I'm Out & Something to Be Thankful For

A word from our sponsor:

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I'm out of the hospital as of this past Tuesday. Thanks for the well wishes

I'm also thankful that no one has been added to our memorial board in sixteen months.




Andrea Lena's picture

Very glad to find you on the left side of the page!!!!!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Glad you are out

Glad to read that you are out and feeling better. Take care! HUGS!

Hugs, hugs, hugs

erin's picture


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


Daniela Wolfe's picture

Glad to learn you're doing better.

Have delightfully devious day,

Proper self care ...

I am not sure why I am expending my breath saying this to you. You could choose to consume the proper diet, check your blood sugar regularly and do what is appropriate with the results of that test. It may be too late already but you could also choose a minimally effective exercise routine also.

Merry ...., Oh you don't do that do you.


I'm happy that you're out of

Daphne Xu's picture

I'm happy that you're out of the hospital, and apparently (hopefully!) the worst that was feared didn't happen.

As I suspect some responders will jump on this comment, I think that sometimes a tough-minded, unsympathetic response is what's needed. I was reminded of a letter in Ann Landers or Dear Abby some years back. Elderly parents were planning to drive south for vacation. Their (adult) daughter strenuously objected to their driving. This exchange (not precisely verbatim) occurred.

The parents: "If something happens to us, or we die in an accident, don't be too concerned. We've had a full life now."

The daughter: "I'm not concerned about you. I'm concerned about the young family whose lives you'll ruin."

The parents were persuaded to fly down instead.

-- Daphne Xu


Ms. Brown ,
perhaps it could be quite beneficial to your credibility to a least know what you are talking about before posting ,try looking up neuropathy and vascular disease prior to just assuming a person is not watching there numbers and diet for diabetes and what was this :Merry ...., Oh you don't do that do you.

KImmie Townsend


I actually lived with Shelly and Holly, doing post operative care for Holly after she had surgery on her Pancreas, so know Shelly's treatment regime. Perhaps it is too late for her to change because of her underlying psychological issues. I just felt I could not just smooth it over.


Happy you are on the mend and yes after a bad streak it is nice that nobody has been welcomed to heaven by Bob in a long time

Glad you're out

Glad you're out of the hospital and I hope you finish healing quickly.

Erin G