Hooray for me! One year closer to my third decade, and still nothing to show for it.
On the plus side, though, I never REALLY expected to make it this long, so... yay?
Still stuck in Arkansas at the mo', but that's supposed to change before Christmas. Despite all of the time I've had, though, I've still not accomplished just a ton of writing work: I've made a little more progress on both Phoenix Soars and the print version of Princess For Hire, but other than that I've been falling down on my commitments. I gave up the gaming e-zine gig because I couldn't keep up with the daily articles, and the friend who's given me the chance to write for THEM and get paid for it I've pretty much let down too, I think. I'd intended to have them a couple of articles almost a month ago, but then the day I intended to get them finished things popped up, and I just haven't picked it up again since. Every day I wake up and think "Today I'll finish those and get 'em submitted," and then I think "in two hours," and then it's 7 AM and I'm crashing in bed with nothing done.
I wish I could say it's fun, but it really isn't.
My next big writing project I think is going to be non-TG. I've got a fantasy series I've been intending to write for YEARS, plus a couple of pen and paper gaming systems I'd like to finish up and, potentially, publish online, so after I finish the print versions of my two current projects those will be my next big projects before the rewrite of Echoes I intend to start. Once I've got the first part of my non-TG fantasy book series finished and pubbed, I'll probably start alternating TG stories and non-TG from then on out.
ANY-way, back to the good news! 28! Mom and Dad are taking me out to eat at a Mexican place I've never tried before for my birthday, then Mom's making me a cheesecake, so that'll be nice. I hope all my BC sisters (and brothers) have a good day too, and if you have a chance, eat a piece of cheesecake for me too!
Melanie E.
congratulations my child.
I have grandchildren close to that age, and it seems wonderful to them at least. Where at in Ar-kan-sas. I have in-laws in Pocohontas. They do get TV, but their phone was still a party line last I heard and they don't have internet where they live.
Drasco area, in Cleburne County
We have satellite internet, because, despite AT&T getting our permission to run fiber optics through our front yard back in 2003 with the promise we would then have DSL available, they still consider us unprofitable to offer the service to. If it weren't for satellite we'd be stuck with dialup, maxxing our connection speed at 28.8 Kb/s.
Melanie E.
Happy Birthday!
May all you hopes and dreams come to fruition!
Love, Andrea Lena
Happy Birthday Melanie!
May you have a wonderful day ! Loving Hugs Talia
Well, Happy Birthday
And best wishes for all your projects.
I wouldn't worry about being 28 and having nothing to show for it. I'm 70 on my next birthday (March 1) and I still have nothing to show for it. You've got time.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday. You do have something to be proud of. You have lots of Friends at BCTS that adore your writing including me. Hope all of your fondest desires come true in the future.
Heather Marie
Now all you need is booze and naked people coming out of a cake. Hopefully before you cut into said cake.
If you appreciate my tales, please consider supporting me on Patreon so that I may continue:
Alcohol makes me nauseous,
and naked people in a cake are a bad idea; they tend not to survive the baking process. :P
Mexican food was nice, and we're having pork steaks for dinner. All in all, not a terrible way to spend the day.
Melanie E.
congratulations and may all your wishes bear fruit.
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.
Mark Twain.
Leigh Veritas
Happy for you
Happy Birthday to you , don't rush the years they will come fast enough . I wish I was 28 again . Here is to a long health life for you may you get what you wish for in life .
Wow! You're me...
Wow! You're me a year ago. It sounds exactly what I was going through at 28. Except for the whole moving away from a psycho 3rd roommate on my part. But yeah... I've also wanted to break into the non-TG market with a fantasy story. So I've been working on that along with other stories I've been writing for here. I wish you luck with that. Happy birthday and best wishes.
~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.
Wow. 28. That's the same age as a friend of mine.
She spends too much time worrying about disappointing people.
My guess is she would have to have to do something quite horrible to be disappointing. Missing a writing deadline doesn't even come close to qualifying.
Happy Birthday!
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Penblwydd hapus!
I am almost exactly twice your age...
Happy Birthday!
Hi Melanie. I hope you're having a great birthday. :)
- Terry
Happy Birthday!
Here is to many more birthdays filled with love and family!
Happy birthday!
Don't worry - you've accomplished plenty.
Anyway, life begins at 30... or 40... or 50.
Many hugs and best wishes,
happy birthday!
I hope you have many more!
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone!
It was... it was an alright birthday, actually, and it was made all the better by my friends here.
Melanie E.