Little Boy-Girl the Tales 2

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I’m Nicole. I’m Sabrina’s twin sister. Yes I get upset at times and she is the only one to calm me down. My baby brother Jamie does not like a normal little boy but he will tell you that. It has been a week since mom and dad have died. And I keep reliving the nightmare every night. It has gotten so bad now that I started wetting the bed. The people that run the group home say I’m old enough to know better but it’s so hard when you keep having the same dream over and over again. Sabrina had been so good to me. I wake up crying and screaming and she is there to hold me even though I’m covered with pee. There are days I don’t want to come out of the room and Sabrina stays with me. She tells Jenny to keep Jamie and Amber away for the day. I love my other sisters and little brother-sister. But I’ll tell you more later on. Oh I forgot to tell you my age. I’m 8 so is Sabrina. Dad died fighting for my freedom and I’m proud of him for doing that. Mom died on the way to get us form school.

Hi I’m Sabrina. I’m taking over because Nicole is having some trouble writing. Mom was our rock while dad was away and she loved us all. Amber my baby sister is an angle. Jamie is a wild card at times. Being the only boy in a house full of girls when dad is gone. We have fun though Jamie loves to play dress up with us (Jamie screams No I do not!) he does but won’t say it. Jenny will tell you more though. But everyone here at the home is treating us great. Oh we get to meet our new mom and dad soon I hope they are nice. And not get on to us for our bed wetting issues. Yes we are all in diapers now because of the events that happened to us. Well Amber is the lucky one because she has been in them since she was a baby. But she’ll tell you more. I love every one that has read the story so far. But all the trouble we went through we all are in diapers to this day, and will always me in them.

Hi my name is Jenny and I’m 7. And I’m in diapers now too. I’m sad mom and dad are gone but know I’m free because of dad. But I’m a mamma’s girl like Amber. Sabrina and Nicole are daddy girls. Jamie is like I know dad and mom love me but they show you more love. I feel bad for him so I call him my baby boy and he loves it. He loves being dressed like a little girl. I know he said he did not but he does. The best part is that he’s a baby at home just like Amber is all the time. By baby I mean he wears diapers at home. Well that was till that day mom died. Well he had just wet himself at school. It was the first time in a year but he had no extra clothes. His teacher was taking him to the nurse to get changed. But when I saw him he looked so cute. The dress looked better on him than it looked on Amber.

Yes it’s me Jamie now age 6. Sissy Jenny said I should add my part with hers. Yes I’m a male to female transgender person. And yes I’m in a diaper full time now. And I’m going to be honest with you I love dressing up. (Sabrina Says I Told You So.) Man I hate when she’s right. And the weird thing is I fit in my little sisters dresses and skirts but if I wear a skirt I have to barrow one of Jenny’s tops. Well she loves picking out a top for me and I love the ones she picks. It’s like I’m her little girl. My older sisters Sabrina and Nicole will only let me play with them if I’m dressed as a girl. I love them though. I miss mom and dad too

I’m Amber the baby I 5. I cry every night Jenny holds me tight till I’m calm and fall asleep. I love my sisters and yes I see Jamie at a sister now. He’s so cute in a dress and my pink diapers he he.

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This is an interesting story

This is an interesting story that definitely make one think about children react to serious incidents in their very young lives. What is so sad in a lot of the times this happens is that the child truly has no way to express exactly what they are going through except as one way noted in this story and that is bed wetting or clothing wetting in private or in public. Many times it takes years to get to the root of the child's issue/s, other times it may take much less, and just a LOT of LOVE. Janice Lynn

the kids tales and issues

I know that kids deal issues in different ways. Some act out in anger. Some shut out others. And yes some relay on diapers.
