I reckon it's about time I made another blog entry. Again I don't remember all of the fine stories I have enjoyed since the last post, but I'll list what I can remember without repeating ones mentioned in earlier posts (well, some may creep in). So here goes.
Take Three Girls by Christina H
This has now reached its end. I particularly enjoyed this story as it was autobigraphical. It is great to read about real-life events, especially when they are so well written. Christina says she changed the names and it looks like she took inspiration from the calendar - Nice!
Some of the events in the story are quite harrowing, but true life can be so ugly rather too often. Thanks for sharing such a personal story.
I am in danger of doing reviews which is not really what I set out to do. So here is a list of stories I have read and enjoyed since last time. These ones have now ended (for now).
- Joeys Joy, and Case 1: Terri Kinsey by Shauna
- Best Friends Forever by Jennifer Sue (Someone suggested this could be a novel. I agree)
Still being written (probably)
- Think Like a Man by JulieDCole
- The Housemate by Freja Celeste
- For Friends and Family by Christina H
- Tamara's Debut by Shiraz
- Sisters Forever by SueBrown
Why NOT do reviews?
I think that a good reviewer on the site would actually be a very cool thing to see. It might be difficult to do so without offending certain authors, but it could be very handy to readers looking for something new.
Melanie E.
Mel is spot on. Those of us who sell our stuff live by reviews, and that is clearly a very important issue, but the authors who share their creations here are effectively doing it blind unless readers have the grace and courtesy to tell said writers what they think.
Comments, it has been said so, so often here, are the food and drink of contributors. A properly constructed review would be appreciated. I mean, I do love a comment such as "Loved that one; more please", but a comment along the lines of "Loved that, because I liked.... More, please" is a delight.
Maybe we should petition Erin for a "reviews" forum section?
There's a lot of times if there's a story I'm interested in but I'm not really sure about I'll wait and check out the comments on them, but I know a lot of readers who don't do so. A section of the forums where people can simply post reviews detached from the stories themselves could be quite handy: authors don't necessarily have to read the reviews or worry about them being attached to the tail end of their stories, readers who haven't checked out the story itself can get an opinion on them beforehand, comment strings can be attached to the review rather than the story itself, allowing discussion of the review content that doesn't detract from comments that are speculation on the story or congratulations to the author.
Just an idea. Authors could even post their own topics about their stories asking for reviews or even not to be reviewed if they are uncomfortable with the idea of the kind of criticism reviews typically include.
Melanie E.
I couldn't agree more...
First, I am totally surprised and absolutely honored that I am included on the list above. I am really grateful for the feedback and that they were enjoyed. :)
It is tough gauging where readers stand on stories, at times. You can look at the basic stats--numbers of reads vs. numbers of likes. Those are sometimes really hard to analyze, though. So, I may have over 3000 'reads' and only ~100 'likes'--does that mean the story bombed? Or is that really good? On top of that, I may have ten comments...many of which basically say..."I didn't like it." OK, that is not really helpful... If it is just your genre; well, that can't be helped. If it is full of errors--or can't be followed, then that is something I can fix. Of course, the ones that say, "Awesome! Keep it up!," are really nice... But WHAT was awesome?
True constructive criticism/critique would be great!. It is really hard to take, at times...and whoever is doing it needs credibility... But, it could be a really nice tool to help build writing skills for those that desire to do so. :)
I Agree with the rest of the Girls - To a Point
First I really must thank you for including me in your latest reads, I am vey humbled but also over the moon. Take Three Girls was a very personal story which I wasn't going to write but the two girls involved insisted also an on line friend said it would show the very different routes we take to end up as the finished article. Thank you again Mandy.
As an aside I absolutely loved Rhona MacCloud's Aunty Av and the Bubble Witch it was a Quirky Fairy tale a really great slant on the story.
As to the subject of a critique area - well yes and no. I have posted on other sites where you need a bullet proof vest and a hide like a Elephant the comments are vitriolic and hurting and not an honest critique of the work.
For an author who's work goes on sale criticism is part and parcel as long as it's objective, honest and helpful I cannot see a problem as even adverse criticism helps you become a better writer.
As for a section on BC I am not too sure as personalities could come into it the job would be a poisoned chalice for the person who was brave enough to take it on. A lot of people could get hurt.