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Claims transsexual and transgender people have "mental disorders".
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
Claims transsexual and transgender people have "mental disorders".
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I confirm.
For anyone speaking Russian, original is here:
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They blanketed the whole F60 to F69 from ICD-10. along with PTSD and other things, the list is quite broad.
The full list:
F00-F09, F20-F29, F30-F39, F40-F48, F60-F69, F70-F79, from ICD10.
You have depression - no drivers license for you, and so on.
Well, if it is that broad, who can have a driver's license. I am guessing that half the people driving there don't have one, because no one walks to work during Siberian winters. And that only the police and party members can have such permits.
Turning the loyal citizens into outlaws always leads to ruin for said leadership.
Here is how it works. No driver's license, no way to get to work. Not way to get to work, no job. No job, no tax revenue, the economy collapse, and starving people are rioting in the streets, against those in authority.
Niccolo Machiavelli warned about pulling political stunts like this. Because such stunts created unnecessary friction between the government and citizenry. Thus eroding the authority of the government.
But it have to be clinical depression...
Where you was dragged to mental hospital to keep you alive and to medicate you out of that depression. Typically it means that you are on heavy meds to keep out of depression and is not very safe on the road.
And yes, law itself is crazy, but it is not a law yet.
Then again, Europe and US can save the day by publishing IDC-11 without transsexualism and crossdressing.
Nothing a bottle of vodka won't fix
It's easier to claim the problem is because of 'mental disorders' than admit a state induced drinking problem.
Although I must say that since starting on the 'mones I really don't feel comfortable reversing and the less said about my parallel parking the better!
Non sum qualis eram
It is intersting that drunk driving...
... Causes less deaths on Russian roads, than potholes. But it easier to imitate concern by prohibiting and introducing crasy laws (like making it legal to drive only with zero blood alcohol content, which is physically possible only for alcoholics).
Otherwise you will need to prosecute very high placed people who are stealing billions that should go into roads construction and maintenance (still it is not so bad as say 10 years ago. Overall roads became much better).
Somehow bbc "forgot" to...
...mention, that all of those conditions came from international official list of health problems ICD-10. So yes, our legislators are strange, but they have good teachers in Europe and US, where they classify crossdressing as illness.
On the other hand, this law concerns only medical check-up you need to have before getting license and then every 10 years. And! To be prohibited to get driving license because of mental health problems, you have to be registered as mental case in special kind of government mental health clinic. And to get registered there you need to be caught abusing substances or have to be real basket case barking mad.
And to get registered there
Or just go there for help.
IMHO, it will only add to the amount of paperwork and bribes. As usual. "We would do anything, to avoid fixing the roads"
In any case, five years after registration...
You can go through checkup and if there are no mental health issues, your registration is revoked.
And yes, transport situation in central Russia is our main defence against agression :-)
And it actually saved Russia several times in its history :-)
Kick the Can
It seems like you're Putin off necessary road repairs. With the price of oil at all time lows, shouldn't asphalt be cheap? (Micro answer to "holy macro" question.)
Our politicians have allowed our roads to deteriorate to point where we have had major bridges collapse. We would much rather put our money into new football stadiums and pipelines.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Funny thing is...
There are currently about dozen major reconstruction projects on major roads and big intersections in Moscow. Not sure about other places. Still some areas of Moscow are virtually inaccessible by car. But it is getting better despite population and car number increases.
Does the list
include megalomania, in which case a certain pygmy president may be disqualified from driving. Isn't it also well documented that men who overtly display their machismo are usually homosexual? Makes you wonder.
Do you mean certain president...
... Of some island between atlantics and pacifics?
Or the one who ordered creation of the group that thinks that killing french shoppers is good idea?