At my breaking point

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Three months ago I wound up stepping on something and cutting the bottom of my foot. It might have been a nail since that was about the time I was having work done on the house to open up the living room and remove a bedroom. Long story short, foot got infected.

So, the foot swells up and I go to the doctor. I tell the doctor my foot is swollen and that I had a cut. She eyeballs it and then goes on about how I have a history of blood clots. I didn't think the blood clot was important because, you know, it's my foot and blood clots normally form in the legs and the one I had formed in my lung. Instead of look at my foot, she checked my hamstrings and calf areas for a sign of clotting. Then she gives me a water pill and a prescription for flomax and tells me to come back in two weeks to check on the foot.

Two weeks go by. I get a call the day before the appointment confirming it, then I get a call the next day, the day of the appointment canceling it. Foot grows worse. Two more weeks go by as I wait for another appointment, they can't see me until October 1st and it's the 10th of September. Foot is the size of a softball and I am in so much pain. I go in as a walk in. I'm in a lot of pain and coughing and out of breath. I tell the doctor, my foot really hurts and it's swollen and red. He is more concerned with the cough and gives me Robitussin and orders a chest x-ray. IT'S MY FUCKING FOOT YOU FUCKING CUNT MOTHER FUCKER!!!!! He sends me home.

Three days later I'm in the hospital. They tell me I have cellulitus and they admit me. I stay as long as I can (three days) because if I don't show up for work the fourth day, I'm fired. Besides, all I was getting was an IV a day and woken up every hour. So I couldn't even recoup.

I go home from the hospital. They give me an oral antibiotic and want me back on Coumadin. I say no to the blood thinner because I don't haven't a blood clot for 5 years without it and I don't take medicine for no purpose. Two weeks go by the foot gets a little better but as soon as I go off the antibiotics the swelling and pain return.

I go back to my doctor. 2 more weeks of antibiotics. No change

Finally they send me to see a specialist.

Very weird because I'm not in the mood to shave or look pretty so I went in guy mode because some time that's easier. They look at my foot. They think I have a bone infection. HOW DOES A BONE GET INFECTED?!?! So they need to confirm the diagnosis before cutting the infection out of my bone (that doesn't sound remotely pleasant). But they can't do the test. Why? Because my OBama care insurance company (the one that makes me pay 50 dollars a month for the free county health care) won't approve the bill unless it's referred by my primary care physician (the one who couldn't be bothered to actually look at my foot when this whole thing started). So, the specialist calls my PCP and they say it will take at least 3 days to see if they can approve a CT scan and a PICC line so I can get IV antibiotics and do it at home so I don't lose my job.

Now. I know I'm an evil person and deserve everything bad that goes my way. But do I have to be in agony and pain too? I see the end of this being me without a foot or dead, just when things were looking up. I really need a lawyer to sue this doctor for malpractice. One of the major lawfirms said I had a case but it was too small for them to take. Right now I am going to try to sleep before I go on a homicidal rampage.


I am so sorry, hon.

my prayers are with you, and all the huggles you can carry are yours



Angharad's picture

or bone infections occur when the infection travels deep into the tissues. They are not easy to treat because bone doesn't have a good blood supply and any antibiotics used are usually very strong. Surgery is not uncommon, especially in the toes. The infections are much more common in people with diabetes. Try and rest the foot as much as you can and elevate it to help drainage.

I hope your foot recovers. For all the flak it gets, some of the problems you've had would not have happened in the NHS.


detections, infections, rejections, go sit on the group W bench

I fully comprehend the medical ringer you're going through.

In my case, the doctor's went in to stabilize my left ankle. The little bitty incision formed a channel the staphylococcus that are normal could get in.. 17 yes SEVENTEEN surgeries later I lost the battle to keep the fool.

I'll be praying for you. If they are not providing care in a timely fashion, ask to speak to their supervisor. Keep going up the decision tree until you reach the right doobee. Then be sure to say please and thankyou. (sorry everything important I learned in romper room. If you get to the pinnacle of the organization and they still won't help. See when their stockholder's meeting is scheduled, and buy 1 share. Then you can get a chance to tell your story. Nominate yourself for the board.. Run on the "You know patients are people too."


Juries bend over backward to give doctors and especially nurses the benefit of the doubt. The odds of winning a malpractice suit are incredibly small. Law firms will only take those that offer a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. That's pure economics.

I've been involved in malpractice insurance on and off for four decades. I've seen terrible things go unpunished. Peer review sometimes works. Sometimes.

On the other hand, people are extremely quick to sue. Those that have the money to actually hire an attorney for an hourly fee, often sue because they're mad or distraught because they lost a loved one. This occurs quite often for midwifes making malpractice insurance quote expensive. Much more money spent on defense than on actual awards.

I'm sorry for your pain. You've displayed compassion on this site and do not deserve what has occurred.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Did no one grow up on the farm?

BarbieLee's picture

Katie, honey, what are "YOU" doing to treat it? Soaking it in hot water and Epsom Salts? Add Borax to the pan when you do. Live near any farm stores like Gebos or Atwoods? Pick up a bottle of DMSO back in the vet department. Pour part of that into the pan.

Castor oil is called the palm of Christ. After a good long soak in the hot water mix and the foot is dry apply Castor oil and pull on a heavy sock for the rest of the night.

Your farm store will have dozens of salves for infections back in the vet department. One I can think of off hand is named Red Salve. There are others. Put it on your foot after you get up in the morning after you washed off what was left of the Castor oil.

You think we don't value that hundred thousand dollar horse or prize bull more than we do people? I can't imagine letting an infection get that far gone in man or animal. Farm-ranch people are always stepping on something and piercing the foot or feet. Those times, I jump on to the treatment when I finally make it into the house at night to make sure I can keep going day in and day out. Moms and farmers don't have days off. There is no one to take our place or take up the slack. Besides I'm not sure there are that many real doctors left in this world. Most act as pill venders instead of doctors. You're lucky if you have one that still diagnoses the problems.

Disclaimer for the FDA I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. I'm only thinking what I might do.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl