So this is interesting, or at least I think so.
Today I got a certified letter in the mail. It is an invitation for me to try out for a reality television show. It appears that one of the networks wants to put on something to rival "The Biggest Loser" and because of my sports background they think I'm a good candidate.
At first I assumed it was a joke or some kind of scam to get me to buy vacation property in the middle of Iraq, but who sends that kind of thing certified mail? I called the number and had a lengthy conversation with the lady on the other end. She asked a ton of questions, mostly concerning health and availability. The people would like me to come up to Atlanta in a few months for some kind of screening. I was thinking: here it comes, the pitch. I mentioned my schedule and work requirements and they offered to fly me up in time for the screening and then fly me back before work. They also said that if I got selected for the show that I would be compensated (and the money is more than I would make in a year).
I guess if plane tickets show up that it would be legit, right? I wouldn't mind losing weight, but I think more research is required. The only thing that made it sound legit was who they said they got my name from and I know that he is associated with a production company. Even when I told them I was transgender they didn't have an issue and started a slew of questions on that end and even started using my chosen name. To me it sounds like a gag, but what's there to lose, right?
If they ask if you know anyone else interested
you have my email!
Melanie E.
Sounds serious
In your place I'd check what reputation the production company has. Also, they will make use of your transgender status. The question is if it will be in a positive or negative way.
I really hope its legit
it would be awesome for you
Most reality shows
are designed to enable the individuals concerned to destroy themselves in front of the whole world. I'd be very cautious about accepting anything to do with them.
I watched the first two seasons of SURVIVOR, not too bad. The third season is when it got nasty and turned into a train wreck. My wife watched and I did something else with that hour.
A missed opportunity will never be repeated
I've been around too long. That said take heart and don't let the negatives get in the way of the positives. Check backgrounds, references, names you can check out. What have they done before? Are they representing another studio or are they the top tier? Names of individuals who have joined or will be joining?
If they are legit the questions won't bother them. They will realize you are interested and coming prepared. Honest people appreciate those who look before they leap. Dishonest ones want everyone to leap before they look.
May God send His angels to guide you and protect you. May your own personal angel be on the job. I'm sure everyone is proud of you and to tell the truth a little bit envious. You have more moxi than me. Years back I was invited to be on the Dr. Phil show. I turned it down. I'm not a public person. I have no regrets. Make sure your choice doesn't leave you with any either.
Live life like you own it because there are no seconds
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Don't go.
Unless those that sent the plane tickets, given you information on who they are and what they want from you, with it being verified in advance, don't go. Because the possibilities are likely from bad to worse.
Also, don't sign anything.
And if it is for tickets outside of the country. Find help. This be very bad for you, because someone might have a lot of your personal information, and might have ill intents for you.
Contact the person who recommended you to them?
Since you know who they got your name from, get in touch with him and get his opinion of them. The fact that they're willing to pay for you to come up says to me that they're probably not a scam, at least, but that doesn't really say anything about the quality of the work they might do, or how they might decide to edit the results.
At the very least, I don't recall "The Biggest Loser" being quite as absurdly exploitative as most "reality" shows, so if they're shooting for something in that vein, you might be OK.
The show is legit
The show is very hard to get on and if they are offering you chance to get on then this could help you a lot. I would love the chance to get paid to get help with losing weight. Plus as an author it would get your name out there more and chance to get gbc done as a movie series.
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.