.... Through the Years I remembered that I'd read another story but I can't remember the author or title.
From what I remember there is a family cabin or summer house by a lake, main character and his/her parents and grandparent, for a celebration, maybe his/her birthday.
Before this happens rumours of main characters cross-dressing have got round, Aunt arrives [mum/dads sister] with cousins, youngest cousin is really close to main character, so gets out of the car and runs to main character, aunt then assaults main character.
Later same cousin and another get lost in the woods, and main character finds lost duo.
I can't remember much more, apart from the uncle has some very extreme views, which end in divorce.
The Kelly Anderson Chronicles
I recognised your description, having just recently reread that story, and throughly enjoyed it again.
It is The Kelly Anderson Chronicles by Kristine Roland.
And with the new kudos module I was able to add a few more kudos. The new module showed me where a Kudo had not registered previously. So over time I will be rereading my favorite stories (and maybe some other stories by my favorite authors) and making sure that I have given all the kudos I can give.
Thank you!
Definitely the right stories, I've just finished re-reading them.
And enjoyed them.
Thank you again for the Link.