Freaking out

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I finally got the referral for the PICC line and am now on antibiotics for the next 6 weeks. Each morning I have to go in and get a daily IV as well as carry around this pump that gives me IVs three times a day.

They put the PICC line in and I promptly proceed to tear half of it out getting into my car (It got caught on the seat or something as I leaned getting in). Doctor is still using the line though it's now at the mid point, he might change it by wednesday.

Here is the thing. I have no clue how I'm going to do my job,. I have a tube going in me. I already pulled this thing out once. How am I going to roll and throw newspapers. Especially on Thursday. I might be screwed. I think the best to hope for is a bus to run me over and end it all.

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