Kentucky students using sex-segregated bathrooms and locker rooms could win $2,500 if they catch a member of the excluded biological sex there, under proposed legislation
The bill’s sponsor, Republican state Sen. C.B. Embry, tells U.S. News the measure may need modification. He says he wouldn’t want teens to stage incidents to win payouts.
Embry says he wrote the bill at the request of the Family Foundation of Kentucky, in response to a Louisville, Ky., high school's decision to allow a transgender student to use female facilities. That decision was upheld by an oversight board.
Embarrassing to be in the same country (world) as people like C B Embry. :-(
Very Confused
His statements are all over the place. He's basically been elected by a few thousand people in the primary, running unopposed.
I'm going to go way out on a limb and suggest that given ten minutes with this mental midget, I could convince him the sun rises in the west.
He's a prime example of democracy gone bad.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I read somewhere how the reason democracy should be the preferred mode of government isn't because it is the best, but because it's the hardest for idiots to break. Trying to remember how it went ...
"A man in an autocracy has a problem with his leaders, he gets 100 guns, 1000 rounds of ammunition, gathers his friends together and overthrows the place. Businesses get burnt, people get killed, mass hysteria ... In a democracy, that same man knows all he has to do is get elected. But, he knows he can't get elected to the top job right away, first he has to prove himself, so he campaigns for a lesser position, say, Chief Executive of Sanitation. He spends six months, most of his (and all of his like-minded cronies) available funds, and burns so much energy in the effort to get the job, he doesn't have any to spare to raise any hell afterwards whether he gets it or not. At least a half-dozen cranks and soreheads have been defused, you only have to pay or deal with one of them, and you just MIGHT get some useful work out of him ... after all, we have engineers to make sure shit flows downhill, he can't screw THAT up, and maybe he'll learn something."
HE isn't the problem ... for pretty much the exact reason you gave. Anyone puts any effort into it, someone like this would turn whatever molehill they were pushing into Vesuvius about to pop. It's the chiseled-granite (insert descriptive perjorative of choice) buffalo-beaters you have to find an appropriate cliff to chase off of.
With one minor modification - I STRONGLY support that bill
I just think the money for the "rewards" ABSOLUTELY MUST come from C. B. Embry's PERSONAL bank account.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
What the hell...
I would even be VERY tempted to report myself, in that case.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
MY comment in Facebook...
Will he pay me the money if I see myself in the mirror in the men's room?
Love, Andrea Lena
But on a lighter note...
I just watched a guy win over $64,000 on Wheel of Fortune and get hugged by his husband. Holy Matrimony, Batgirl!
Love, Andrea Lena
I Watched It, Too
What's funny is that Pat is an ultra right, anti LGTBQ. He is a good actor though, and manages to cover it up. Job security is important. My wife was a daytime contestant in 1984. She forgot to buy a vowel, and came in second. They don't let you do that anymore.
Isn't Kentucky
where incest is the game all the family play?
Nearly every state in the union, plus your monarchy, seems to have a "unique" hold on incest. Where would Shakespeare be without it?
Kentucky is home to breeding (race horses), bluegrass, bullion, bourbon, basketball, and bigotry. Where would we "B" without it?
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Ah Kentucky.
The home of fast women and pretty horses... err...
Catherine Linda Micchel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.