A real life transgender story

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The New Face of Transgender Youth
by Katie Couric News Video 7:52 mins

What defines gender? Is it biology, the heart and mind, or some combination of both? As the debate surrounding transgender children swirls, one girl is sharing her personal story with Katie Couric in the hope that she can help others.


No matter what your personal opinion is or what you believe, no two transgender are the same. Some know by the time they are four or five something went terribly wrong. They aren't who they were supposed to be. Others realize what they have been feeling or fighting all their life by the time they are sixty or seventy years old.

Despite what most want to think of as a black or white issue (you either are or your aren't TG) it isn't that simple. And then there is a huge grey area in between boy and girl. So much to the equation of what defines one gender or another we might understand in another million years. But don't count on it. First off practice the Rule of Medicine. First do no harm. If what they do isn't affecting you physically then accept them or leave them alone. I'm pretty sure God didn't appoint any of us as fashion police nor gender police. If you think He did then you and I need to have a meeting.




I've been following Jazz for a long time and even at 7 when I first saw her, she was FEMALE. It was always clear. I wish her the best.



fikrst post... this week we shuld Christine J. and all those who have served. thank youjm.

Such a sweet kid.

She has an adult manner about her but still retaining her innocence. There is a lot to be said about how supportive her parents are which makes all the difference in the world.

But remember her success is paving the road for the future others who share our path as we paved the way for her and others to be who they are. Our sacrifices and pain were for a purpose, and our courage to " suffer The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune, Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles, And by opposing, end them? "


With those with open eyes the world reads like a book


Huge grey area.

I can't help but quite agree. I think most people and I emphasize most, are actually gender androgynous. I'm not referring to those that strongly associate themselves to one gender.
I think in terms of Androgyny, nurture can make a huge difference in how one identifies their gender. A case in point I refer to is Thailand where so many mothers raise their male children as girls because they desire a daughter. The high proportion of Ladyboys would attest to the idea that this can effect gender identification.
Saying the idea that gender identification can be flexible like this I suppose would horrify hard religious people but ehhh.