Transgender politics

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Now, is this genuine

Now, is this genuine, or is the Labour Party just ticking boxes? I mean, transgender and blind.

Sorry to be so cynical at this time of year. Unfortunately, these are politicians we are talking about.


Could be.

She may even have a good chance of winning as the seat is currently held by a LibDem who aren't really the flavour of the month right now and are forecasted to be seriously compromised next May. A former LibDem voter is unlikely to move over to the Tories or, heaven forbid, UKIP :) So perhaps Labour?


It's great to see a candidate

Jemima Tychonaut's picture

It's great to see a candidate from the trans community regardless of her politics but there is part of me that always cringes when a politician of whatever stripe talks about being a 'role model'. I'm also not convinced she's been given a shot at a winnable seat either, though the variables around ukip and how much it hasn't/has self-destructed come May are difficult to predict.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

A comment from the woman herself

Angharad's picture

on the Guardian website.

In it she praises Labour for the Gender Recognition Act, but fails to mention it only happened because the European Court told them to do it, and that Alex Carlyle QC MP (Lib Dem) now Lord Carlyle, was a great help and supporter of those who went to court in Europe to change the law.

I suspect she's a bit naïve, but good luck to her.


Dog fights in the commons!

I can't wait for her Guide Dog to meet David Blunket's one. Perhaps we might see some real action in the Commons instead of all that play acting by buffoons.