Hello all,
I just wanted you to know that I have some ideas starting to churn their way through. Hopefully, I can get something concrete and posted before too long.
I also was wondering, so this will be an informal poll, which side would you all prefer me to write a Star Trek Online-themed story about?
A Starfleet Officer, a Klingon Warrior, or a Romulan Refugee? Please note: just because they say Starfleet, Klingon, or Romulan, race is still up for grabs.
All three... take no chances
well we DO have that body swapping machine in Star Trek original series. And mixed alien races in all the series.
And a wide range of fan fic body swaps, transporter body mix ups and the like.
Perhaps a Star Fleet officer who is a mix of a Klingon and a Romulan? We do have the Romulan/human offspring of the alt-universe Tasha Yar.
Maybe a male Star Fleet officer body swapped into a Romulan female body as part of a mission or so the Romulans could have a spy/saboteur in Star Fleet? Or a female to male in a Klingon?
Go for it.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I love trek but
alien hybrids who talk like they have split personalities about their parents races really bugged me. they may have grown up multi-cultural but not spilt personality on a race basis. that was just stupid. I'd love to see Trek basedTG story, not a fan of body swapping though. eager to see what you do.
As a fan of Star Trek and a
As a fan of Star Trek and a player of STO, I would be more interested in the story from a Starfleet perspective. It doesn't have to be some transporter error or some such thing, a straight forward TS or TG character would be fine with me. There are plenty of us that play and I'm in one of the best LGBT fleets (lgbt of Starfleet 9th Order, and we have alliances with the 8th & 10th and Fae, as well as others)
I look forward to whatever you write.
Erin G <3
Current Idea
Well, my current idea is to follow one of the three storylines to a certain point, and then diverge. Which is why I listed those three specifically.
To Boldly Go...
That holodeck had a lot of potential. I'll go out on a limb and say Riker was the most likely to harbour a secret desire to spend his off-duty hours as a 1940s femme fatale.