So I was researching some of the modern terms coined by the asexual community because one of my characters has only desired our protagonist. I was reading the definition of demisexual, meaning that you only desire sex with someone you're in love with. Now, many people would only have sex with someone they feel an emotional connection to, but the desire is there. Not so for demisexuals. I spotted a link for a quiz. Realizing that this term seems to describe me, I took the quiz. It tells me that I am demisexual! So I'm not just a prude after all!
You learn something new everyday!
Me, too
My therapist introduced me to this term. I used to think it had something to do with "demimonde" and so was some weird kinky thing.
My understanding of the term doesn't use "in love with," more like "emotionally close to." I could imagine a "friends with benefits," but it would have to be the sort of friend I felt safe with and comfortable being vulnerable and intimate with.
But then, I'm not sure I understand things like "romantic feelings" and "in love with" the way most people do, either.
One of my characters
One of my characters in my Bailey series is demisexual, though I haven't revealed which one it is yet. The term wasn't known/used at the time the story takes place, but she has all of the characteristics of being so.
~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,