I'm back!

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Hiya everyone! I just wanted to let ya's know my computer died a while ago, and I just recently got a replacement and have been able to get back online. It feels so nice to be back again. :)



Welcome back Heather! Nice to see you again.

Welcome Back Sis!!

*Hugs* It's so good to see you back sis. Missed you lots. Love ya!!!
Shannon Johnston>

Samirah M. Johnstone

Hugs & Welcome Back

laika's picture

Funny, it's been the last 4-5 days or so I started to really wonder:
"Gee, it's been a while since we've heard from Heather Rose..."
But yeah, kind of hard to get on the internet without a computer.
I've missed your stories, poems, silly puppet videos. You.
~~~hugs & welcome back, LAIKA

(Hope yr wordbox didn't take much data with it when it expired)

"You can either fly Over the Rainbow or Under the Radar but you can do both..."


Missed having ya around, li'l sis!

We have lots to talk about... :) -- good stuff, so don't get all worrywart-ish.

Heather, you missed so many good stories

A few highlights,

Cathy, the heroine of AEAFOAB snapped when the Russian mob kidnapped Spike and she unleashed a deadly viral plague decimating half the World. She has since fled England and is living in sin with Des.

Marcie on What Masie Knows, joined a poligamist cult and is now a mother of seven, two more on the way.

Angel, Angel and aardvark anounced they are in a three-way marriage.

And we got a DLS connection at home.

See what happens when you leave for a while.

John in Wauwatosa

P.S Only some of what I said is true.

John in Wauwatosa

Thank you!

Thank you for the welcome everyone! *going around giving everyone hugs* It's so good to see everyone again. :)

Heather Rose Brown