First off, how's everyone doing? Good? Okay, great!
Secondly, it seems my muse has taken an extended vacation and I can't really seem to get back on track. My mind seems to be running with a lot of ideas, just can't seem to pin them down.
Anyone have some good advice?
Take a deep breath....
Open a plaintext document. Write a quick blurb of an idea when it comes to you. Enter twice. Repeat. When possible, keep a note of about how long you think the story would need to be for future reference.
I have a few such files laying around, nothing but story idea lists. Heck, it's part of what inspired my Ultimate Writer's Challenge series here.
Once you have the ideas out, feel free to forget about them if you wish. They're saved, they're available if you need them, so don't let them keep occupying space in your cerebellum.
Another idea is to try writing something short, like 5k words or less. I do this a lot, especially when I need a break from something longer, a chance to let my mind focus somewhere other than the big story at hand, and it helps. The short bid doesn't have to be completed, or if it is completed never has to be published if you don't wish to share it, but writing it can give you a chance to stretch creative muscles, learn a bit more, and maybe give you ideas for a different way to tackle problems in other stories you're working on.
Also, Mountain Dew. When in doubt, Mountain Dew makes everything better! :D
Melanie E.
I started writing a space opera, I think at least 5 years ago, and suddenly Pfst! I tried going back to it several times and nothing! And then I wrote a couple of other small pieces, but there just seemed to be nothing there for the story I wanted to work on.
Then about two weeks ago, I started thinking about what I am going to call " The Adventures of Captain Brown", for now. As I started to work, I realized that I was finally writing the first chapters of my story, and that what I had previously written was the middle of the story body.
To complicate matters, my Arthritis and Fibromyalgia are having a sudden very painful flare. And being the person I am, I do not take major drugs for it other than Motrin or Tylenol, and not in copious amounts. Just stubborn I suppose.
This afternoon I was able to energize Speech Recognition on my Computer and hopefully that will help. I used it a lot about 10 years ago.
So, sometimes Ideas have to just wait their time, no matter how we dislike it.
Captain Brown eh?
I trust that they will have a sidekick called Capt Alcock?
Back on topic.
I go through periods where my muse is gone. No plots form and writing is a total waste of time. Then suddenly, something germinates in my mind and bang we are off again.
Don't worry about it, get on with life, do something different and who knows eh? that little change may spark some creating muse into life again.