Is this the archery skill of Morhpheus Michelle?

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Thought you knew bow hunting? You've been watching too many Hollywood movies. Everything you thought you knew about bows and arrows was wrong.

This brought Morpheus Michelle to the mind.


Speed Shooting

Wow. That's amazing. And it stands to reason that the Val Kyr kaern would shoot this way, especially the ones recruited in the centuries before archery changed to the modern slow target shooting style.

Good find, BarbieLee


I saw that just recently.

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

Someone posted the link in an anachronist group.

It's great isn't it?
~Hypatia >i< ..:::
(Gamer, RPer, Anachronist, SF/Fantasy/History Buff )

As a former Archery Hunter...

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I'm unimpressed. Did you see the part where he was running through the woods and jumped over something and spilled all his arrows? Only in the heat of hand to hand combat would any of his techniques be valuable.

Those of us who've actually used a bow and arrow to bring down an animal know it more about stealth and know your prey than it is about speed of getting the shot.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

He probably has nothing in

He probably has nothing in the bottom of the quiver to stop the arrows from rattling around. Moss, paper, cloth, whatever. You don't _want_ the arrows to move much, because it'll damage the fletching. So, you pin the heads down into something - which would tend to reduce spillout.

(In the US, it would be something like spanish moss)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Battle field or hunting trip?

BarbieLee's picture

The situation is completely unrelated except bow and arrow is the common weapon. I'm not an expert nor even a novice in the skill of archery. I do know the difference between hunting an unarmed animal except for antlers, hooves, teeth which will flee if possible when shot. Or facing a dozen or more armed guys who are terribly interested in someone's demise.
In Morpheus' story where modern weapons (which I am very proficient with) don't work. I'd be the first one to die. However given a choice of weapons which do work, I'd choose the bow as I had rather my enemy meet their own demise further than a sword or lance can reach. I'd also like to be able to use same like the ancients did, the way Lars was using. However the skill to do that is not a skill everyone can master. It is why us lesser mortals admire those who are gifted. The ice skater, the ballerina, the opera singer, and all the real and fictional heroes and heroines in the stories we read.

Have fun with life. It's too short to take it seriously

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Perhaps, but...

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

You wrote, "However the skill to do that is not a skill everyone can master." I've seen many people pick up the skill of archery so I think that anyone with reasonable hand-eye coordination could become proficient at that part. However, the rest of what he is doing does require an athleticism that a great many people don't have.

The other thing to remember, if you were thrust into that realm and needed to pick up a skill to defend yourself, being able to hit what you're shooting at with a bow and arrow is not a skill that comes quickly. This would be especially true if you had no one to instruct you as to the finer points.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Watch again

The part where he spilled the arrows was him making a point that the back quiver is totally impractical for combat archery.


You can't choose your relatives but you can choose your family.

I think that was the point.

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

He is demonstrating how it was likely done in close quarters heat of battle, not a hunting technique.

>i< ..:::

Is funny how some perceive what they see.

Thank you BarbieLee,
Had seen the link in Yahoo to the Polygon article last evening and posted it the RIFT Forum>Rogue class discussions.

The comments left, had me scratching my head and pondering what they saw, from a few of the comments made about it.

There were a few examples to show how some things were NOT possible---like what was wrong about carrying arrows on the back---and some of what he did would NOT be safe to try.

But the point that stood out for me was the fact that today's archery and Hollywood are not faithful to the past. Now that brings up another point, was the past worth staying in?

Hugs, Fran

Bows don't kill people, well, not normally...

Hope Eternal Reigns's picture

It is usually the arrows.

I think this is another example of the difference between a tool used for survival, as in, hunting for food and a weapon used in melee fashion. The bow was used as a range weapon, this we all know. Ranks of bowmen would fire flights of arrows at distant armies, killing, maiming and causing panic and havoc. This is not far from our normal thought of hunting. The idea that the bow was also used as a melee weapon has not filtered down to us from times of yore. This video, which I first saw quite some time ago, suggests that it WAS used thusly. My take on human ingenuity is that almost ANYTHING can and WILL be used as a weapon by someone, sometime, given the right motivation.

with love,


Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.

Yes. A bow is basically a

Yes. A bow is basically a curved, springy, and above all, strong stick. Without the string, it's a oddly shaped, but still reasonably balanced, quarter staff.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Amazing skill.

Surprised the guy in the video didn't mention this fellow, Ishi was perhaps the the last "wild" native American and was an amazing source of knowledge.

My father has made archery equipment for many years, producing beautiful traditional bows (not the mechanical monsters known as compound bows) that have been sold all over the country, we used to practice using "flu-flu" arrows and tossing 5 gallon bucket lids into the air. Not a terribly difficult thing to hit once you reach a certain level of skill. The art of instinctive shooting is as natural as pointing a finger after a while.

Those early Hollywood movies such as "Robin Hood"? that wasn't trick photography, the actual shots were done by a fellow named Howard Hill, one of the greatest archers that ever lived. There are many different techniques for using the bow, and while the ones shown in the video might be how some of the ancients did it, it wasn't the only way. his techniques seem more of an eastern style, while the modern bow technique evolved from the English Longbow.