I'm back!

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Hiya everyone! I just wanted to let ya's know my computer died a while ago, and I just recently got a replacement and have been able to get back online. It feels so nice to be back again. :)



Welcome back Heather! Nice to see you again.

Welcome Back Sis!!

*Hugs* It's so good to see you back sis. Missed you lots. Love ya!!!
Shannon Johnston>

Samirah M. Johnstone

Hugs & Welcome Back

laika's picture

Funny, it's been the last 4-5 days or so I started to really wonder:
"Gee, it's been a while since we've heard from Heather Rose..."
But yeah, kind of hard to get on the internet without a computer.
I've missed your stories, poems, silly puppet videos. You.
~~~hugs & welcome back, LAIKA

(Hope yr wordbox didn't take much data with it when it expired)

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)



Missed having ya around, li'l sis!

We have lots to talk about... :) -- good stuff, so don't get all worrywart-ish.

Heather, you missed so many good stories

A few highlights,

Cathy, the heroine of AEAFOAB snapped when the Russian mob kidnapped Spike and she unleashed a deadly viral plague decimating half the World. She has since fled England and is living in sin with Des.

Marcie on What Masie Knows, joined a poligamist cult and is now a mother of seven, two more on the way.

Angel, Angel and aardvark anounced they are in a three-way marriage.

And we got a DLS connection at home.

See what happens when you leave for a while.

John in Wauwatosa

P.S Only some of what I said is true.

John in Wauwatosa

Thank you!

Thank you for the welcome everyone! *going around giving everyone hugs* It's so good to see everyone again. :)

Heather Rose Brown