When I was in junior high I skipped a lot of school, and one of the shows that was still going around on basic cable was the dreadful Mission Impossible. I never saw this particular episode until a friend mentioned it over dinner last night. Barry Williams (Greg Brady!) in drag with Leonard Nimoy, with both of them doing unforgiveable latin accents.
Once Greg gets into dressup mode the show hits all the regular Big Closet tropes. "I will not wear a dress," exclaims Greg.
Youtube. Mission Impossible, Series 4 episode 18.
This is 48 minutes of your life you'll never get back. You might want to start at about 17:30 to save yourself the setup, which is pretty obvious. Although then you'll be missing some classic bad acting.
For anyone who had ever worn a bad wig, here's something to make you feel you're not alone. If only he'd had Marcia's fashion sense.
I was one month away from my nineteenth birthday. I was in college and we watched the episode in the lounge of my dormitory and I had to walk out of the room when I saw where the show was heading, since any emotion at all would have betrayed me. So many years ago. I would have loved to have at least been the boy character in the episode, because even pretending to be a girl when I was twelve wouldn't have been as bad as never being a girl.
Love, Andrea Lena
I didn't mean to provoke a bad memory! I think this is pretty hilarious now - especially because of the stereotyping - but I can see how, if you saw it at the time it came out, it could have made for issues.
Sorry. But I never liked Greg Brady, so this was kind of a double win.
not as think as i smart i am
Memories are what I make them....
Life is what it is, no matter how things went or didn't ages ago. I wonder how many of us who have seen the episode had similar feelings? I like your avatar....my favorite Muppet of all time....
Love, Andrea Lena
I've always felt uncomfortable with CD or TG episodes of shows.
Mostly because they are never played for the good of the CD or TG character, at least none of the ones I've seen: it's always played for a laugh, or to poke fun at those who are part of the community in some way. In fact, I think the only exceptions I can really remember to this are Bugs Bunny episodes.
A few days ago me and my parents were playing farkle when the episode of Two and a Half Men came on where one of Charlie's old girlfriends returns as a guy, and it just... *sigh*. I mean, it's better than the episode of Just Shoot Me where Jenny McCarthy plays a MtF who actually dresses back up as a man to try and date an old high school flame, but not by a whole lot, and the reactions of most of the cast in the episode are just insulting.
Things seem to be getting better in TV Land, but it's a very slow thing. Movies do a bit better, but overall we still have a long way to go even to catch up to the rest of the LGBT movement in terms of acceptance.
Melanie E.
Try this episode of Becker.
Try this episode of Becker.
Yes it's played for laughs, but it also asks some searching questions.
She shouldn't feel too bad....
....his friend is just another woman that he treats horribly. And a doctor as well. I imagine if you searched an illustrated dictionary under the words obtuse and insensitive, you'd find his picture.
Love, Andrea Lena