The recent best actor Oscar winner is starring as Lili Elbe the pioneer transgender woman who died attempting to have a uterus transplanted. If this film wins an Oscar will it be as best actor or actress?
The TERFs were out in force on that one. The comments linked to the new 'Boy Meets Girl' show, though.
He looks quite pretty in the shots provided
And I could only WISH for shoulders that nice :(
This looks interesting. I've heard "The Theory of Everything" was good too.
Melanie E.
Life truly stinks....
He looks prettier without the aid of hormones than I ever did with them. How much would a Hollywood makeup artist charge to make me over, I wonder?
You know, given Redmayne's newly-gained recognition from his recent Oscar win, I assumed this to be a net hoax at first. But if it is, all the major media fell for it, since everywhere I go online, it seems, I run across that same picture.
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

It's no hoax
and remember he's about as fat as a bean pole as well as being young. He also had to lose weight for the role apparently - so good job they didn't ask me, I'd have to have liposuction. I hope he puts in his usual creditable performance and improves the image that so many of seem to have of us.
As for your image, we all love you on this site and you can't improve on perfection, can you?
Ceci ne pas une pipe
Maybe instead of debating which gender of an actor might best play a part we could recognise that the larger-than-life persona of a major actor will always overshadow in film any 'real life' character they play giving a distorted view of the character's gender. As René Magritte pointed out the image and the object portrayed are two different things and much as I hope Eddie Raymayne gives a positive portrayal of those who transition he will not be playing either Einar Mogens Wegener or Lili Elbe but a part created for a film.
From the photo in the Guardian maybe success will depend on how the film starts. A prolonged beginning focussing on Lili Elbe could draw us in before we recognise Eddie Raymayne so that when the story switches to Einar Mogens Wegener we might see a woman playing a man. If that is managed another Oscar is likely and it is possible for we 'see' what we expect to see (a fact proved ages ago since when eye-witness accounts have been barely credible in court). This was brought home to me recently when sorting old photos belonging to a deceased relative with my sister we found a very old photo that looked like me when a girl but dressed as boy.
Rhona McCloud