I hit a big one today!

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April 1... April Fool’s Day. I find the day to be quite appropriate and feel blessed that it is my birthday. It gives me an excuse to be wacky... what else could you expect from someone born on April Fool’s Day? Today I hit another milestone, one I never expected to see... the big 70. Hopefully my muse will wake up this year!



Daphne Xu's picture

Why need an excuse to be wacky? Were I not wacky, half of my stories wouldn't get written. (Um, did I just give an excuse?)

Milestone? The big 70? Kudos? Comments? Hits? (Let's see, what else is there?)

In terms of milestones, the last two or three months, I've had several stories' hits inch into a new thousand, ranging from "The Penny Tree" going over 1000 hits to "Our Daughter's Prom Date" inching over 6000 hits. There's really only one left to inch over that precipice -- at least until I post another story.

Oh, and Happy Birthday!

-- Daphne Xu


Happy B'day! Congratulations on completing 70 orbits!
I know the feeling, I achieved the same number in February a year ago.

April Fools

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I have friend whose birthday is today. Several years ago, his wife invited everyone to his fiftieth birthday. We all came an there were a lot of gag gifts about being over the hill and presents wrapped in black paper, that kind of thing.

An hour or two into the party, his wife announced, "April Fools, it's only his 49th birthday.

Happy birthday. Remember, as George Burns said, the goal it to live to be over 100, because very few people die over 100.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

You too, Martina

Podracer's picture

I wouldn't have guessed that age looking back at my last remembered image of you, but would have thought much younger ;)

"Reach for the sun."