It might be fake

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So this is interesting, or at least I think so.

Today I got a certified letter in the mail. It is an invitation for me to try out for a reality television show. It appears that one of the networks wants to put on something to rival "The Biggest Loser" and because of my sports background they think I'm a good candidate.

At first I assumed it was a joke or some kind of scam to get me to buy vacation property in the middle of Iraq, but who sends that kind of thing certified mail? I called the number and had a lengthy conversation with the lady on the other end. She asked a ton of questions, mostly concerning health and availability. The people would like me to come up to Atlanta in a few months for some kind of screening. I was thinking: here it comes, the pitch. I mentioned my schedule and work requirements and they offered to fly me up in time for the screening and then fly me back before work. They also said that if I got selected for the show that I would be compensated (and the money is more than I would make in a year).

I guess if plane tickets show up that it would be legit, right? I wouldn't mind losing weight, but I think more research is required. The only thing that made it sound legit was who they said they got my name from and I know that he is associated with a production company. Even when I told them I was transgender they didn't have an issue and started a slew of questions on that end and even started using my chosen name. To me it sounds like a gag, but what's there to lose, right?

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