Dentist visit and Stubborn tooth

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Yesterday I had a Dentist visit to have my first tooth extracted at age 66 not bad . I spent almost 2 1/2 hours with the dentist drilling , pulling and drilling some more then pulling and so on finally she called it quits ( I was very happy ) . Now we leave the tooth rest and she said the roots should push up on there own . Round 2 is scheduled for 3/27 I hope it come out then so I can put it under my pillow and see what the tooth fairy leaves me to help pay the bill .
I am OK other than I look I a Chip-muck named Alvin.
The joys of age


oh I know that joy

dawnfyre's picture

I had a dentist pulling on tooth so hard it pulled me right out of the chair.
he finally had to cut the tooth into quarters, and remove each one separately, the roots were twisted around each other.

luckily, I don't get a lot of swelling, bruising or bleeding afterwards.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

teeth and pulling

Congratulations on having your teeth so long. I wish I was so lucky. Mine did not survive do to child health issues. As for removal I had ten done at one time including the eye teeth which are not freezable. It was the best thing I have ever done to remove some constant pain. I wish you well.