counted out four large denomination bills that he gently pressed into her hand as she kissed his cheek then tucked them into the top of her dress. he would have to find out more about this model Javier thought to himself. should be rather easy...all models enjoyed parties. he signaled a server to bring her another glass of champagne.
Lyssa thanked the young waitress as she took the glass and looked to the "gentleman" she pointed out and walked over to thank him personally.
"thank you senor for the drink," she said slowly marking well the face of Javier of the Padosa cartel, "most kind of you."
"Ah a lady as lovely as yourself should always be...attended to," Javier leered.
She was even more attractive up close he thought,as well as how on earth could she move so easily, not deliberately catty like most models but more like a dancer after great sex.
Lyssa had made her way over casually. a smile to a designer here and a nod of recognition to another model there both returned with grace and the signal from a noted male model to call him was noticed as well until she stood in front of Javier.
"hello senorita, good evening," Javier greeted her with a smoothness.
"Good evening to you as well senor," Lyssa paused for his introduction.
"Javier Rojas, Senorita," he asked politely taking her hand.
"Lyssa Kordenay," she answered easily, then looked him up and down.
Ha, he thought, she was sizing him up; determining his importance based off appearance. He knew his suit was of upper echelon Italian design as were the shoes, of a different designer, while his jewelry were of noted american designers and his hair of the latest euro style, she was a different story. Her hair fell in gentle waves not curls and her jewelry in silver looked to be local or western american, her dress and heels undetermined but her perfume was subtle enough that it enticed a man to come closer just to investigate it and her with it.
Her Portuguese was flawless and without accent but she was definitely an american a quick hello to a passing girl in equally flawless french mildly surprised him, not that she spoke french but how well. A necessary skill he gathered, being a model, yet a recognized as she had been by the insiders of that circle he was surprised he'd not seen or heard of her before. After a few minutes of small talk that really gave him no further information than he had before she excused herself to the ladies room he went over to a local model of note and inquired about her.
The information he got was that yes she was an international model but preferred runway to publication though had more than one cover on European magazines and catalogs also that she was indeed a dancer, ballet of the most rigid discipline, Bolshoi specifically and had danced in productions in Moscow, France and Australia but had turned down many projects that would easily make her as Americans say,'a household name'.
The implication was subtle yet understood; she modeled and danced to keep herself in the right social circles more than likely to maintain the right relationships with benefits. A mistress. That would explain the ease around somewhat powerful men and the casual sizing up. Javier wasn't a 'somewhat powerful man', he was second only to Ramon himself in the largest and most feared cartel in south america, a woman like this Lyssa Kordenay would definitely learn that later on tonight.
"Do not worry my dear, I assure you we are quite private here, " Javier called to her from the bedroom.
He concealed a wicked looking knife under a pillow and then checked the chill of the champagne. A quick stop at her hotel to pick up an overnight bag in preparation for the next days shoot sealed her agreement to a stay at his villa just outside the city.
"That's good, a girl's reputation can be priceless Javier," she called back from the en suite bathroom.
"Ah on that I completely agree..."Javier froze in mid sentence, the smile slowly fading.
Gone was the sexy model in a stunning designer dress to be replace by a wraith in form fitting black with a face streaked by black grease paint but more importantly a silenced auto-pistol in her hand that now bear down on him. Without a word the pistol chugged once sending a bullet into his knee bringing him to the floor to howl in pain. Lyssa grabbed a clutch of his hair and dragged him over to a chair and secured him; ankles, wrists and mouth then slowly opened the door and slipped out.
Pain throbbed in Javier's knee from where she had shot him. Who in the hell was this woman he wondered furiously until the soft click of the door opening brought his attention back, he thanked god silently until instead of the voice of one of his men spoke but the soft honeyed voice of Lyssa whispered in his ear.
"Now we're completely private,I assure you. Javier Rojas; of the Padosa cartel,"Lyssa hissed.
She then stood in front of him, odd streaks of blood mixed with her black facial stripes. she removed her gloves then pulled the tape from his mouth.
"You bitch," Javier spat at her, "you will regret this."
Lyssa turned and went into the bathroom returning with a small bag that she unzipped revealing a hypodermic needle and two ampules. Drawing a measured amount of clear liquid from one she showed him the needle then jammed it into his neck and pressed the plunger slowly while he bellowed in anger.
Lyssa leaned in close and said with pure hatred in her eyes, "past the black gates. Before the Devil's throne. I've been to hell already, I taking you somewhere worse.....much worse."
Half an hour later amid screams of pain Javier answered her questions of Ramon Padosa, where he was, when he would be moving, whom he would be seeing, how strong the defenses around the hacienda both here in Rio and at Tri-Borders. Even the concealed escape passages of both. the drug wore off shortly before dawn. he had even confessed his plans to threaten her with the knife under the pillow until she allowed his every carnal wish. that same knife now held loosely in her right hand as he looked up with hooded eyes from pain and hallucinations induced by the drug.
"Welcome back," Lyssa hissed a coldness in her voice and eyes.
"you have what you want,now what bitch," he wheezed out.
"Just this," She hissed.
Lyssa then used the knife to slice open his pants and underwear then used light strokes of her nails to elicit an erection while whispering all the things he had planned to do to her. to his horror he swelled for her then the knife slowly stroked across opening the delicate skin and hot blood pumped. he looked up speechless in terror into her cold eyes.
"Don't worry Javier, this is nothing compared to what awaits Ramon," Lyssa said with a voice of pure iced fury.
Javier looked down to see blood running all over himself he looked back up into her eyes. Eyes that never wavered as the lights went out behind his.
An hour later Lyssa slipped back into the hotel the same way she had slipped out with no one the wiser. She dropped her bag into the closet then went to the bathroom and showered. a nap for two hours then a call to the photographer to stall the day was pointless. The photographer had left a message for his voicemail stating that he was incapacitated for the better part of the day. No doubt hung over she thought, a quick call to the local models confirmed it as they were too, the continuing shoot was postponed two days.
The Lyssa Kordenay Missions continue with
Latin Lethal Action!
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Sexy going strong mmmm yummy
You left me HANGING
I wish you had described the transformation more. I get the reason for it but I wish you had explained WHY the soldier had to be a girl, it was a necessity cus during his torture.................... Still I love it and cant wait for more
a quick explanation
in Steel Butterfly a process was glossed over. in the world of Intelligence an Operative will have their records altered; sometimes as a deserter, sometimes even listed as Missing In Action(MIA) or even Killed In Action and new identity is created (a Legend). This is called Sheep-Dipping. in some cases even their appearance is altered. In Lyssa's case she underwent transition to become Lyssa. This extreme measure has never been done in the real world of Intelligence(that we know of, but there has been the occassional cross-dressing for escape and evasion), its too radical and in the past as it is now, a transgender Operator would no be fielded no matter how skilled. damn shame really...prior military transgenders are known as Valkyries and they have so much still to offer.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
The Israeli Mossad has a
The Israeli Mossad has a tendency to cross-dress during operations due to the fact that most of their targets are wearing burqas and similar such garments
Transgender operatives actually employed by certain agencies being fielded does not happen to my knowledge however independent contractors on loan to said agencies or contracted to them on the other hand does happen from time to time
This I know from experience
Not usually my thing
However, your writing style is enticing, and only two misspellings. Nice work.
hell hath no fury like a
hell hath no fury like a woman scorned or as in this case betrayed.
beware the wrath of Lyssa
Lyssa Kordenay stories...questions
Both of the two stories which U've posted have a Chapter 1 sub-heading. Further, the 2nd story, provides the name of the 3rd story.
What is U'r structural plan? Will there be Ch. 2's forthcoming? Or, is each story posted a sequential element of a huge Lyssa Kordenay novel?
how the series is set up
actually each one is a separate book...that's why they each have a different title (steel butterfly, Reprisal in Rio) the collection is The Lyssa Kordenay Missions. the cover art is similar for every three books. you'll see what I mean when I release further books. Enjoy the reading!
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
I really like Lyssa's various
I really like Lyssa's various covers, as it does enable her to get around the entire world as needed. She is one dangerous woman and one I think I would enjoy meeting and just talking with IN A GOOD WAY.
:) Janice Lynn
Lyssa's covers
in the intelligence world there are usually two types. Official(field agents/case agents)- they have creditials and are allowed to say what agency they work for. These work in offices and embassies. Non-Official or N.O.C. agents do not carry any credentials and have civilian jobs that provide them a reason to be in the areas they work. Lyssa is different, she is what's known as a "plain-sight Operator" she does what she does practically in full view because nobody would even think to look at her twice. *wink* stick around....lots to learn as we follow Lyssa around the world! :)
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Case In Point
Case In Point - Javier Rojas
'Javier froze in mid sentence, the smile slowly fading. gone was the sexy model in a stunning designer dress to be replace by a wraith in form fitting black with a face streaked by black grease paint but more importantly a silenced auto-pistol in her hand that now bear down on him.'
I have enjoyed reading about Lyssa and cant wait for more, others have commented that she seems to be driven by Retribution and Vengeance.
She seems a lot more complex to me, as well as being a puzzle covered in a conundrum wrapped in a mystery boxed in an enigma.
We know that she was a Special Forces Soldier, I think she may have been a SEAL or USMC Force-Recon maybe by way of the Navy
I know this is clichéd but some of her character can be explained
1:- US Navy, “Honor, Courage, Commitment”
2:- US Navy, Non sibi sed patriae "Not for self but for country"
3:- Force-Recon, Celer, Silens, Mortalis, 'Swift, Silent, Deadly'.
3.5:- USMC, Semper Fidelis, "Always Faithful"
4:- Navy SEAL, "The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday"
5:- The Oath of Allegiance & The Tenth Amendment
5.5:- By extension The US Armed Forces Oath of Enlistment
Thus the Head of a Drug Cartel having control of a high ranking politician, this politician must be quite high up as he had access to the information on the covert mission that was the beginning of the road Lyssa is traveling now, would be a threat both Foreign and Domestic and be an affront to her whole belief system.
However a little Retribution and Vengeance would be Icing (Frosting in the US) on the cake.
Still trying to figure Lyssa out
So far it has only been implied, kinda, but was Lyssa trans at the time the decision was made to remake him?
wonder no more
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Case In Point
oops double posting sorry
This is great, can't wait to see more of it
Very good story
I enjoyed reading this.
Good action writing.
Gillian Cairns
One step closer...
... to her target. Well, given Javier was second in command of the operation and 'fessed up pretty much everything following administration of the short term sedative, a few giant leaps towards Ramon.
Of course, being a cartel member, everyone will automatically assume he was killed by a rival cartel, while Lyssa wouldn't be anywhere near their suspects list (a beautiful model / dancer moonlighting as an assassin? Pull the other one!)
Oops. Although when he finds out how wrong he was, he won't be around long enough to regret his oversight...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!