I went up to my mom's last night and this morning it snowed! About 8 inches of fluffy white stuff, it was really funny watching all the little old ladies and men in mom's retirement community making snowmen. :)
It doesn't usually snow that far down the mountain, maybe one year in seven, but it was beautiful. I stood on the porch in my short sleeve blouse and sandals and watched it come down. Weird weather because yesterday it had been fairly warm.
The moving is going right along and tomorrow I go pick up Jeanne's ashes at the mortuary. A friend is going to drive for me.
-- Erin
Hugs, Fran
Hugs, Fran
Hugs, Fran
I got 2 feet or so of the stuff - took me from 1 to 5 today to dig my way out.
Snow and hug
Here in Quebec, all the snow we got is melting :D so there is no need to dig :P But the weather is cold; down under 0c
Snow w/Hugs
Dear Erin: I may be a sentimental fool, but I read the the unusual snowfall as a gift. A small consolation considering your great loss. But I believe the pleasure you received, in looking at the snow, was from Jeanie giving to you what shw knew you needed right then. Love and snow angels to you.