So here's the thing, We're supposed to get as much as 2ft of snow tonite/tomorrow.
For those few of you that have never seen that much snow, I decided to post this:
Now for those with a modern version of FireFox/Chrome/Etc that should show a live video stream from a webcam currently in my front window pointing outside.
As long as my internet connection stays live, so should that link. I might edit this blog to put up more cameras when I get them back online.
Thanks for the view
Working here with Chrome. Good luck with the weather! The forecast in this corner of England is for snow Wed / thurs, probably amount to the sprinkling you had at 2pm your webcam time. Time for the winter tyre on the trike.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Supposed to get bad here too
I have the 11 to 7 shift at the 7-11 in Sunderland MA. It is supposed to get bad before I even go in for work so I am probably going in early. However, we are also going to be getting hit with a travel ban after midnight into the day tomorrow making it next to impossible for me to go home after work tonight. Fortunately, my son has a friend who lives in the apt complex behind the store so I do have a place to crash.
You're In The Wrong Sunderland!
Greetings from Sunderland in NE England. We've had practically nothing here again this winter. A light dusting last Monday morning - you could see the pavement through it - a bit more on the higher ground on the edge of the city away from the sea. It's looking dodgy for Wednesday and Thursday, but since we have our own micro-climate thanks to some weird local topography we tend to take weather forecasts with a pinch of salt.
You should treat my initial comment in the same way. I found Sunderland MA on Wikipedia and it looks idyllic.
The snow
It has started here in Amherst MA and I just found a forcast that shows us in a 24-36 inch range now.
I've lived in either North Dakota, Minnesota, or Chicago all my life.
In that time I've only been in three storms that dropped over two feet of snow.
A lot of how bad the conditions will get depends on the wind. I've seen six to eight inches of snow drift as high as thirty feet with enough wind.
Good luck.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Winter seems to have moved east
I'm sitting here in Minneapolis with about 3 inches of snow in my yard. I think that you must have inherited the winters we used to have here in the Midwest. I kinda miss those winters.
I hope that you come through this okay.
You know it will be bad
When you see out-of-state utility trucks. During a 30 minute drive north on I-89 in VT, I saw 14 Hydro Quebec trucks headed south. The news said they were bound for the coast and that NY & NJ had trucks coming from Michigan. We don't expect much snow in Central VT, but one sister on Cape Cod and another off Mount Desert Island Maine are hunkered down for a blizzard.
All of you in the path of this beast, stay in and be safe.
Oh you mean that white stuff we never have.Living where I do(east coast Australia), the likelihood of snow is zero year-round. Anyway, it's summer right now too.
Thanks for the view.
Take care.
2am Webcam time
..and all is quiet.
So glad
that you didn't get buried.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."